Thursday, April 15, 2010

The snake has resurfaced again

After many months, the carpetbagger from St Thomas has resurfaced again. Nange4jpl
enamoured with the new Pastor, in spite of the destruction he has caused in the
parish of Our Lady of Lourdes, and has stated she is a "Mental Health Professional".
Not someone I would recommend!She is now posting from Malverne L.I., no longer from
Rockville Center.

[QUOTE who="nange4JPL"] Once again, I'll repeat to you...Do something positive with your life, stop the spreading of the disease that is in your foul and lascivious mouth and heart.
The choice is yours, you can, with the sacrament of reconciliation, turn your behavior and return to Jesus, heart, soul and mind.
I do hope, for as long as Our Lord keeps you on this earth, that somewhere inside that the pain of your feelings inadequacy, you begin to accept as an illness and seek council to heal, This life of anger has led you to become a bully behind an blog-- Ib reality, Itzik, a bully is always fighting inadequacy and shame issues, Are you this way with your family, friends and associates?? I presume you are, on some level, impossible for those around you to converse with, without any breaks in reality.
Do your grandchildren read your diatribes about Msgr.?
Don't let your shame continue to keep you buried in a life of erratic behavior. There is help out there for this illness. But it's up to you to take the first step.
Good Luck
Always in the hope of healing,
Nancy Ann

Do yourself a favor NancyAnn, and do not give out any of your phony
psychological garbage to anyone but your fiends like What Nonsense, and Anonymous. In your mind anyone who stands up to the
establishment has a mental problem. Truth is NancyAnn, you are the
one that has the problem, as you can not see past your adoration
of a scripted Pastor who can not see any further than his own
mirror, and his narcissistic nature.
Our opposition was not a planned course, but one of self defense
of OUR PARISH, and the way it has been degraded by a Pastor who
has admitted that he did not want to be Pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes. As we would say in Brooklyn, "The fish stinks from the head down". The ignoring of 450 parishioners(I was there), expressing their wishes, was ignored by the Bishops committee.
Better that the meeting had not been held, than to go through
the farce that occurred. Our Parish would have remained vibrant,
cohesive, and faithful to the needs of the parish, as it had always been. You and your Liberal Catholics are trying to shift the blame of what has happened from the leadership, to the parishioners. Because of the actions of the Bishop, the Pastor,
and the Sick Assistant Pastor, they have torn apart this model
parish, into a divided, unresponsive parish that feels beaten
in heart and spirit. The job of the shepherd is to care for the flock, not beat it into submission, and be driven away.
A Pastor that talks love, and beats and drives away his parishioners, does everything he can to irritate, and anger them,
is a Pastor in tittle only, dealing in grandiose speech making,
and not in true pastoral action. When I had suggested a peaceful
solution, I was demeaned by your friend "Tony", Listeningln, Nomorekoolaid....etc, with the response of "who are you that the
Pastor should listen to?" Do you remember that NancyAnn? Or do you
have selected memory? And now the Pastor and entourage, are trying
to appear as wanting to bring the parish together. Those who have
left the parish,feel they were driven away, and did not leave of
their own free will. You and your foolish liberal parishioners are as much to blame as are the Bishop, and the pastor. I think the final nail was what he had done to the M & M twins, I guess the
Pastor couldn't share the stage with anyone else.
If you can not see what has happened, then you are the one that
should be a Patient, instead of the physician.
With all that has happened, the only winner was the Devil, and
there is no satisfaction in being right, if the outcome still ended in the destruction of the parish and those poor children, whom the Past Pastor, tried to save.
Always in Jesus,

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