Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Muslims/Nazi's alive and well in Bosnia

Members of the Bosnian Army's Handzar Division
After the defeat of the Axis in WWII, the British colonial government exiled the Muslim Brotherhood out of Egypt, and to Saudi Arabia.

"To keep them employed they were given jobs as religious education instructors," Loftus said.

Saudi Arabia, then as now, practices a radical of islam called Wahhabi.

"Saudi Wahhabism is to Islam as the KKK is to Christianity," Loftus said. "It's an extreme and perverted form of religion that was condemned as a heresy by Islam more than 60 times before the 1900s."

"Here is this corrupt cult and all of a sudden the school teachers are Nazis. Here a fusion is born between the two. Schools of hatred were built all over Saudi Arabia," Loftus said.

A well known pupil of these schools is Osama bin Laden, Loftus said. Bin Laden and other graduates of the schools were inducted into an underground neo-Nazi Wahhabi army for Saudi Arabia.

Just as Russia was using Communist Arabs during the cold war, we would use Arab Nazis as a counterweight to oppose them," Loftus said. "When the Soviets invaded Afghanistan in 1979 the Arab (neo) Nazis were let out of the closet.

"Because of the combination of Wahhabi fanaticism and Nazi ideology, waves of people came pouring into Afghanistan to kill the Communists," Loftus said. The Soviets were defeated and the United States left. And, according to Loftus, Osama bin Laden took control and his entire army of neo-Nazi theological cultists were left there alive in the field.

Bin Laden drew up a list of those who he knew he could rely on and called this list 'the base.' Loftus said the Arabic translation of 'the base' is 'al Qaida.'

"Al Qaida is the direct lineal descendant of the Arab Nazis of the Muslim Brotherhood," he said. "We let the Muslim Brotherhood, now known as Al Qaida, to roam free upon the world. Many human beings have paid for that mistake.

(Source- From a speech by John Loftus, to mark Holocaust Remembrance Day, April 18)

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