Wednesday, May 4, 2011

President Bush was the reason


Yes, ObaZombies... it was that evil Dubya and that horrific/wonderful 'enhanced interrogation technique' more commonly known as water boarding that lead to the demise

Rep. Peter King, Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, admitted that while water boarding of Khalid Sheik Mohammed, he gave up vital info that led the dominoes to start falling for bin-Laden (see video, left).

This began back during Dubya's Administration.

That's right, it was The Dark Overlord all you hand-wringing, breast-beating, self-loathing, ever apologizing liberals can thank for the demise of one, Usama bin-Laden.

Thank you, George.

Thank you, CIA.

Thank you, SEAL Team 6.

From a grateful nation.

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