Saturday, November 7, 2009

Reading on St. Padre Pio

I have been reading the Life of St. Padre Pio, and the trials he had to endure continuously, day in and day out. He even had to overcome trials challenging his own faith, and he overcame these trials by following what had been taught to him in the novitiate: perseverance in prayer, motification of the senses, unshakable fidelity to the demands of one's duty, and finally, perfect obedience to the priest (Fr Robert Mason), in charge of his soul.
his painfully acquired experience allowed him to draw to himself,
souls desirous of perfection, and to be demanding.
To the souls he directed, he gave a five point rule: weekly confession, daily communion, and spiritual reading, examination of conscience each evening, and mental prayer twice a day. As for the recitation of the rosary, it is so necessary, it goes without saying.
"Confession is the soul's bath. You must go at least once a week. I do not want souls to stay away from confession more than a week. Even a clean and unoccupied room gathers dust; return after a week, and you will see that it needs dusting again"

To those who declare themselves unworthy to receive holy Communion,he answers
"It is quite true, we are not worthy of such a gift. However, to approach the Blessed Sacrament in a state of mortal sin is one thing, and to be unworthy, quite another. All of us are unworthy,
but it is He who invites us. It is He who desires it. Let us humble ourselves and receive Him with a heart contrite and full of love."

How beautiful, and how much truth has been taught by our true Pastor, Fr. Robert Mason, and yet there are those who were angered by this approach, and because St. Padre Pio may have said the same things, these same parishioners would cheer their heads off.
Just some observations, while reading on St. Padre Pio.
Yours in Jesus,

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