Friday, February 18, 2011

Why I may be remiss in my postings here.

If any of you readers here may know, I post on three other blogs, "Is it right for the new Pastor to attack his parishioners", and Elmont blog.
Another blog is "Cutting of Pastors roll called Vindictive" in the Massapequ park blogspot.
The third, "Swift name as principal at Our Lady of Lourdes School" also Mass. Park.
I have been malign, slandered,cursed at, and demeaned with lewd references.
Their posts are all without substance, and their intent is only to try to shut me up.
The posters who supposedly are Catholic, or Christian, have aligned themselves with a Woman who posts as "Ilona", or "Puffin Lady". She is obsessed in attacking the Catholic Church, as her family was Catholic(if you are to believe her). She has slandered the Catholic Church, made fun of Jesus with demeaning jokes, posted a prayer that she made up starting with " Our mother which are in ....".
I say this, only to show how far those, who profess to be Catholic, will go, in their attempt to censure my Conservative views, both in the Catholic church, and in my political beliefs. Many supposed Catholic posters, had been on these sites, and not one of them will tell her to shut up speaking against the Catholic Church.
She posts anti-Catholic information that she has cut and pasted from other sources,
the latest quoting Mark Twain. The progressives believe they have the right to
stand up side by side with Wicca, Heretic, Pagans , like this Ilona(PuffinLady), and still feel they are doing nothing wrong, as long as it is against my posts. They do not answer any of the posting information, but instead rant and rave against me.

I am telling you this, so that if you come across any of these Progressive Catholics,
who fear and hate the traditional ways, you will not be silent, and speak out against them. Our Lord GOD said, "FEAR NOT FOR I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS" Isaiah 41:10
This is one of the last posts on those sites:

I have tried to help poor Ilona(PuffinLady),but as most heathen pagans, she is devoid of conscience.
"Itchy Watch" on the other hand is puffed up with his young childlike ways, that he believes he is a grown-up. Quite the contrary, it is a sign of
his "Oppositional Defiant Disorder".
In Puffin Lady's case, her elders were Catholics,
and her unacknowledged "Oppositional Defiant Disorder" went unchecked, and her rebellious nature grew into the Wicca she now follows. as C.S. Lewis wisely observed in his "Letters to an American Lady", "Nothing gives one a more spuriously good conscience than keeping rules, even if there has been a total absence of all real charity and faith. She believing she is free from the bad conscience by doing good deeds, feels that nothing more is needed. In reality, we are called to ore than rule-observance, and in reality, right conscience, does more than alert us to evil.
Her lewdness, foul mouth, posts show the true nature, and anger, still burning inside of her.
I noted that originally she was attacking the "people from India" having 3 day festivities,and on her postings in the topic called "love"(of all things, which she denies posting, as she used the name Ilona, and not Puffin Lady), she offers to meet with anyone at the "frozen Ice cream" stand,and that she "would show you why I am called the John Wayne of Elmont, I do not take any S...from any Indians." So then her actions belie her charity works, that she claims to do, along with her daughter. It would be a case of "do as I say,not as I do" situation, as her lewd mouth and actions show what she is really about. A person frothing with hate and anger, much as she tried to judge every one else. Conscience has an important role of approving, instigating, and inspiring us to positive action. Ilona, is devoid of any conscience, as her posts have proven from the beginning, when she latched on intentionally to this site. It was not by accident, but intentional,as she saw a chance of raving, and ranting against Catholics. She is blind, and refuses to admit to this fact, and is still acting out her "Oppositional Defiant Disorder" I can but pray for her soul, and that of my detractors, "Itchy Watch" al. and reiterate:

Dominus Vobiscum, Omnipotens Deus have misericordia in vestri penuriosus animus

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