Tuesday, October 19, 2010

We will prevail, and the Obama-Care will not happen!

All of you voters, that do not want the Government to tell you what to do, and when to die, with the Obama-Care committee making the decisions on your life, please vote
on November, and kick out all of the progressive, socialistic, dictator, congress we have been subject to for the past 4 years.

We are not alone, the rest of America is in agreement with us, and this country was predicated on Congress doing the will of the American people, not to dictate to the American people. November is the time to "Take back America"

Your voice heard: Judge rules against ObamaCare!
Not long ago, we urged you to contact your state governor and attorney general to urge them to challenge the constitutionality of ObamaCare in court.
Your voice was heard! Over 20 state attorneys general filed a lawsuit charging that ObamaCare is flatly unconstitutional.
The great news is that they were told by a federal judge late last week the lawsuit you helped inspire can go forward.
Judge Roger Vinson said that the states "have most definitely stated a plausible claim" that the federal government has absolutely no authority under the Constitution to require people to purchase health insurance.
He also indicated that the sovereign right of states under the 10th Amendment have likely been violated by the federal government's order under ObamaCare to increase their Medicare budgets, which will, in the words of the lawsuit, "run [state] budgets off a cliff."
Even better, the judge said that President Obama's attorneys were making "Alice in Wonderland" arguments as they tried to defend the indefensible.
This lawsuit is likely on its way to the Supreme Court, and you will have helped to get it there. Thanks for weighing in on a critical issue at a critical time!
Don't forget that we have an election of historic importance coming up in just two weeks. AFA Action has prepared a scorecard that includes the vote of your representative and your two senators on ObamaCare. You can view the scorecard for your state here.
Please forward this Scorecard to your family members and friends. You can readily print or share the Scorecard on Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Google, Messenger, etc.
Donald E. Wildmon

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