Friday, April 16, 2010

An Old post of mine. Letter to Bishop Murphy

From: itzik janowitz
To: bishop William Murphy ; bishops council ; conference of bishops ; votf ;
Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2009 3:10:53 PM
Subject: Latin masses for every parish.
Beloved Bishop William Murphy,
Your eminence, in as much as so many parishioners in Long Island are searching for Latin Traditional masses to go to every Sunday, that the mass may be offered at every parish not just two or three on Long Island? I believe it is time to go back to the tried and true mass and reverence to the Body, Blood, Soul, and
Divinity of our Savior Jesus Christ, as the experiment of modernistic mass has not produced the effect it had hoped to, and our Pope BenedictXVI had indicated his desire to see the expansion of the Latin Mass at every parish, not just a few.
Ecclesia Dei has stated that they are prepared and willing to assist any parish that wishes to have their priests trained for this older form of mass.Information can be had at: Coalition in support of ECCELESIA DEI, attention: Mary M Kraychy P.O. Box two zero seven one, Glenview, Illinois, six zero zero two five-six zerro seven one
Please my Bishop give serious consideration to this matter
Yours in Jesus,
Itzik Janowitz

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