Thursday, November 24, 2011

Michael Voris- Sola Scriptura-

Sola Scriptura - LOL
Hello everyone and welcome to the Vortex where lies and falsehoods are trapped and
exposed. I’m Michael Voris.
We often talk about the heresy of Protestantism in the Vortex .. and it drives some people crazy. They say it’s not nice and mean and intolerant of other religions.
No. It’s just that Protestantism is a heresy and needs to be called out as such. Nd just for the record .. for those who continually twist those words and say that we claim individual Protestants go to hell and cannot get into heaven .. once again .. for the umpteenth time .. that is NOT what we are saying.
I don’t even know if I’M going to Heaven or Hell. How do I know the eternal destiny of someone else.
BUT what we are saying is that the much of the teachings of ProtestantISM .. are
heretical .. and lead one away from the truth of Jesus Christ.
Of the many areas where this is the case is the Protestant approach to Sacred Scripture. It’s called Sola Scriptura and we have a response to that . LOL.
Sola Scriptura is the Latin phrase that describes the teaching that all a person needs to be saved is in the Bible. At first blush .. that might sound reasonable .. until you stop and realize that the Bible ITSELF doesn’t even make that claim.
In fact .. in a couple of passages .. it says EXACTLY the opposite .. and in many other passages it is very clear that much more than the written word is needed.
Protestantism is a religion of the book. Period. Problem with that is simple. That book is a CATHOLIC book and when Protestants put their own spin on what this is that chapter and verse mean .. they are distorting and doing violence to the Word of God .. both the written word and the Living Word of Our Blessed Lord Himself.
Our sister organization .. St. Michael’s Media .. has put together a splendid DVD set
explaining all of this and much more in greater detail. It’s called Where Did the Bible Come From?
Premium subscribers already have access to the videos but there is more to this set than just the videos. It also comes with a nifty little book that discusses more than what is on the three disc set AND there is also this cool pullout that expands to show you on one side a timeline of how the Bible was actually put together and on the other side is a glossary of terms that are very helpful to know when studying the scriptures.
Too many Catholics are too unfamiliar with Sacred Scripture and have allowed
Protestantism to lay hold of them and distort them. These distortions cause people to
leave the Church established by Our Blessed Lord or prevent people from coming to it.
St. Michael’s Media produced this handsome package to deliberately offset erroneous
Protestant claims about scripture AND to help educate Catholics about our heritage and our patrimony.
The Bible is a Catholic work .. from first to last. It was given to the Church .. for the Church. And only the Catholic Church is its proper interpreter.
Is that a MEAN thing to say? Of course not. It’s the truth that needs to be said. No one has a right to lay claim to the Church’s possessions and claim them for themselves. That’s called stealing and for too many Catholics .. they have had the Bible stolen from them by errant Protestant theology.
All year long .. and in dozens and dozens of places all over the globe .. we continually talk about the need for Catholics to KNOW their faith. To Learn their faith. To understand that the training and catechises that has been practically non-existent for the past 40 or 50 years.
You and I each have a sacred obligation to not only defend the truth .. but evangelize and spread the truth. In many cases .. that means being able to clearly explain the faith is simple reasoned terms that can be easily understood.
Where did the Bible Come From is a perfect tool for that. St. Jerome famously said ..
ignorance of the Scriptures is ignorance of Christ. Given the crisis of faith and catechises the Church is now in. In the west .. Catholics don’t get to choose to remain ignorant any longer.
As all the craziness of the shopping season begins .. consider giving something of true lasting value in addition to the latest whiz bang whatever. Those gifts mean very little after just a few weeks. Knowledge lasts into eternity.
GOD Love you .. I’m Michael Voris.

(Did you get that? You and I each have a sacred obligation to not only defend the truth .. but evangelize and spread the truth.)

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