The American Influence
Hello everyone and welcome to the Vortex where lies and falsehoods are trapped and
exposed. I’m Michael Voris.
However much the United States of America may or may not be losing its claim to world
superpower is debatable.
But what is not debatable is how far flung the American Empire’s CULTURAL influence
is. Go practically anywhere in the world .. at least in the western nations and it is
impossible to NOT see McDonald’s, Coke, whatever.
But beyond food and such .. there is a whole different type of influence America has ..and that is the exporting of entertainment .. movies .. TV shows .. books .. etc. that spreads typical American ideals far and wide.
In many ways .. America is the great Johnny Appleseed of cultural mind rot, the sewer
of many intellectual errors .. many of them theological errors owing in no small part to the Protestant majority that has dominated the United States for over two centuries. This isn’t to say that all the other nations of the world are pure and chaste. Far from it ..but none of them possess the ability to cats their nets anywhere near as far as America does.
It’s American movies that get seen all around the globe. it’s American television shows that are viewed all over the planet. American music totally dominates other nation’s airwaves. It seems almost impossible to go to another first world country and not feel THAT far removed from America.
America’s cultural reach outstrips that of even Caesar in the days of the Empire. And this situation creates both a challenge and massive opportunity for Catholics in America. The battle for the heart and mind of the Catholic Church in America is so pitched PRECISELY because the stakes are so high. Like virtually every other aspect of American life .. the life of the Church in America far outweighs its raw numbers.
US Catholics represent roughly 5 percent .. a measly 5 percent of the total worldwide
population of Catholics. Yet .. owing to the fact of the wealth of America .. the influence of the Church in America on the Church at large is far greater than the 5 percent figure would at first indicate.
It’s like the old saying .. all bishops are equal .. but some are more equal than others. All local churches are equal .. but some are more equal than others.
The Church in America has grown up alongside the American Empire and as a result .. it has assumed some of the nation’s wealth .. power .. influence .. technology .. prestige and all the rest.
As America has grown in world stature .. so has the Church in America. Because of this ..the cultural-theological war that has been being waged in the various organs of the Church in America has been pitched.
For example .. great American Catholic universities that have all abandoned the faith in principle .. like Notre Dame .. Georgetown .. Boston College .. spread their errors far beyond the boundaries of their own campuses.
With faculties recognized around the world ..[God Knoweth How].. for their brilliance
and scholarship .. the damage increases exponentially with every new book or article they publish and every conference they speak before.
Likewise .. when American liturgical experts [self-described experts] devise the latest hand-clapping song or liturgical dancer polka .. it’s a safe bet that it wont be too long before that is seen somewhere else in the world in short order.
This is why Catholics in America .. the normal people in the pews .. have GOT to dig in and get into this fight. Much more is at stake over the battle for the Church in America than just the Church in America.
If the ship can have its course corrected in America .. then there might be some hope to rescue the Church in other first world nations as well .. or at least save many more people.
This is why what happens here with the US bishops and their staffs at the USCCB and
local diocese bears such intense scrutiny. Much of the rot that set in in the Church in America for the past fifty years happened specifically because shepherds were not doing their job. That is indisputable and abundantly clear.
But as they say .. that was then .. this is now. The prevailing attitude that seems NOW to have been adopted by some leaders in the Church in the United States is damage
control .. or maintenance. The progressives wrecked the Church in the United States in the 1960-1990s and over the last 10-15 years .. woefully little has been done to REVERSE that wreckage. It isn’t enough to simply maintain the status quo .. to stick to the game plan because it has proven to be a colossal failure.
The Church in America .. leaders and laity must commit to a restoration of the faith on such a grand scale that centuries hence .. these days will be viewed as a salvage effort or reform and restoration unprecedented in Church annals.
In some important ways .. the Church in America is the last great hope of the Church in the entire western world. That’s why this battle cannot be lost .. no matter how desperate it might appear .. this battle CANNOT be lost to the Modernists and progressives. They must be exposed .. their heterodoxy and heresy called out for what it is. As the Church in America goes .. so goes the Church in all the West.
GOD Love you .. I’m Michael Voris.(Visit Michael live tv on
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Divine Mercy Prayers
"Today bring to Me the Souls of those who have separated themselves from My Church*,
and immerse them in the ocean of My mercy. During My bitter Passion they tore at My Body and Heart, that is, My Church. As they return to unity with the Church My wounds heal and in this way they alleviate My Passion."
Most Merciful Jesus, Goodness Itself, You do not refuse light to those who seek it of You. Receive into the abode of Your Most Compassionate Heart the souls of those who have separated themselves from Your Church. Draw them by Your light into the unity of the Church, and do not let them escape from the abode of Your Most Compassionate Heart; but bring it about that they, too, come to glorify the generosity of Your mercy.
Eternal Father, turn Your merciful gaze upon the souls of those who have separated themselves from Your Son's Church, who have squandered Your blessings and misused Your graces by obstinately persisting in their errors. Do not look upon their errors, but upon the love of Your own Son and upon His bitter Passion, which He underwent for their sake, since they, too, are enclosed in His Most Compassionate Heart. Bring it about that they also may glorify Your great mercy for endless ages. Amen.
*Our Lord's original words here were "heretics and schismatics,"
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and immerse them in the ocean of My mercy. During My bitter Passion they tore at My Body and Heart, that is, My Church. As they return to unity with the Church My wounds heal and in this way they alleviate My Passion."
Most Merciful Jesus, Goodness Itself, You do not refuse light to those who seek it of You. Receive into the abode of Your Most Compassionate Heart the souls of those who have separated themselves from Your Church. Draw them by Your light into the unity of the Church, and do not let them escape from the abode of Your Most Compassionate Heart; but bring it about that they, too, come to glorify the generosity of Your mercy.
Eternal Father, turn Your merciful gaze upon the souls of those who have separated themselves from Your Son's Church, who have squandered Your blessings and misused Your graces by obstinately persisting in their errors. Do not look upon their errors, but upon the love of Your own Son and upon His bitter Passion, which He underwent for their sake, since they, too, are enclosed in His Most Compassionate Heart. Bring it about that they also may glorify Your great mercy for endless ages. Amen.
*Our Lord's original words here were "heretics and schismatics,"
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Monday, November 28, 2011
Divine Mercy Prayers
"Today bring to Me those who do not believe in God and those who do not know Me,
I was thinking also of them during My bitter Passion, and their future zeal comforted My Heart. Immerse them in the ocean of My mercy."
Most compassionate Jesus, You are the Light of the whole world. Receive into the abode of Your Most Compassionate Heart the souls of those who do not believe in God and of those who as yet do not know You. Let the rays of Your grace enlighten them that they, too, together with us, may extol Your wonderful mercy; and do not let them escape from the abode which is Your Most Compassionate Heart.
Eternal Father, turn Your merciful gaze upon the souls of those who do not believe in You, and of those who as yet do not know You, but who are enclosed in the Most Compassionate Heart of Jesus. Draw them to the light of the Gospel. These souls do not know what great happiness it is to love You. Grant that they, too, may extol the generosity of Your mercy for endless ages. Amen.
*Our Lord's original words here were "the pagans."
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I was thinking also of them during My bitter Passion, and their future zeal comforted My Heart. Immerse them in the ocean of My mercy."
