Saturday, May 28, 2011

Where was he born?

I know you have been concentrating on Israel, and I too believe it is very important, but these stories is very important if it is true. I have attached two stories that I was made aware of this week, regarding photoshopping of Obama's birth certificate. Please follow up on this because THIS could be the linch pin that starts America back on the right path.

Thank you for all you do for America, your love of God, and your willingness to tell the truth.

First story:

WND is reporting that Donald Trump has not backed off from his search for the truth about Obama's birth certificate. Jerome Corsi has published a book, and done extensive studies that prove the Birth Certificate is a fraud.

Link to this story

Second story:

This exclusive, and very liberal Tech HS in San Diego set out to prove a right wing wacko conspiracy, and ended up confirming that the wackos ARE RIGHT !.... Uh Oh... Looks like things are going to heat up very fast , this is the second report in two days that proves photo-shopping of the birth certificate. The article is funny because the kids are hard-core liberals and they are kind of pissed they found the truth, and now have to "Disinvite" Obama to their commencement..... why isn't this front page news ??????

Link to this story

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