Saturday, February 18, 2012

Is Catholicism Superior?

Is Catholicism Superior?
Hello everyone and welcome to The Vortex where lies and falsehoods are trapped and
exposed. I’m Michael Voris.
Here is THE question at the heart of so many issues within the Church today. And it
really is as simple as this – Is Catholicism Superior to other faiths or is it not?
If you think it is .. then you are on the side of the saints .. not to mention The Almighty ..who established the Church.
If you think it isn’t .. then you need to leave it.
Not all religions are the same. In fact .. there is Catholicism and then .. all the others are false religions.
But there is such hesitancy today .. FROM INSIDE THE CHURCH .. to come out and
say this plainly and simply. Why – it’s the truth isn’t it?!
Can people who say they believe the Catholic Church was founded by Jesus CHRIST
HIMSELF Personally .. really walk around and say something like .. but all the other
faiths are OK also. Look, Divinely established means just that,divinely established, which means that all the others are founded by men. This makes them false religions. Period. Yea yea. They have truthful aspects to them .. but any truth they have is first Catholic truth. Period.
God wants to be worshipped in one way and one way only and He Himself makes it quite
clear HOW that is to be. Its found in the book of Malachi .. chapter 1 verse 10-11.
“Oh, that one among you would shut the temple gates to keep you from kindling fire on
my altar in vain! I have no pleasure in you, says the LORD of hosts; neither will I accept any sacrifice from your hands, For from the rising of the sun, even to its setting, my name is great among the nations; And everywhere they bring sacrifice to my name, and a pure offering;”
God has no pleasure in vain offerings. He tells the priests of the Old Testament that it will be the Gentiles who make the pure offering that he desires.
Well? What is pure that can be offered to God for sacrifice? The only pure sin offering that can be made to God is GOD HIMSELF. This is what the Catholic Mass is, the offering of the Son, to the Father. God to God.
The Catholic Mass occurs within the context of the Catholic Faith .. and since the
sacrifice of God to Himself is the most superior form of worship there is, then it follows that the Faith which believes this is the TRUE faith .. meaning .. by extension and quite logically .. that the other faiths .. all of them .. are false.
It’s just that simple. The Second Person of the Blessed Trinity established this Church to be His Bride. He gave His life for Her. It is She He will raise from Her earthly dross to Her manifest heavenly beauty at the end of time and Her alone.
If you don’t believe this, then get out, and make way for those who do,and most
especially .. those who want to learn.
There is only one true religion. Period. And its not just a matter of faith or belief .. it’s a fact. Undeniably.
And please don’t start going on about silly notions of being unconscious Catholics, and anonymous Catholics. It is precisely the backing away from this fact that has caused SO much problem in the Church these days. Too many leaders in the Church have surrendered this truth so they could be more easily accepted .. for whatever reason.
Their motives or intentions we leave to God .. the results are left for us to judge and the judgment is not favorable. Catholic identity has been lost because the unique claim of Catholicism has been abandoned .. privately at least if not totally publically. Bottom line, do you believe that Catholicism is the One True Faith, or do you not? As Archbishop Fulton Sheen used to say .. “If you do not live what you believe, you will end up believing what you live.”
GOD Love you. I’m Michael Voris.

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