My friends,
In an email today I was discussing how the UN seeks to impose "International law" on Americans through treaties, and this administration is partnered the plot to disarm America, but it goes much deeper than that, so here is my gazette covering it...
The obvious answer is that we must take our country back via the election process. Buy controlling who the parties put up as candidates, we have some measure of control over how we will be governed..... That is how the founders intended our system of government to operate.... For the People, By the People.
From the beginning, it has been clear that the UN is made up of a group of countries that hate and envy America for our freedom, strength, innovation, policies, convictions and processes. Their sanctions and rulings have always been to the detriment of the USA, even when they agree, it's only to set us up for condemnation on a world stage. They are the offspring of the league of nations , a progressive dream of one world governance and a global economy. This was the dream child of President Wilson, who was as radical and Marxist / progressive as Obama but with a 20th century twist. What has taken place in the past 20 months under this administration is the fruit of this and the past 2 administrations. The progressive movement has co-opted members of both parties, and while we were watching what we thought were two diametrically opposite parties, they were actually setting up the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of the world.
With the first stimulus package put through by a democrat congress and signed by a mild socialist president (Bush),and the second by a radical progressive (Obama)... they have begun "Spreading the wealth" to quote Barack......... Except it's not being spread here, as evidenced by the growing numbers of unemployed Americans. What they are doing is selling our future to China by borrowing BILLIONS, , which has devalued the dollar so that we are loosing our standing in the world as the standard all monies are judged by.....The dollar is worth about 40 cents less today, THAN WHEN BUSH LEFT OFFICE!
This is by design, as it will facilitate America being brought in line with the same standard of living as the rest of the world , which at one point was way below us, but has gained from our loss. This is not something that Obama and the Dem's have just concocted... it is a century in the making, and we are watching the fruit of a perfect storm of progressive control in all three branches of our government.
The housing, Bank and financial crisis were obviously manufactured and the result of Government forcing policies on the free market and throwing it into chaos. Several people, most notably Glenn Beck, have pointed to Cloward and Piven as the model which the progressives have followed to effect this collapse of Capitalism. One of the key tenants is to create a drag on the economy so great as to destroy it, then allow the Government to grab power from the private sector and gain almost complete control of goods and services.
There is a reason that they don't want to drill for oil here, and it has nothing to do with environmental impact. It's also one of the reasons they hate Sarah Palin so much with all of her "Drill baby drill" and "Drill here, Drill now !"..... This is part of a plan by the progressive left to transfer our wealth to countries which have nothing, except oil. Look at who we are buying oil from, Venezuela, where the people are living on about $1500 to $2500 a year, and yet we are pouring money into their economy by purchasing their oil... even though their president has spit in our face, called for our destruction, called us stupid and called upon the world to condemn us.....
Obama gave him the floor of OUR congress to "Address" the people of America and then he stood there as this dictator, Hugo Chavez insulted America. Chavez then presented Obama with a book about the destruction of American ideals and why America is an evil empire based on Capitalism.... When in history would you have ever dreamed that to be possible? Obama has bowed to Saudi King Abdullah, WHY???? Because he is working for them, he is transferring our wealth to their nation. Saudi Arabia is a nation that without American oil, would go under faster than the Titanic. He did this knowing, as Bush also did, that Saudi money finances terrorists, and was behind the training and operations of the 9/11 suicide pilots and Bin Laden.
Another piece of the equation is the flood of illegal immigrants that have permeated our nation and both parties have been complicit in allowing them in. Bush, Clinton, Bush and now Obama... Their numbers are at the root of why our healthcare, schools and hospitals are being overloaded, and costs have skyrocketed. It's simple enough to see that if you have people who are using your healthcare system and do not pay, the insurance companies will have to pick up the tab and the people who have healthcare will pay more in premiums to cover the insurance company's losses.
The same can be said for the education system, with an average cost of $18,000 per child of an illegal who attends public school....... who ever said they were guaranteed an education, if they are not citizens and do not pay taxes?
This is because the left knows that if they can gain citizenship for the 14 to 20 million illegals, they will have a guaranteed voting block that will win control by the left for decades. These are people who look for government handouts... it is cultural, and the progressives know it. Harry Reid just failed at an attempt to piggyback an amnesty bill on a GI bill. This "Dream" act would give preference and aid (Money) to the children of illegals who go to college in the US..... Not American children, but the children of federal criminals, who themselves are only here because their parents committed a crime. For this, the progressives seek to reward them, and they know it......Look at Obama's Aunt getting asylum and citizenship after being ordered to leave the country 2 years ago and ignoring the court order, blaming the system for forcing housing, food and healthcare on her, which is why she stayed in the first place, Ungrateful !..... My first question is why didn't they escort her to the airport and put her on a plane the first time, and the second is that it's obvious that Obama pressured the judge to grant her amnesty
Cap and Trade, Environmental activism (Al Gore and his fake global warming scam), Health care, Housing, Financial and manufacturing crisis..... all concocted to gain control over Americans, grow government, and lower our standard so that "Everyone can get a chance" to quote the immaculate one. Well I have worked for everything I have, and worked hard, just as I am sure you too have toiled to give your families the best you can..... Now is the time that we need to make this government work for us and our well being, the same as we work for our families, the way it was intended to be when the founding fathers wrote the Declaration of Independence.
WE are the MAJORITY, and we need to exercise our right to control how we are governed, this crosses party lines because all that matters is that the person we choose embodies OUR principals...... There is nothing to be guilty of when you ask your government to follow the law, to abide by the Constitution, and to protect us before any other people........ That is their first responsibility under the law and the Constitution. Enough pandering to the small groups of loudmouth people who believe they are owed something for nothing.... they are just like us, they need to be made to understand that WE THE PEOPLE, will not finance their life long vacation in America, that they too must work for what they want, that we do not owe them anything, and that neither race, religion, ethnicity or gender entitle you to special treatment. The government also needs to understand that we will not fund the world before we take care of our own country first. It's a simple enough concept, we have done it before, we can do it again.
(copied from "The Voice of Reason!")
VOTE, VOTE , VOTE God Bless America !
Sunday, October 10, 2010
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