Most compassionate Jesus, You are the Light of the whole world. Receive into the abode of Your Most Compassionate Heart the souls of those who do not believe in God and of those who as yet do not know You. Let the rays of Your grace enlighten them that they, too, together with us, may extol Your wonderful mercy; and do not let them escape from the abode which is Your Most Compassionate Heart.
Eternal Father, turn Your merciful gaze upon the souls of those who do not believe in You, and of those who as yet do not know You, but who are enclosed in the Most Compassionate Heart of Jesus. Draw them to the light of the Gospel. These souls do not know what great happiness it is to love You. Grant that they, too, may extol the generosity of Your mercy for endless ages. Amen.
*Our Lord's original words here were "the pagans."
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Sunday, November 27, 2011
Divine Mercy Prayers
"Today bring to Me all Devout and Faithful Souls,
and immerse them in the ocean of My mercy. These souls brought me consolation on the Way of the Cross. They were a drop of consolation in the midst of an ocean of bitterness."
Most Merciful Jesus, from the treasury of Your mercy, You impart Your graces in great abundance to each and all. Receive us into the abode of Your Most Compassionate Heart and never let us escape from It. We beg this grace of You by that most wondrous love for the heavenly Father with which Your Heart burns so fiercely.
Eternal Father, turn Your merciful gaze upon faithful souls, as upon the inheritance of Your Son. For the sake of His sorrowful Passion, grant them Your blessing and surround them with Your constant protection. Thus may they never fail in love or lose the treasure of the holy faith, but rather, with all the hosts of Angels and Saints, may they glorify Your boundless mercy for endless ages. Amen.
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and immerse them in the ocean of My mercy. These souls brought me consolation on the Way of the Cross. They were a drop of consolation in the midst of an ocean of bitterness."
Most Merciful Jesus, from the treasury of Your mercy, You impart Your graces in great abundance to each and all. Receive us into the abode of Your Most Compassionate Heart and never let us escape from It. We beg this grace of You by that most wondrous love for the heavenly Father with which Your Heart burns so fiercely.
Eternal Father, turn Your merciful gaze upon faithful souls, as upon the inheritance of Your Son. For the sake of His sorrowful Passion, grant them Your blessing and surround them with Your constant protection. Thus may they never fail in love or lose the treasure of the holy faith, but rather, with all the hosts of Angels and Saints, may they glorify Your boundless mercy for endless ages. Amen.
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Saturday, November 26, 2011
Michael Voris speaks on "The armor of God"
Listen and learn:
The first of many lessons, that Msgr Lisante has lost in the glimmer and glitz of the World.
The first of many lessons, that Msgr Lisante has lost in the glimmer and glitz of the World.
Michael Voris "From the Heart"
From the Heart
Hello everyone .. and welcome to the Vortex .. where lies and falsehoods are trapped and
exposed .. I’m Michael Voris.
The Catholic Church is magnificent. It stands like a great and noble city .. a sparkling
jewel .. splendorous.
The Bride of Christ loved from all Eternity in the Bosom of the Holy Trinity. Pre-saged
by Israel with the Father .. purchased with the blood of the Son .. brought into visible reality by the Spirit. Brought into being in time .. Her destiny is now Eternity. What existed from all time in the mind of the Father will be in alive forever in the heart of the Father, through the Son, by the power of the Holy Spirit.
The Church soars to the heavens in the depth of Her teachings.She possesses infinity in a finite tabernacle.She glories with the saints and angels in heaven even now as She lifts up her heart in the
Eucharistic sacrifice.She lives and moves and has Her Being in the Divine Majesty. She is raised up from the dust of the earth through the waters of baptism. She lives in perpetual virginity through everlasting espousal to Christ. She is the delight of the Lord of Lords and is the Bride of the King of Kings. When She speaks .. her honeyed voice is truth and goodness and beauty. When She breaths .. it is the air of courts of Heaven .. the intoxicating fragrance of love.
THIS is the Church.
Our Blessed Lord would prepare nothing less than perfection for his Bride .. as He
prepared nothing less than perfection for His Mother. This Bride of Christ .. And She is worth fighting for. Her sons are summoned to defend Her honor. Her daughters to proclaim her beauty.
There is nothing more noble to which man can aspire than to sit in Her courts and muse
on Her truth.
Through the deepest reality of love that God could offer man .. Himself in the form of bread ..
His very humanity AND Divinity .. we have noble blood now flowing through our veins.
The very DNA of GOD himself joins to our DNA .. literally transforming us into
Christ .. and for this reason a man leaves his parents and CLINGS to his wife .. and the TWO become one flesh.
This is the GREAT reality of the HOLY EUCHARIST. That we have the very blood of
Christ flowing through our veins. His flesh becomes our flesh. We are prepared .. by
slowly being transformed .. for our Heavenly home.
The Church makes possible for us the commandment that Our Blessed Lord gave to each
of us .. Be perfect, as your Father in heaven is perfect.
When the apostles head their Master’s words .. they were awe struck and said .. but who then can be saved? Our Lord answered them, for man it is impossible, but with God all things are possible.
This is why the Church exists .. so that Almighty God may LOVE us into Eternity with Him.
So many people simply do not see the Church in this manner. This is a cause of continual sadness for those of us who do. It must continue to be a source of sadness for us so we can stay motivated and energized to pray and preach and sacrifice.
The greatest gift this side of Eternity has been handed to those baptized into the Catholic Faith. Freely we have received, now freely we must give.
The Catholic Church is the door to eternal life because it is so closely wedded to Christ Himself as a husband to his wife .. that the two have become one flesh .. the same flesh. So when Our lord says of Himself .. he is the door .. he refers also to His One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. He identifies with Her so closely and so freely that he made no distinction between the Church and himself when he confronted Saul on the road to Damascus and said .. Saul, Saul why do you persecute ME?
One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism. It is all contained in the Catholic Church fully and completely.
This truth .. it’s worth fighting for.
GOD Bless you.
I’m Michael( )
Hello everyone .. and welcome to the Vortex .. where lies and falsehoods are trapped and
exposed .. I’m Michael Voris.
The Catholic Church is magnificent. It stands like a great and noble city .. a sparkling
jewel .. splendorous.
The Bride of Christ loved from all Eternity in the Bosom of the Holy Trinity. Pre-saged
by Israel with the Father .. purchased with the blood of the Son .. brought into visible reality by the Spirit. Brought into being in time .. Her destiny is now Eternity. What existed from all time in the mind of the Father will be in alive forever in the heart of the Father, through the Son, by the power of the Holy Spirit.
The Church soars to the heavens in the depth of Her teachings.She possesses infinity in a finite tabernacle.She glories with the saints and angels in heaven even now as She lifts up her heart in the
Eucharistic sacrifice.She lives and moves and has Her Being in the Divine Majesty. She is raised up from the dust of the earth through the waters of baptism. She lives in perpetual virginity through everlasting espousal to Christ. She is the delight of the Lord of Lords and is the Bride of the King of Kings. When She speaks .. her honeyed voice is truth and goodness and beauty. When She breaths .. it is the air of courts of Heaven .. the intoxicating fragrance of love.
THIS is the Church.
Our Blessed Lord would prepare nothing less than perfection for his Bride .. as He
prepared nothing less than perfection for His Mother. This Bride of Christ .. And She is worth fighting for. Her sons are summoned to defend Her honor. Her daughters to proclaim her beauty.
There is nothing more noble to which man can aspire than to sit in Her courts and muse
on Her truth.
Through the deepest reality of love that God could offer man .. Himself in the form of bread ..
