Saturday, November 28, 2009

The Democratic "Change" they promised the American People?

What happened to Obama's pledge of "No more politics as usual" and complete disclosure, openness, and accountability? 2000 pages in a bill is openness?
Over 2000 pages in a bill, is called HIDING THE TRUTH!

A little more info on how Senators and Democraps vote, and why, with the phony "Change" slogan, that they had gotten the voters to fall for!

Is this the CHANGE Americans voted for?
In a landmark vote to bring government-run health care legislation to debate, Senators Mary Landrieu (La.) and Blanche Lincoln (Ark.) sold out the people they were elected to represent in exchange for what?

Sen. Landrieu got park barrel spending – that’s right $100 million worth of it for Louisiana. What’s even worse is she was brazen enough to brag about what she got in exchange for voting against the people of Louisiana!

Sen. Lincoln represents a state where 54% of the people are opposed to the proposed health care legislation and still she voted with her liberal party leaders over the wishes of Arkansans.

What’s even more frightening is what they voted FOR: a requirement that EVERY American buy a government-designed insurance plan, even if it’s more expensive than what they are paying today.

In addition to losing your right to choose your plan, if you don’t do what the government says, a family of four will face a fine of up to $6,750!!

American Future Fund Political Action

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