Sunday, January 8, 2012

Christmas Division

Christmas Division

Hello everyone and welcome to the Vortex where lies and falsehoods are trapped and
exposed. I’m Michael Voris.
In this wonderful season of Christmas .. the Holy Catholic Church holds out a very
sobering reality .. that this little babe did not come to unite .. but to divide.
Now that will probably fly right in the face of every politically correct inanity you have
been told and perhaps even heard from some pulpits or read in religious periodicals
recently .. but it’s absolutely true.
This is why within the octave of Christmas .. the eight days beginning on Christmas ..
that we celebrate not just the feasts but the MARTYRDOMS of not one but three
different martyrs .. or more specifically groups of martyrs.
Immediately on the heels of all the Christmas frivolity and excitement .. the VERY
NEXT DAY .. December 26th .. we stop and remember the martyrdom of St. Stephen who
swore allegiance to the child of Bethlehem and was viciously killed for it. Division.
Two days later .. on the 28th of December .. we recall the horror of the children
slaughtered by King Herod who hated the Christ child because he feared for his throne.
Again .. Division.
And then on December 29th .. the commemoration of the English Bishop Thomas Beckett
who was murdered in his own Canterbury cathedral by agents of King Henry II .. to
whom the popular quote is ascribed .. “won’t someone rid my of this turbulent priest”.
Not for nothing that within the first four days of Christmastide do we encounter three
different days for martyrs .. because the child of Bethlehem isn’t about candy canes and
sentimentality .. but rather .. about the war and bloodshed that will come about as a result
of Him establishing His Reign.
He Himself said .. “Do not think that I came to send peace upon earth: I came not to send
peace, but the sword.”
The Church has no desire for us to lose sight of the battle that we are in .. indeed .. the
battle itself is actually engaged because of Christmas .. the appearance among us of the
savior who will grow to full maturity and wage a heavenly campaign against the forces of darkness.
And here is a little something that many Catholics are perhaps not aware of .. Tradition
has it the wise men returned to their countries and ultimately were martyred due to their
unflinching resolve to worship the one true God.
After gazing on the child in the manger .. the authentic response is now be willing to pay
the cost of discipleship .. no matter how high.
GOD Love you .. I’m Michael Voris.

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