Thursday, April 1, 2010


Bible according to Barry
Easter prayer:“Begone Obama”
By Judi McLeod Thursday, April 1, 2010

Morning Blackberry messages from White House faith director Joshua DuBois notwithstanding, the main religion of President Barack (aka Barry Soetoro) Obama is the Mocking of America.

Not only is the president with no past pulling the wings off the eagle called America, he seems to want us to know that he revels in it.

Two days before Easter Sunday last year, the Obamas were still looking for a church to attend.

Thanks to the British Mail online we found out early this Easter that Obama “worships with prayers sent to his trusty phone”.

“He may be too busy to go to church as often as he would like. But President Obama can always find time to check his Blackberry.”(David Gardner, Mail Online, April 1, 2010).“So when he needs a little inspiration in the mornings, Mr. Obama revealed today that all he has to do is read the daily prayer emailed to him from pastors around America.

“He said that White House faith director Joshua DuBois forwards him a morning prayer every day from a selection sent in by some of the churchmen he met during his cross-country travels on the presidential campaign.”

It’s a little like saying “I gave at the office” when charity comes to call, or “Your check is in the mail” when the bank calls about your late rent or mortgage payment.

But just as no one could ever prove that he didn’t hear the rants of Jeremiah Wright in the Trinity United Church of Christ he attended for 20 years, no one will ever know if Obama is getting that old time religion on his Blackberry.

Since his election to the White House, Obama has been mocking Americans.

Indeed it is with an almost religious fervor that Obama mocks the very people he was elected to serve—always mocking them from the safety of the sidelines.

Right after election his main retort to dissenters was:“I won”.

When worries about the transformation of America sends everyday Americans to church or sleepless nights, Obama makes sure the media shows him shooting hoops or tossing balls.

With the recent House debate raging over the health care bill on at the same time the NCAA tournament was in full swing, CBS News White House correspondent Mark Kroller asked what, exactly, the President, a college basketball fan who filled out a bracket for the second straight year was watching.
“Replied White House spokesman Robert Gibbs:“Mostly basketball.”( March 21, 2010)

While mocking Americans, The Blackberry-is-my-church president is making a mockery of the office of the President of the United States of America.

Because people anywhere anytime could cite it, on Sept. 26, 2009 Canada Free Press came up with a prayer for our time:“Deliver us from Obama”.

This Easter Weekend, it could be replaced with a new one:“Begone Obama.”

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