Friday, November 27, 2009

Don't just sit there, pick up your telephone, and call your Senators, and Representatives

The Liberals are the most danger to the American people, particularly since they have control of Both houses and the Presidency.
Nothing is sacred to them. they (as the Russians
did), are looking to destroy the Family, and take control of your children, just as the Nazi's did with their youth programs. We have always been a
unique country in this world, not a dictatorship,not communist, but free citizens of the worlds greatest nation. Obuma, and Pewlousy, and Dingy Harry, are looking to take that away from you, any way they can. The Democraps have to be taken out of power, and it is not too late yet.
The American "Silent Majority" must continue to speak out, and vote out the Liberals now, while we still have a free vote, although judging from the actions of ACORN, and their involvement with the elections, it is going to be harder and harder for us to acchieve that. This is not a game, this is your lives and the lives of your children, and you had better stand up and be counted while you can.
Telephone your Congressmen, and Senators, even if you believe they will not answer you or take heed of your voices, when you vote them out of office, believe me, ALL OF THE LIBERALS WILL HEAR YOUR VOICES! Speak up now, later you may not be able to.

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