Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The real story of the Health (UN-Care) Bills

Major Issue: Healthcare and Reaction to It
By Helen Moore: Permission by Dr Alan Keys:

The healthcare proposals are receiving opposition not only from Republicans but from Democrats as well. This brings together a number of the things we’ve been talking about throughout our webinar sessions.

Let’s Put this Into the Context of the Overall Issues We’ve Talked About:

Our Constitutional Form of Government

This should always be our foremost concern toward things. It should be quite natural to ask what the impact of any new legislation or policy will be on the Constitutional form of government in the US.

Proponents are talking about the ability to provide healthcare for everyone but that’s not what we are talking about. Sit back and consider the two fundamental sides:

There are those who say here is healthcare that will take care of all our problems—cover everyone, meet all our needs and insist it is the only answer. This argument focuses on results and the discussion is engaged by the opposition.

The opposition says this is not true; this will not be the result of the proposals being put forward. Instead, these proposals for healthcare will obstruct liberty.

Look at this and ask if the discussion is based on the real premise which is: What is the aim of the proposal? Is it to produce good results, efficiency, etc.?

Obama says if we take our existing Healthcare System and put it entirely under the control of the federal government this will produce good Healthcare.

What is the evidence for this?

Such systems exist in Russia, Canada, the UK, in many countries. But do they work? Are they less costly? There is no evidence to suggest they work or are less costly. People who live under such systems, when they have the wherewithal to do so, come to America to get Healthcare.

They come here because they want to come to the place where the Healthcare is the best in the world.

So the current administration wants to take a system recognized by people who are living under centralized, government controlled Healthcare as the best and who want to come here to take advantage of our system, and change it to imitate the very systems they are coming to our country to avoid. Yet this administration wants to go down this road to government controlled Healthcare and expects that the results are going to be better here than they are in other countries who have already gone down this path.

Think about this: A simple logical deduction from what I’ve just said; from the real proof the world has had with this Healthcare experiment.

In these government controlled systems we see less experience, less research, people denied access to Healthcare, people kept waiting, unnecessary deaths, poor diagnoses, and poor treatment. I can tell you from personal experience in a relative’s family that when a person finally gets through this maze to treatment and the patient dies on the operating table, the family is told they waited too long to get treatment.

No, the truth is the patient was victimized by the system. The delays in these government controlled systems are fatal because one misdiagnosis follows another. The system manipulates patients until they die. This is the reality of socialized, government run Healthcare.

These are real facts and the real experiences of a socialistic Healthcare system.

If a government wanted good results for Healthcare, they would not start by imitating systems with a veneer of EQUALITY in which people are mistreated until they die.

If we want to effectively reform Healthcare, we need to look at what makes our system superior and emphasize those things. We want to get more of what is good into our system; not replace what is good in our system with a system that has proved over and over to be a failure.

Economist, Milton Friedman, wrote an article in which he looked at government controlled Healthcare. His conclusion was that if you analyze what has been pushing the cost higher in our system and creating less efficiency, you find it has been those things in which the US had already gone down the road of socialized medicine under the guise of Medicare and Medicaid.

The third party payer—the insurance companies in our system also had a key role in raising cost and lowering efficiency because they have interfered with the interface between patient and doctor in the delivery of Healthcare. By placing themselves between the consumer in a position in which the consumer can no longer police the connection between their treatment and their provider.

If you want the best results, you would eliminate those parts of our system which imitate government controlled systems and put consumers back in the driver’s seat.

When you see some insisting we should go down a path that puts Healthcare more and more in control of the government, you should conclude:

They do not care about the results.

What they are really after is control, not results

There will be certain factions that will control what many Americans depend on for life and death.

Put all of this in the context of what we’ve seen over the past several months. They are taking control over other aspects of our life. They are gathering the reins of power and control not just in areas that have to do with foreign policy, etc (which are the real job of the federal government) but rather they are taking control of our businesses, of our credit, etc.

If this is their aim, then it would seem we are moving down a road in which every time you want to make a move you will need to get permission from the government and those who control the government.

I wish I could tell you that all that I’m telling you is hypothetical but I cannot. It is exactly how the totalitarian regimes have worked. In such a regime to have livelihood, a family, a home you are at the mercy of the central government.

