Monday, March 22, 2010

The era of the Coward

It is a truly sad time in America and in the Roman Catholic Church. We are surrounded by evil and our outer most flanks are completely awash with cowards.
Archbishops begging followers to obey. Catholic politicians turning on their morals out of fear for losing political stature. People from all walks of life just handing over their birthright for false promises of security.
Especially at this time of Lent when we know that Jesus set the example by getting in the devil's face and telling him to get lost. We take that example and throw it away like a used pez dispenser. Nope we want the kingdom, we want the food, and we want to test God!
We are weak, and we can only gain strength through the sacraments and prayer. I am sorry to my fellow Church Militant and to God for not doing all I could to protect these souls which belong to God. I firmly resolve to correct my errors and to practice Faith, Hope, and Charity as I should. I especially promise to remain steadfast in my support of the Priesthood, and squashing the perversion of the faith from within.
Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa, Mea Maxima Culpa
posted by Simplex Vir

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