His very humanity AND Divinity .. we have noble blood now flowing through our veins.
The very DNA of GOD himself joins to our DNA .. literally transforming us into
Christ .. and for this reason a man leaves his parents and CLINGS to his wife .. and the TWO become one flesh.
This is the GREAT reality of the HOLY EUCHARIST. That we have the very blood of
Christ flowing through our veins. His flesh becomes our flesh. We are prepared .. by
slowly being transformed .. for our Heavenly home.
The Church makes possible for us the commandment that Our Blessed Lord gave to each
of us .. Be perfect, as your Father in heaven is perfect.
When the apostles head their Master’s words .. they were awe struck and said .. but who then can be saved? Our Lord answered them, for man it is impossible, but with God all things are possible.
This is why the Church exists .. so that Almighty God may LOVE us into Eternity with Him.
So many people simply do not see the Church in this manner. This is a cause of continual sadness for those of us who do. It must continue to be a source of sadness for us so we can stay motivated and energized to pray and preach and sacrifice.
The greatest gift this side of Eternity has been handed to those baptized into the Catholic Faith. Freely we have received, now freely we must give.
The Catholic Church is the door to eternal life because it is so closely wedded to Christ Himself as a husband to his wife .. that the two have become one flesh .. the same flesh. So when Our lord says of Himself .. he is the door .. he refers also to His One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. He identifies with Her so closely and so freely that he made no distinction between the Church and himself when he confronted Saul on the road to Damascus and said .. Saul, Saul why do you persecute ME?
One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism. It is all contained in the Catholic Church fully and completely.
This truth .. it’s worth fighting for.
GOD Bless you.
I’m Michael( )
Divine Mercy Prayers
"Today bring to Me the Souls of Priests and Religious,
and immerse them in My unfathomable mercy. It was they who gave me strength to endure My bitter Passion. Through them as through channels My mercy flows out upon mankind."
Most Merciful Jesus, from whom comes all that is good, increase Your grace in men and women consecrated to Your service,* that they may perform worthy works of mercy; and that all who see them may glorify the Father of Mercy who is in heaven.
Eternal Father, turn Your merciful gaze upon the company of chosen ones in Your vineyard -- upon the souls of priests and religious; and endow them with the strength of Your blessing. For the love of the Heart of Your Son in which they are enfolded, impart to them Your power and light, that they may be able to guide others in the way of salvation and with one voice sing praise to Your boundless mercy for ages without end. Amen.
"Today bring to Me the Souls who have become Lukewarm,
and immerse them in the abyss of My mercy. These souls wound My Heart most painfully. My soul suffered the most dreadful loathing in the Garden of Olives because of lukewarm souls. They were the reason I cried out: 'Father, take this cup away from Me, if it be Your will.' For them, the last hope of salvation is to run to My mercy."
Most compassionate Jesus, You are Compassion Itself. I bring lukewarm souls into the abode of Your Most Compassionate Heart. In this fire of Your pure love, let these tepid souls who, like corpses, filled You with such deep loathing, be once again set aflame. O Most Compassionate Jesus, exercise the omnipotence of Your mercy and draw them into the very ardor of Your love, and bestow upon them the gift of holy love, for nothing is beyond Your power.
Eternal Father, turn Your merciful gaze upon lukewarm souls who are nonetheless enfolded in the Most Compassionate Heart of Jesus. Father of Mercy, I beg You by the bitter Passion of Your Son and by His three-hour agony on the Cross: Let them, too, glorify the abyss of Your mercy. Amen.
and immerse them in My unfathomable mercy. It was they who gave me strength to endure My bitter Passion. Through them as through channels My mercy flows out upon mankind."
Most Merciful Jesus, from whom comes all that is good, increase Your grace in men and women consecrated to Your service,* that they may perform worthy works of mercy; and that all who see them may glorify the Father of Mercy who is in heaven.
Eternal Father, turn Your merciful gaze upon the company of chosen ones in Your vineyard -- upon the souls of priests and religious; and endow them with the strength of Your blessing. For the love of the Heart of Your Son in which they are enfolded, impart to them Your power and light, that they may be able to guide others in the way of salvation and with one voice sing praise to Your boundless mercy for ages without end. Amen.
"Today bring to Me the Souls who have become Lukewarm,
and immerse them in the abyss of My mercy. These souls wound My Heart most painfully. My soul suffered the most dreadful loathing in the Garden of Olives because of lukewarm souls. They were the reason I cried out: 'Father, take this cup away from Me, if it be Your will.' For them, the last hope of salvation is to run to My mercy."
Most compassionate Jesus, You are Compassion Itself. I bring lukewarm souls into the abode of Your Most Compassionate Heart. In this fire of Your pure love, let these tepid souls who, like corpses, filled You with such deep loathing, be once again set aflame. O Most Compassionate Jesus, exercise the omnipotence of Your mercy and draw them into the very ardor of Your love, and bestow upon them the gift of holy love, for nothing is beyond Your power.
Eternal Father, turn Your merciful gaze upon lukewarm souls who are nonetheless enfolded in the Most Compassionate Heart of Jesus. Father of Mercy, I beg You by the bitter Passion of Your Son and by His three-hour agony on the Cross: Let them, too, glorify the abyss of Your mercy. Amen.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Divine Mercy Prayers
"Today bring to Me all mankind, especially all sinners,
and immerse them in the ocean of My mercy. In this way you will console Me in the bitter grief into which the loss of souls plunges Me."
Most Merciful Jesus, whose very nature it is to have compassion on us and to forgive us, do not look upon our sins but upon our trust which we place in Your infinite goodness. Receive us all into the abode of Your Most Compassionate Heart, and never let us escape from It. We beg this of You by Your love which unites You to the Father and the Holy Spirit.
Eternal Father, turn Your merciful gaze upon all mankind and especially upon poor sinners, all enfolded in the Most Compassionate Heart of Jesus. For the sake of His sorrowful Passion show us Your mercy, that we may praise the omnipotence of Your mercy for ever and ever. Amen.
"Today bring to Me the Souls who are in the prison of Purgatory,
and immerse them in the abyss of My mercy. Let the torrents of My Blood cool down their scorching flames. All these souls are greatly loved by Me. They are making retribution to My justice. It is in your power to bring them relief. Draw all the indulgences from the treasury of My Church and offer them on their behalf. Oh, if you only knew the torments they suffer, you would continually offer for them the alms of the spirit and pay off their debt to My justice."
Most Merciful Jesus, You Yourself have said that You desire mercy; so I bring into the abode of Your Most Compassionate Heart the souls in Purgatory, souls who are very dear to You, and yet, who must make retribution to Your justice. May the streams of Blood and Water which gushed forth from Your Heart put out the flames of Purgatory, that there, too, the power of Your mercy may be celebrated.
Eternal Father, turn Your merciful gaze upon the souls suffering in Purgatory, who are enfolded in the Most Compassionate Heart of Jesus. I beg You, by the sorrowful Passion of Jesus Your Son, and by all the bitterness with which His most sacred Soul was flooded: Manifest Your mercy to the souls who are under Your just scrutiny. Look upon them in no other way but only through the Wounds of Jesus, Your dearly beloved Son; for we firmly believe that there is no limit to Your goodness and compassion. Amen.
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and immerse them in the ocean of My mercy. In this way you will console Me in the bitter grief into which the loss of souls plunges Me."
