Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Just to let you know what is happening to me.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Just to let you know what is happening to me.
I have been threatened by a poster Nange4jpl(aka nancy-ann) who has started a campaign designed to shut me down, and shut me up. The former holder of this blog was a GENTLEMAN, and maybe was approached by the Bishop or someone from the Bishops office, I have not found out yet. I believe this Nange4jpl was the starter of the
"Death Threats" that they claim Msgr Lisante had received. I have been slandered,
character assassinated, demeaned, and lies about my past work record, where they claim that I had been fired. All Lies to try to shut me up. I believe that I have reported the truth, and gave my feeling on what has transpired at OLLMP. At the
website that I had originally started posting, I had even tried to broker a meeting with Msgr Lisante, to try to bring about a meeting of the minds. I was demeaned,
and answered with "who do you think you are, why would Msgr Lisante meet with you or any of your group". I have not been a group, just one solitary retired man, who refuses to accept being attacked, and seing a loving parish being turned up-side down, and the parish attacked by mean actions taken against it. Those at the other sites, can not accept the truth, have no answers to the questions presented to them,
and only attack the poster, not the messages. The following is the latest, where when I complained about the Crucifix being removed from the Altar, one of the snakes
tried to bite me as you will see.This ListeningIn, claimed that the huge crucifix to the left of the Altar, was ON THE ALTAR. when I called him/her on it, they tried to insinuate that I was gay by saying they smell lavender. when a picture of the Altar at ollmp showed clearly that the huger 8 foot crucifix is to the left of the stairs leading up to the Altar, they could not accept that, this was a short follow-up post that ensued:

[QUOTE who="ListeningIn "] Nange you're the best! Thanks for being on this from the beginning.[/QUOTE]

What happened ListeningIn, you made a fool out of yourself at the "
Cutting of pastor's role called 'vindictive'",site, by saying that the 8 foot crucifix was on the altar, and you ran to your Doctor here?
Better you go to an ophthalmologist ,and get your eyes checked out.
Nancy-Ann can't help you there, she went into a rage when I pointed out all of her name callings, and diagnosis of everyone being out of their minds. I guess when you have no answers for the truth, that is what you do, you demean, slander, make up stories......etc, just like the story made up about my work ethics,
and that I was fired, all LIES, and when I called her on that, the attacks on me really heated up, and now she is crying to the Bishop? Police? FBI? Berkeley college? Who knows who else? There is nothing I have done wrong, outside of telling the truth, which the guilty can not stand. TOO BAD! This is still the United States of America, and Freedom of speech is still our right.
You and Nange, and the rest of your vitriolic crew can slander,make up stories, demean, Lie, and that is alright? If you would stick to the subject that is posted that would make sense.
But NO, you have no answers to the truth, so you attack the messenger. Is this what Msgr Lisante is teaching?
You are all a bunch of babies, you can give it alright, but when you get it back, you cry to mommy, "He's talking back to me , can't you shut him up". Stopthewacko, ListeningIn....all followed me to another site, and from that site DA Broad and others followed
me, and attacked me. Did I start calling on anyone to help me?, that I was being "Stalked"? NO! You all are just a bunch of spoiled children in raging tantrums because you can not get your way, and can not understand that I have taken all of your attacks and still remain standing and "on the job". I was taught a long long time ago, "if you can not take the heat, get out of the kitchen" If you children would have listened to Nange in the first place, and not started following me around from one site to the other,I would have stayed put, and even was willing to make that deal, but I was laughed at and received a renewal of attacks.
The dates and posts can easily be seen,and what I say can also be seen, as well as all of your demeaning , slanderous lies, and character assassinations. So take your threats and shove them,
meanwhile I will still be praying for each one of you losers.
Yours in Jesus,

I have posted this to ensure that everyone that reads my posts know what is happening
for I have no Idea what course these vitriols will take.
ST Michael, defend us in battle.
Semper Fidelis

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