Saturday, April 11, 2009

Pope Benedict XVI All to receive the Host on their knees, and on their tongue

While the Holy Father has made it clear that the reception of Holy Communion kneeling and on the tongue is his preference and is now his practice at Papal Masses, as you can see in the video below, Msgr. Jim Lisante has recently tried to mandate that First Communicants at his parish may only receive Holy Communion in the hand.

At the meeting for parents of First Communicants at his parish this last month, Msgr. Lisante apparently informed the parents that their children could only receive their First Communion in the hand at their First Communion Mass in May. After all, they were told, the apostles didn't receive Holy Communion at the Last Supper on the tongue.

Fortunately, an astute observer---appointed under the previous regime---was able to convince the pastor that forcing children to receive Communion in the hand is against Church law, something our easygoing, "make-it-up-as-you-go-alo ng" pastor, a former Chancery official, and a long-time monsignor,(having been appointed in his early 30's) didn't seem to know.

As it stands now, thanks to the quick intervention of the above-mentioned observer, the 2009 First Communion class will be instructed on the reception of Holy Communion both in the hand and on the tongue, and the latter option will be available to them at their First Communion Mass.

Are we to believe Bishop Murphy's claim that Msgr. Jim Lisante is the best possible choice for the spiritual lives of the people of Our Lady of Lourdes when, in addition to distorting the Church's teaching on marriage and family, as has been amply demonstrated on this blog, he can't even seem to get the Church's discipline straight on the manner in which Holy Communion is to be distributed?

Now here's a thought: Since we all know Bishop Murphy has invested too much political capital in Msgr. Lisante to ever admit he has made a serious mistake in sending him to OLL, how about him asking instead for the resignation of the 3-member clerical panel who ostensibly recommended this disastrous mismatch in the first place?

Just askin'....

(Be sure to watch the video below of Pope Benedict distributing Holy Communion to a long line of people at one of his outdoor Masses in the Vatican. At 4:14 is another little girl receiving her First Communion.

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