Most Merciful Jesus, whose very nature it is to have compassion on us and to forgive us, do not look upon our sins but upon our trust which we place in Your infinite goodness. Receive us all into the abode of Your Most Compassionate Heart, and never let us escape from It. We beg this of You by Your love which unites You to the Father and the Holy Spirit.
Eternal Father, turn Your merciful gaze upon all mankind and especially upon poor sinners, all enfolded in the Most Compassionate Heart of Jesus. For the sake of His sorrowful Passion show us Your mercy, that we may praise the omnipotence of Your mercy for ever and ever. Amen.
"Today bring to Me the Souls who are in the prison of Purgatory,
and immerse them in the abyss of My mercy. Let the torrents of My Blood cool down their scorching flames. All these souls are greatly loved by Me. They are making retribution to My justice. It is in your power to bring them relief. Draw all the indulgences from the treasury of My Church and offer them on their behalf. Oh, if you only knew the torments they suffer, you would continually offer for them the alms of the spirit and pay off their debt to My justice."
Most Merciful Jesus, You Yourself have said that You desire mercy; so I bring into the abode of Your Most Compassionate Heart the souls in Purgatory, souls who are very dear to You, and yet, who must make retribution to Your justice. May the streams of Blood and Water which gushed forth from Your Heart put out the flames of Purgatory, that there, too, the power of Your mercy may be celebrated.
Eternal Father, turn Your merciful gaze upon the souls suffering in Purgatory, who are enfolded in the Most Compassionate Heart of Jesus. I beg You, by the sorrowful Passion of Jesus Your Son, and by all the bitterness with which His most sacred Soul was flooded: Manifest Your mercy to the souls who are under Your just scrutiny. Look upon them in no other way but only through the Wounds of Jesus, Your dearly beloved Son; for we firmly believe that there is no limit to Your goodness and compassion. Amen.
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Thursday, November 24, 2011
Michael Voris- Sola Scriptura-
Sola Scriptura - LOL
Hello everyone and welcome to the Vortex where lies and falsehoods are trapped and
exposed. I’m Michael Voris.
We often talk about the heresy of Protestantism in the Vortex .. and it drives some people crazy. They say it’s not nice and mean and intolerant of other religions.
No. It’s just that Protestantism is a heresy and needs to be called out as such. Nd just for the record .. for those who continually twist those words and say that we claim individual Protestants go to hell and cannot get into heaven .. once again .. for the umpteenth time .. that is NOT what we are saying.
I don’t even know if I’M going to Heaven or Hell. How do I know the eternal destiny of someone else.
BUT what we are saying is that the much of the teachings of ProtestantISM .. are
heretical .. and lead one away from the truth of Jesus Christ.
Of the many areas where this is the case is the Protestant approach to Sacred Scripture. It’s called Sola Scriptura and we have a response to that . LOL.
Sola Scriptura is the Latin phrase that describes the teaching that all a person needs to be saved is in the Bible. At first blush .. that might sound reasonable .. until you stop and realize that the Bible ITSELF doesn’t even make that claim.
In fact .. in a couple of passages .. it says EXACTLY the opposite .. and in many other passages it is very clear that much more than the written word is needed.
Protestantism is a religion of the book. Period. Problem with that is simple. That book is a CATHOLIC book and when Protestants put their own spin on what this is that chapter and verse mean .. they are distorting and doing violence to the Word of God .. both the written word and the Living Word of Our Blessed Lord Himself.
Our sister organization .. St. Michael’s Media .. has put together a splendid DVD set
explaining all of this and much more in greater detail. It’s called Where Did the Bible Come From?
Premium subscribers already have access to the videos but there is more to this set than just the videos. It also comes with a nifty little book that discusses more than what is on the three disc set AND there is also this cool pullout that expands to show you on one side a timeline of how the Bible was actually put together and on the other side is a glossary of terms that are very helpful to know when studying the scriptures.
Too many Catholics are too unfamiliar with Sacred Scripture and have allowed
Protestantism to lay hold of them and distort them. These distortions cause people to
leave the Church established by Our Blessed Lord or prevent people from coming to it.
St. Michael’s Media produced this handsome package to deliberately offset erroneous
Protestant claims about scripture AND to help educate Catholics about our heritage and our patrimony.
The Bible is a Catholic work .. from first to last. It was given to the Church .. for the Church. And only the Catholic Church is its proper interpreter.
Is that a MEAN thing to say? Of course not. It’s the truth that needs to be said. No one has a right to lay claim to the Church’s possessions and claim them for themselves. That’s called stealing and for too many Catholics .. they have had the Bible stolen from them by errant Protestant theology.
All year long .. and in dozens and dozens of places all over the globe .. we continually talk about the need for Catholics to KNOW their faith. To Learn their faith. To understand that the training and catechises that has been practically non-existent for the past 40 or 50 years.
You and I each have a sacred obligation to not only defend the truth .. but evangelize and spread the truth. In many cases .. that means being able to clearly explain the faith is simple reasoned terms that can be easily understood.
Where did the Bible Come From is a perfect tool for that. St. Jerome famously said ..
ignorance of the Scriptures is ignorance of Christ. Given the crisis of faith and catechises the Church is now in. In the west .. Catholics don’t get to choose to remain ignorant any longer.
As all the craziness of the shopping season begins .. consider giving something of true lasting value in addition to the latest whiz bang whatever. Those gifts mean very little after just a few weeks. Knowledge lasts into eternity.
GOD Love you .. I’m Michael Voris.
(Did you get that? You and I each have a sacred obligation to not only defend the truth .. but evangelize and spread the truth.)
Hello everyone and welcome to the Vortex where lies and falsehoods are trapped and
exposed. I’m Michael Voris.
We often talk about the heresy of Protestantism in the Vortex .. and it drives some people crazy. They say it’s not nice and mean and intolerant of other religions.
No. It’s just that Protestantism is a heresy and needs to be called out as such. Nd just for the record .. for those who continually twist those words and say that we claim individual Protestants go to hell and cannot get into heaven .. once again .. for the umpteenth time .. that is NOT what we are saying.
I don’t even know if I’M going to Heaven or Hell. How do I know the eternal destiny of someone else.
BUT what we are saying is that the much of the teachings of ProtestantISM .. are
heretical .. and lead one away from the truth of Jesus Christ.
Of the many areas where this is the case is the Protestant approach to Sacred Scripture. It’s called Sola Scriptura and we have a response to that . LOL.
Sola Scriptura is the Latin phrase that describes the teaching that all a person needs to be saved is in the Bible. At first blush .. that might sound reasonable .. until you stop and realize that the Bible ITSELF doesn’t even make that claim.
In fact .. in a couple of passages .. it says EXACTLY the opposite .. and in many other passages it is very clear that much more than the written word is needed.
Protestantism is a religion of the book. Period. Problem with that is simple. That book is a CATHOLIC book and when Protestants put their own spin on what this is that chapter and verse mean .. they are distorting and doing violence to the Word of God .. both the written word and the Living Word of Our Blessed Lord Himself.
Our sister organization .. St. Michael’s Media .. has put together a splendid DVD set
explaining all of this and much more in greater detail. It’s called Where Did the Bible Come From?
Premium subscribers already have access to the videos but there is more to this set than just the videos. It also comes with a nifty little book that discusses more than what is on the three disc set AND there is also this cool pullout that expands to show you on one side a timeline of how the Bible was actually put together and on the other side is a glossary of terms that are very helpful to know when studying the scriptures.
