Friday, October 9, 2009

Nobel Peace Prize? For What?

I have noted that President Zero Obama, has been awarded the Nobel Peace Award. FOR DOING NOTHING,
Truely a form of the Anti-Christ who must have hypnotic powers, to dull the minds of the intelligensia, which proves that because they have much education, they sadly lack the common sense of normal people.
I must thank President Zero Obama, for being able to revive the Conservative movement in the the united states, and for Awakening the spirit of the Moral Majority in America. This may be seen starting this year, in the elections. The American people can take just so much, and when they push back, WATCH OUT DEMOCRATIC CONGRESS, you are going to be swept out, along with all of the DIRT.
Remember those in Congress, were the do nothings in office during the last 4 years of President Bush, and had the lowest approval rating of any other congress, and lower than President Bush. I believe that Nancy Pewlousy had held something over Bush's head, as a stark change came over him, after their meeting.

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