Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Impeach Eric Holder

Dear friend, If Attorney General Eric Holder has proven anything during his tenure it is that he cannot be trusted. Amidst the every-deepening quagmire that is the "Fast and Furious" gun walking scandal that has resulted in the deaths of hundreds of Mexicans, and a U.S. Border Patrol agent, citizens from across the nation, angry over Holder's lack of accountability and honesty during the "Fast and Furious" investigation, are now calling for his resignation. That public pressure has become so intense, 100 members of Congress are also calling for his ouster. On February 2, the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee has summoned Holder to testify -- to candidly answer the difficult questions about that botched gun scheme. Just prior to those hearings, Grassfire Nation is going to hand-deliver tens of thousands of grassroots petitions to the White House, key members of Congress and the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee demanding Holder's resignation! The American people deserve better than what we are getting from Eric Holder. That's why I've just signed Grassfire Nation's petition calling for Holder's resignation, and I'm urging you to do the same by clicking below: Click here to add your name to this petition: http://www.grassfire.com/191/petition.asp?PID=35364915&NID=1 Grassfire Nation officials will hand-deliver all petitions to the White House, key members of Congress and the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee just prior to the Holder hearing, and they need our help to maximize the grassroots response! Please take action with me by clicking here: http://www.grassfire.com/191/petition.asp?PID=35364915&NID=1 Sincerely

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