Too many Catholics are too unfamiliar with Sacred Scripture and have allowed
Protestantism to lay hold of them and distort them. These distortions cause people to
leave the Church established by Our Blessed Lord or prevent people from coming to it.
St. Michael’s Media produced this handsome package to deliberately offset erroneous
Protestant claims about scripture AND to help educate Catholics about our heritage and our patrimony.
The Bible is a Catholic work .. from first to last. It was given to the Church .. for the Church. And only the Catholic Church is its proper interpreter.
Is that a MEAN thing to say? Of course not. It’s the truth that needs to be said. No one has a right to lay claim to the Church’s possessions and claim them for themselves. That’s called stealing and for too many Catholics .. they have had the Bible stolen from them by errant Protestant theology.
All year long .. and in dozens and dozens of places all over the globe .. we continually talk about the need for Catholics to KNOW their faith. To Learn their faith. To understand that the training and catechises that has been practically non-existent for the past 40 or 50 years.
You and I each have a sacred obligation to not only defend the truth .. but evangelize and spread the truth. In many cases .. that means being able to clearly explain the faith is simple reasoned terms that can be easily understood.
Where did the Bible Come From is a perfect tool for that. St. Jerome famously said ..
ignorance of the Scriptures is ignorance of Christ. Given the crisis of faith and catechises the Church is now in. In the west .. Catholics don’t get to choose to remain ignorant any longer.
As all the craziness of the shopping season begins .. consider giving something of true lasting value in addition to the latest whiz bang whatever. Those gifts mean very little after just a few weeks. Knowledge lasts into eternity.
GOD Love you .. I’m Michael Voris.
(Did you get that? You and I each have a sacred obligation to not only defend the truth .. but evangelize and spread the truth.)
Divine Mercy Prayers
Today bring to Me the Souls who especially venerate and glorify My Mercy*,
and immerse them in My mercy. These souls sorrowed most over my Passion and entered most deeply into My spirit. They are living images of My Compassionate Heart. These souls will shine with a special brightness in the next life. Not one of them will go into the fire of hell. I shall particularly defend each one of them at the hour of death.
Most Merciful Jesus, whose Heart is Love Itself, receive into the abode of Your Most Compassionate Heart the souls of those who particularly extol and venerate the greatness of Your mercy. These souls are mighty with the very power of God Himself. In the midst of all afflictions and adversities they go forward, confident of Your mercy; and united to You, O Jesus, they carry all mankind on their shoulders. These souls will not be judged severely, but Your mercy will embrace them as they depart from this life.
Eternal Father, turn Your merciful gaze upon the souls who glorify and venerate Your greatest attribute, that of Your fathomless mercy, and who are enclosed in the Most Compassionate Heart of Jesus. These souls are a living Gospel; their hands are full of deeds of mercy, and their hearts, overflowing with joy, sing a canticle of mercy to You, O Most High! I beg You O God:
Show them Your mercy according to the hope and trust they have placed in You. Let there be accomplished in them the promise of Jesus, who said to them that during their life, but especially at the hour of death, the souls who will venerate this fathomless mercy of His, He, Himself, will defend as His glory. Amen.
*The text leads one to conclude that in the first prayer directed to Jesus, Who is the Redeemer, it is "victim" souls and contemplatives that are being prayed for; those persons, that is, that voluntarily offered themselves to God for the salvation of their neighbor (see Col 1:24; 2 Cor 4:12). This explains their close union with the Savior and the extraordinary efficacy that their invisible activity has for others. In the second prayer, directed to the Father from whom comes "every worthwhile gift and every genuine benefit,"we recommend the "active" souls, who promote devotion to The Divine Mercy and exercise with it all the other works that lend themselves to the spiritual and material uplifting of their brethren.
Read more:
and immerse them in My mercy. These souls sorrowed most over my Passion and entered most deeply into My spirit. They are living images of My Compassionate Heart. These souls will shine with a special brightness in the next life. Not one of them will go into the fire of hell. I shall particularly defend each one of them at the hour of death.
Most Merciful Jesus, whose Heart is Love Itself, receive into the abode of Your Most Compassionate Heart the souls of those who particularly extol and venerate the greatness of Your mercy. These souls are mighty with the very power of God Himself. In the midst of all afflictions and adversities they go forward, confident of Your mercy; and united to You, O Jesus, they carry all mankind on their shoulders. These souls will not be judged severely, but Your mercy will embrace them as they depart from this life.
Eternal Father, turn Your merciful gaze upon the souls who glorify and venerate Your greatest attribute, that of Your fathomless mercy, and who are enclosed in the Most Compassionate Heart of Jesus. These souls are a living Gospel; their hands are full of deeds of mercy, and their hearts, overflowing with joy, sing a canticle of mercy to You, O Most High! I beg You O God:
Show them Your mercy according to the hope and trust they have placed in You. Let there be accomplished in them the promise of Jesus, who said to them that during their life, but especially at the hour of death, the souls who will venerate this fathomless mercy of His, He, Himself, will defend as His glory. Amen.
*The text leads one to conclude that in the first prayer directed to Jesus, Who is the Redeemer, it is "victim" souls and contemplatives that are being prayed for; those persons, that is, that voluntarily offered themselves to God for the salvation of their neighbor (see Col 1:24; 2 Cor 4:12). This explains their close union with the Savior and the extraordinary efficacy that their invisible activity has for others. In the second prayer, directed to the Father from whom comes "every worthwhile gift and every genuine benefit,"we recommend the "active" souls, who promote devotion to The Divine Mercy and exercise with it all the other works that lend themselves to the spiritual and material uplifting of their brethren.
Read more:
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Monday, November 21, 2011
"I saw it with my own eyes" Michael Voris.
With My Own Eyes
Hello everyone and welcome to the Vortex where lies and falsehoods are trapped and
exposed. I’m Michael Voris coming to you from Rome.
As 2011 draws to a close and 2012 appears on the horizon .. many will begin to reflect
back on a hugely significant event that occurred here in Rome 50 years ago. The opening
of the Second Vatican Council.
Yep. 50 years have passed since Blessed Pope John XXIII gave his introduction before
the Council Fathers.
Which for me personally is kind of significant .. because I just recently turned 50 so I and
many other Catholics can rightly be called .. literally the children of Vatican II. We were
born when the Council began and now we have come to full bloom.
So I’d actually like to do some personal reflection as a Catholic who was born as the
Council began and grew up in the Catholic world which developed in its shadow.
I have no recollection .. no living memory of the Church before Vatican II. While I was
an infant in my father’s arms at the traditional Latin Mass .. I spent most of my time AT it
being carried out FROM it for wailing and fussing and crying .. at least that’s what my
Mom and Dad tell me.
My brother however who was exactly 7 years older than me .. same birthday seven years
apart .. was an altar boy .. not an altar server .. but an altar BOY who never served
anything OTHER THAN the latin Mass.
So in the 7 short years between us .. an enormous change occurred. By the time I came to
serve as an altar boy .. the Mass looked almost NOTHING like what my brother had
grown up with.
There were some holdover elements that hadn’t totally been gotten rid of yet .. incense ..
cassock and surplice .. reception of the Body and Blood of Our Blessed Lord on the
We altar boys who are now fifty remember that fact clearly because we had to hold the
patens under the people’s chins. And almost every genuflected going in and out of the
pews. And so did we every time .. and I mean EVERYTIME we crossed in front of the
tabernacle .. which by the way was in the center of the sanctuary.