This means there is a group of favored people who run government and others who garner favor with those in government who will control each person at the most fundamental level.


As an American what is your responsibility to accept any of this?

Our people are bound to preserve liberty. How can people do this when everything they do is dependent on this same group of people in government who control every aspect of their life?

They are usurping our ability to govern ourselves. We will reach a point where there will be no real elections. They will try to keep the appearance of government of, by and for the people but you will not have the substance of such self-government. There will be no ability for the people to stand apart from those in power.

Once you have put life and death experiences in the hands of a governing body, how can the people govern themselves and have any personal control over their government and their lives?

Even Republicans these days accept the false premise that pure motives are operating. It is so obvious that what is being proposed will not produce good results, so what is the real motive? We are heading toward the end of self-government.

They base their analysis upon the premise or claim that the people want a better system, but when you begin to examine it, you begin to get wind of the ideology at work. Start to look at some of the specifics:

People are quietly trying to use the public money to fund Planned Parenthood—an organization that exists to kill babies.

To achieve efficiency they will look at people who are at the end of life and they want to counsel them to make decisions to shorten their own lives for the sake of efficiency—the sake of the dollar. They will provide them with counselors who will help them come to grips with the “noble reality” of truth for the greater good. A MENTALITY OF EUTHANSIA.

Trust me, this is not about cost-effectiveness. There is a cost involved in killing babies and to keep older people alive. The message is that people who are getting older have a REDUCED POTENTIAL. THEY WANT TO SPEND MONEY, THEY SAY, ON PEOPLE WHO HAVE A GREATER POTENTIALITY QUOTIENT.

Think about this idea—they are saying that some people and some stages of life have greater potentiality than others. Well, the most potential exists at the beginning of life. So you would think if they wanted good results, efficiency, they would spend money to preserve life at the very beginning.

But you find in their proposals statements that support spending money to kill those at the beginning of life—at the point at which the most potential exists.

It’s all lies! They are willing to kill at the beginning of life and at the end of life. The underlying notion that shows the real nature of their premise which says that a person’s real potential cannot be measured in time or by God.

Dr. Keyes is spending a lot of time thinking about this and taking kind of a personal survey. He asks people: What years of your life would you be willing to give up? And what about the time of the lives of your loved ones who are most frail? The lives of those we love and value cannot be quantified.

Take a typical adolescent. They are mostly thinking about themselves. Eventually they grow older and reach the most important time of their lives—the time they share with others, have children, have grand children—all of this in their older years. These are the years in which largely they give comfort, guidance, care and love.

Compare the adolescent and the older person and think of spending money to preserve life at the selfish stage and to preserve life at the stage where you give more of yourself to others. Can you place a value of one over the other?

Obama and his people are objectifying people and taking away all those things that cannot be measured in dollars. They will do a calculation that to them will validate their offences against human dignity. The people who make these decisions will look at people with no regard for human life.

When we get to the point where we realize what is going on, we will understand this is not just Healthcare. It will have become a transformation of hearts and consciences to accept the objectification of grandma and grandpa based on the dollars it might take to keep them healthy and alive. [My own addition: They will have made us into cold, calculating, obedient zombies.]

We are walking down a path that has repeatedly been perpetuated by totalitarian governments. THIS IS WHAT ALL OF THIS IS REALLY ABOUT.

And it is what the American principles guard against. We need to think very carefully before we willingly give up these principles and freedoms.

By seeing the intrinsic value of each and every human life, we restrain human power that looks to control every aspect of our lives.

The value of human life is approaching zero!

The moral consequences of taking 1 or 10 or 100 or 1 million lives is approaching zero.

If 1 life has no value, then 1 million lives have no value.

There is a question not only of the form of regime which is developing but also a question of the formation of conscience that is developing.

The Obama faction will destroy consciences.

If you think this through, you will find in it the most important health issue of all. Think of the kinds of slaughters and purges that have gone on throughout history. Think of Nazi Germany; think of modern day Rwanda. What is being proposed to us both in Healthcare and in what is happening to our form of government comes from the same type of mentality that produced the horrors of Nazi Germany and modern Rwanda to name just a few of the regimes of slaughter in history-- complete control of lives and complete disdain for the value of life.

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