But during my time as an altar boy .. the “change” was in full force. First .. Sr. Bernadette
.. a lovely and demanding nun .. who was in her habit .. began teaching us .. the altar boys
about the sign of peace. This was when I was in 3rd grade.
We were told that when the time came for the sign of peace .. the priest would turn to us ..
extend the sign to us individually .. then we were to go into the main aisle and pew by
pew processing from front back .. very orderly .. extend the shake. Then that person
would turn to the person next to them and pass it on and so forth. That way .. it was very
clear that the “peace” originated from the sanctuary .. from Christ.
Ah .. well it took about 6 months before that went out the window and the sign of peace
had devolved into the near chaos that it is today where the peace comes not from the
sanctuary .. but EACH OTHER .. not from God .. but from man.
And I know .. because I was there. I saw it with my own two eyes.
By the time us 50 year olds had matriculated from 3rd grade to high school .. we saw the
nuns’ habits go from near the floor to above the knees to out in the trash. Of course we
also saw them leave in droves. I know. I was there. I saw it with my own two eyes.
Then there were the stories that were being whispered about Fr. Jim and Fr. Walsh
running off and getting married to some women after just not showing up one day for
morning Mass. I know. I was there. I saw it with my own two eyes.
This Vortex is not about listing a series of woes that occurred after Vatican II. It’s about
showing how what happened after Vatican II began paving the way for the deeply
wounded Church we see today.
These first small changes were nothing more than pre-cursors of a huge storm that had
already begun to break upon the Church. Within a few short years of that sign of peace
stuff .. our cassocks and surplices had been switched out one Sunday for those droll
unceremonious white bedsheets with hoods and a little rope around the middle.
We just stopped using incense one Sunday. Suddenly .. a few Sundays later .. half the
people were sticking their hands out to “get the bread” and our job with the patens
became virtually unnecessary. We were down-sized as altar boys before being downsized
was fashionable .. and this all happened before having reached puberty.
Of course .. what was happening to us altar boys was one symptom of the larger darkness
that was descending on the Church .. a darkness that robbed us of our heritage .. took it
away from us as we were essentially babies.These modernists literally took the candy of
the Catholic Faith out of the mouth of babies.
Before my time on the altar was over .. we had gone from singing Immaculate Mary and
Holy God we Praise Thy Name to .. hit numbers from GodSpell and Jesus Christ
Superstar and of course the Protestant National Anthem .. Amazing Grace. If it was
Catholic it was out the door and anything else was welcome .. Protestant .. secular ..
whatever .. just not Catholic. Talk about Irish need not apply!
All the while .. our heads were spinning. Organs were out .. guitars and tambourines
were in. I know. I was there. I saw it with my own two eyes. I .. like everyone else who
is 50 .. were actual witnesses to this in the sense that we grew up with them .. right along
beside them. People older than fifty .. saw the so-called Old Church. People under 50
have no understanding of those former days for the most part .. and that includes
converts .. GOD Bless ‘em .. but we “roughly 50 years olds” are the actual witnesses to
it .. the first children of Vatican II .. the eldest sons and daughters of the Second Vatican
And we have some things to say .. and we will be saying them all this week from Rome ..
where the eve of the 50th anniversary of Vatican II is about to descend.
GOD Love You.
I’m Michael Voris(seen on )
Hello everyone and welcome to the Vortex where lies and falsehoods are trapped and
exposed. I’m Michael Voris coming to you from Rome.
As 2011 draws to a close and 2012 appears on the horizon .. many will begin to reflect
back on a hugely significant event that occurred here in Rome 50 years ago. The opening
of the Second Vatican Council.
Yep. 50 years have passed since Blessed Pope John XXIII gave his introduction before
the Council Fathers.
Which for me personally is kind of significant .. because I just recently turned 50 so I and
many other Catholics can rightly be called .. literally the children of Vatican II. We were
born when the Council began and now we have come to full bloom.
So I’d actually like to do some personal reflection as a Catholic who was born as the
Council began and grew up in the Catholic world which developed in its shadow.
I have no recollection .. no living memory of the Church before Vatican II. While I was
an infant in my father’s arms at the traditional Latin Mass .. I spent most of my time AT it
being carried out FROM it for wailing and fussing and crying .. at least that’s what my
Mom and Dad tell me.
My brother however who was exactly 7 years older than me .. same birthday seven years
apart .. was an altar boy .. not an altar server .. but an altar BOY who never served
anything OTHER THAN the latin Mass.
So in the 7 short years between us .. an enormous change occurred. By the time I came to
serve as an altar boy .. the Mass looked almost NOTHING like what my brother had
grown up with.
There were some holdover elements that hadn’t totally been gotten rid of yet .. incense ..
cassock and surplice .. reception of the Body and Blood of Our Blessed Lord on the
We altar boys who are now fifty remember that fact clearly because we had to hold the
patens under the people’s chins. And almost every genuflected going in and out of the
pews. And so did we every time .. and I mean EVERYTIME we crossed in front of the
tabernacle .. which by the way was in the center of the sanctuary.
But during my time as an altar boy .. the “change” was in full force. First .. Sr. Bernadette
.. a lovely and demanding nun .. who was in her habit .. began teaching us .. the altar boys
about the sign of peace. This was when I was in 3rd grade.
We were told that when the time came for the sign of peace .. the priest would turn to us ..
extend the sign to us individually .. then we were to go into the main aisle and pew by
pew processing from front back .. very orderly .. extend the shake. Then that person
would turn to the person next to them and pass it on and so forth. That way .. it was very
clear that the “peace” originated from the sanctuary .. from Christ.
Ah .. well it took about 6 months before that went out the window and the sign of peace
had devolved into the near chaos that it is today where the peace comes not from the
sanctuary .. but EACH OTHER .. not from God .. but from man.
And I know .. because I was there. I saw it with my own two eyes.
By the time us 50 year olds had matriculated from 3rd grade to high school .. we saw the
nuns’ habits go from near the floor to above the knees to out in the trash. Of course we
also saw them leave in droves. I know. I was there. I saw it with my own two eyes.
Then there were the stories that were being whispered about Fr. Jim and Fr. Walsh
running off and getting married to some women after just not showing up one day for
morning Mass. I know. I was there. I saw it with my own two eyes.
This Vortex is not about listing a series of woes that occurred after Vatican II. It’s about
showing how what happened after Vatican II began paving the way for the deeply
wounded Church we see today.
These first small changes were nothing more than pre-cursors of a huge storm that had
already begun to break upon the Church. Within a few short years of that sign of peace
stuff .. our cassocks and surplices had been switched out one Sunday for those droll
unceremonious white bedsheets with hoods and a little rope around the middle.
We just stopped using incense one Sunday. Suddenly .. a few Sundays later .. half the
people were sticking their hands out to “get the bread” and our job with the patens
became virtually unnecessary. We were down-sized as altar boys before being downsized
was fashionable .. and this all happened before having reached puberty.
Of course .. what was happening to us altar boys was one symptom of the larger darkness
that was descending on the Church .. a darkness that robbed us of our heritage .. took it
away from us as we were essentially babies.These modernists literally took the candy of
the Catholic Faith out of the mouth of babies.
Before my time on the altar was over .. we had gone from singing Immaculate Mary and
Holy God we Praise Thy Name to .. hit numbers from GodSpell and Jesus Christ
Superstar and of course the Protestant National Anthem .. Amazing Grace. If it was
Catholic it was out the door and anything else was welcome .. Protestant .. secular ..
whatever .. just not Catholic. Talk about Irish need not apply!
All the while .. our heads were spinning. Organs were out .. guitars and tambourines
were in. I know. I was there. I saw it with my own two eyes. I .. like everyone else who
is 50 .. were actual witnesses to this in the sense that we grew up with them .. right along
beside them. People older than fifty .. saw the so-called Old Church. People under 50
have no understanding of those former days for the most part .. and that includes
converts .. GOD Bless ‘em .. but we “roughly 50 years olds” are the actual witnesses to
it .. the first children of Vatican II .. the eldest sons and daughters of the Second Vatican
And we have some things to say .. and we will be saying them all this week from Rome ..
where the eve of the 50th anniversary of Vatican II is about to descend.
GOD Love You.
I’m Michael Voris(seen on ) it like it is)
From the Heart
Hello everyone .. and welcome to the Vortex .. where lies and falsehoods are trapped and exposed .. I’m Michael Voris.
The Catholic Church is magnificent. It stands like a great and noble city .. a sparkling jewel .. splendorous. The Bride of Christ loved from all Eternity in the Bosom of the Holy Trinity. Pre-saged by Israel with the Father .. purchased with the blood of the Son .. brought into visible reality by the Spirit.
Brought into being in time .. Her destiny is now Eternity. What existed from all time in the mind of the Father will be in alive forever in the heart of the Father, through the Son, by the power of the Holy Spirit.
The Church soars to the heavens in the depth of Her teachings.
She possesses infinity in a finite tabernacle.
She glories with the saints and angels in heaven even now as She lifts up her heart in the Eucharistic sacrifice.
She lives and moves and has Her Being in the Divine Majesty.
She is raised up from the dust of the earth through the waters of baptism.
She lives in perpetual virginity through everlasting espousal to Christ.
She is the delight of the Lord of Lords and is the Bride of the King of Kings.
When She speaks .. her honeyed voice is truth and goodness and beauty.
When She breaths .. it is the air of courts of Heaven .. the intoxicating fragrance of love. THIS is the Church.
Our Blessed Lord would prepare nothing less than perfection for his Bride .. as He
prepared nothing less than perfection for His Mother.
This Bride of Christ .. And She is worth fighting for.
Her sons are summoned to defend Her honor. Her daughters to proclaim her beauty.
There is nothing more noble to which man can aspire than to sit in Her courts and muse on Her truth. Through the deepest reality of love that God could offer man .. Himself in the form of bread .. His very humanity AND Divinity .. we have noble blood now flowing thorugh our veins.
The very DNA of GOD himself joins to our DNA .. literally transforming us into
Christ .. and for this reason a man leaves his parents and CLINGS to his wife .. and the TWO become one flesh.
This is the GREAT reality of the HOLY EUCHARIST. That we have the very blood of
Christ flowing through our veins. His flesh becomes our flesh. We are prepared .. by
slowly being transformed .. for our Heavenly home.
The Church makes possible for us the commandment that Our Blessed Lord gave to each
of us .. Be perfect, as your Father in heaven is perfect.
When the apostles heard their Master’s words .. they were awe struck and said but who
then can be saved. Our Lord answered them, for man it is impossible, but with God all
things are possible. This is why the Church exists .. so that Almighty God may LOVE us into Eternity with Him. So many people simply do not see the Church in this manner. This is a cause of continual sadness for those of us who do. It must continue to be a source of sadness for us so we can stay motivated and energized to pray and preach and sacrifice. The greatest gift this side of Eternity has been handed to those baptized into the Catholic Faith. Freely we have received, now freely we must give. The Catholic Church is the door to eternal life because it is so closely wedded to Christ Himself as a husband to his wife .. that the two have become one flesh .. the same flesh. So when Our lord says of Himself .. he is the door .. he refers also to His One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. He identifies with Her so closely and so freely that his made no distinction between the Church and himself when he confronted Saul on the road to Damascus and said .. Saul, Saul why do you persecute ME? One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism. It is all contained in the Catholic Church fully and completely.
This truth .. it’s worth fighting for.
GOD Bless you.
I’m Michael Voris.
Hello everyone .. and welcome to the Vortex .. where lies and falsehoods are trapped and exposed .. I’m Michael Voris.
The Catholic Church is magnificent. It stands like a great and noble city .. a sparkling jewel .. splendorous. The Bride of Christ loved from all Eternity in the Bosom of the Holy Trinity. Pre-saged by Israel with the Father .. purchased with the blood of the Son .. brought into visible reality by the Spirit.
Brought into being in time .. Her destiny is now Eternity. What existed from all time in the mind of the Father will be in alive forever in the heart of the Father, through the Son, by the power of the Holy Spirit.
The Church soars to the heavens in the depth of Her teachings.
She possesses infinity in a finite tabernacle.
She glories with the saints and angels in heaven even now as She lifts up her heart in the Eucharistic sacrifice.
She lives and moves and has Her Being in the Divine Majesty.
She is raised up from the dust of the earth through the waters of baptism.
She lives in perpetual virginity through everlasting espousal to Christ.
She is the delight of the Lord of Lords and is the Bride of the King of Kings.
When She speaks .. her honeyed voice is truth and goodness and beauty.
When She breaths .. it is the air of courts of Heaven .. the intoxicating fragrance of love. THIS is the Church.
Our Blessed Lord would prepare nothing less than perfection for his Bride .. as He
prepared nothing less than perfection for His Mother.
This Bride of Christ .. And She is worth fighting for.
Her sons are summoned to defend Her honor. Her daughters to proclaim her beauty.
There is nothing more noble to which man can aspire than to sit in Her courts and muse on Her truth. Through the deepest reality of love that God could offer man .. Himself in the form of bread .. His very humanity AND Divinity .. we have noble blood now flowing thorugh our veins.
The very DNA of GOD himself joins to our DNA .. literally transforming us into
Christ .. and for this reason a man leaves his parents and CLINGS to his wife .. and the TWO become one flesh.
This is the GREAT reality of the HOLY EUCHARIST. That we have the very blood of
Christ flowing through our veins. His flesh becomes our flesh. We are prepared .. by
slowly being transformed .. for our Heavenly home.
The Church makes possible for us the commandment that Our Blessed Lord gave to each
of us .. Be perfect, as your Father in heaven is perfect.
When the apostles heard their Master’s words .. they were awe struck and said but who
then can be saved. Our Lord answered them, for man it is impossible, but with God all
things are possible. This is why the Church exists .. so that Almighty God may LOVE us into Eternity with Him. So many people simply do not see the Church in this manner. This is a cause of continual sadness for those of us who do. It must continue to be a source of sadness for us so we can stay motivated and energized to pray and preach and sacrifice. The greatest gift this side of Eternity has been handed to those baptized into the Catholic Faith. Freely we have received, now freely we must give. The Catholic Church is the door to eternal life because it is so closely wedded to Christ Himself as a husband to his wife .. that the two have become one flesh .. the same flesh. So when Our lord says of Himself .. he is the door .. he refers also to His One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. He identifies with Her so closely and so freely that his made no distinction between the Church and himself when he confronted Saul on the road to Damascus and said .. Saul, Saul why do you persecute ME? One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism. It is all contained in the Catholic Church fully and completely.
This truth .. it’s worth fighting for.
GOD Bless you.
I’m Michael Voris.
Enough is Enough!
The Vortex
Hello everyone and welcome to the Vortex where lies and falsehoods are trapped and
exposed. I’m Michael Voris
All this week .. we’ve been talking about the various wrong-doings at the Catholic
Campaign for Human Development – knows also as the CCHD.
The reason we have spent this kind of time on this organization is that it is emblematic of
the larger problem in the Church these days - a corruption or perversion of Church
teaching that helps to destroy Catholic identity and place it as the service of the world,
not God.
Enough is enough. If the Catholic Church is going to recover in the West generally and
the United States in particular than it must be authentically Catholic and stop making
excuses for every possible watered-down version of faith that comes down the pike.
Indifferentism .. relativism .. universalism .. are all given too much of a pass these days in
the Church.
Indifferentism .. is the belief that essentially all religions are the same .. that no one faith
is superior to any others. Of course one is .. Catholicism because the Son of God
established it.
Relativism .. is the belief that no morality is really superior to any other morality .. you
know .. there’s my truth and your truth. Ridiculous. Truth is one.
And Universalism .. the belief that in the end everyone is saved. Our Blessed Lord
Himself tells us this isn’t true.
All three of these serpents wind their way through much of the philosophy that decides
who gets grants from the CCHD.
The Church’s primary social mission is to get souls to heaven. Her corporal works of
mercy flow from that mission .. they don’t replace it.
Please watch this episode of CIA – Catholic Investigative Agency: Social Injustice. The
link is on this page. So far – thousands of people have watched it. Over 800 hours of
research went into this project to help you understand what’s really going on.
Pass it along to as many people as you can and when the plate passes in front of you for
your money to support this .. just say no.
Do you REALLY want to give the CCHD another dime of your money. Watch this
episode of CIA: Social Injustice .. and make up your own mind.
GOD Love You. I’m Michael Voris
The Vortex
Hello everyone and welcome to the Vortex where lies and falsehoods are trapped and
exposed. I’m Michael Voris
All this week .. we’ve been talking about the various wrong-doings at the Catholic
Campaign for Human Development – knows also as the CCHD.
The reason we have spent this kind of time on this organization is that it is emblematic of
the larger problem in the Church these days - a corruption or perversion of Church
teaching that helps to destroy Catholic identity and place it as the service of the world,
not God.
Enough is enough. If the Catholic Church is going to recover in the West generally and
the United States in particular than it must be authentically Catholic and stop making
excuses for every possible watered-down version of faith that comes down the pike.
Indifferentism .. relativism .. universalism .. are all given too much of a pass these days in
the Church.
Indifferentism .. is the belief that essentially all religions are the same .. that no one faith
is superior to any others. Of course one is .. Catholicism because the Son of God
established it.
Relativism .. is the belief that no morality is really superior to any other morality .. you
know .. there’s my truth and your truth. Ridiculous. Truth is one.
And Universalism .. the belief that in the end everyone is saved. Our Blessed Lord
Himself tells us this isn’t true.
All three of these serpents wind their way through much of the philosophy that decides
who gets grants from the CCHD.
The Church’s primary social mission is to get souls to heaven. Her corporal works of
mercy flow from that mission .. they don’t replace it.
Please watch this episode of CIA – Catholic Investigative Agency: Social Injustice. The
link is on this page. So far – thousands of people have watched it. Over 800 hours of
research went into this project to help you understand what’s really going on.
Pass it along to as many people as you can and when the plate passes in front of you for
your money to support this .. just say no.
Do you REALLY want to give the CCHD another dime of your money. Watch this
episode of CIA: Social Injustice .. and make up your own mind.
GOD Love You. I’m Michael Voris it like it is)
CCHD Show me the money!
Hello everyone and welcome to the Vortex where lies and falsehoods are trapped and
exposed. I’m Michael Voris
So we’ve been talking this week and exposing the embarrassment that is the Catholic
Campaign for Human Development .. also known as the CCHD.
In a couple of weeks time .. generally the Sunday before Thanksgiving .. your gonna hear,
or read some syrupy warm and fuzzy appeal for your money to be used to fight poverty.
What you will not hear is that some of that money fuels groups directly opposed to
Catholic Church teaching that are heavily involved in promoting the Culture of Death.
Groups like .. Michigan Organizing Project or MOP. This group was given
$40,000 by the CCHD. Unfortunately the group also openly advocates for
homosexual rights and same sex marriage. Isn’t it nice to know that your r giving
money to help this group.
And as another example .. United Workers Association of Maryland … or
UWA. They were given $50,000 by the CCHD. Unfortunately … they are also
listed on Equality Maryland’s website as opposing any ban on same-sex
marriage. Another group any faithful Catholic would be ecstatic to support.
Now .. a heads up .. you will hear quite a number of voices telling you this information is
wrong .. or lies .. or uncharitable or whatever.
Watch our latest CIA episode – Catholic Investigative Agency: Social Injustice and make
up your own mind. The link is right on this page. Read the review of CCHD grantees by
a moral theologian Dr. William Marshner of Christendom College who quite flatly states
that this is formal cooperation with moral evil. That link is also here.
For whatever reason .. pride .. incompetence .. extreme incredible ignorance .. whatever ..
the lay staff at CCHD refuses to acknowledge these truths or even actually ADDRESS
them on their own merits.
These charges have been present for decades and every time they surface .. the CCHD
does nothing but just deny them and then hurl accusations at the messengers. Typical.
But it doesn’t change the fact that the charges are true and if you put money in the plate
when this comes collection comes around .. some of your money is going to groups that
DIRECTLY engage in evil.
Ah but wait .. there’s more ..(there’s always more).
In response to the investigations and research by others than their own staff .. the CCHD
was forced to stop giving money to a very small number of outfits.
According to the CCHD’s updated grants list for 2010-2011, Centro Campesino and
Latino Farmers Cooperative of Louisiana both received half of the original grant because
the second half of the grant was cancelled.
The New York City AIDS Housing Network, which was recently declared ineligible for
future funding due to its participation in a condom distribution program, still received the FULL grant.
Fair enough. ONCE a moral problem was discovered .. future funding was cut off ..
The CCHD’s grant agreement says on page 5 under the section titled “Termination”..
“In the event of termination of this CCHD grant, USCCB shall provide Grantee written
notice of such termination and of the cancellation of any portions of the grant that remain to be paid.(That has been done.) USCCB may, in its discretion, require Grantee to refund to USCCB the full amount of the CCHD grant and to transfer title to
USCCB of any property purchased by the Grantee with CCHD grant funds.(emphasis added)
The CCHD has the right recall all granted money, even to the point of confiscating
property purchased with the CCHD grant. However, as of last week, there is no
indication that CCHD intends to demand Catholic money be restored.
How much are we talking about? All together .. these three groups got 60 thousand
dollars. Sure would be nice to demand that money back like the agreement THEY signed
says you can. 60K may not seem like a lot in relation to the millions that have been groups like this ..but you know what .. I can think of at least .. oh a hundred or so Crisis Pregnancy Centers that could use 60 thousand dollars and put it to good moral use.So .. by their own admission .. the CCHD has defunded groups because of moral violations .. has the right to demand the money back .. even the right to confiscate property worth an equal value .. but hasn’t lifted a finger as far as anyone can tell to get back YOUR MONEY and direct it toward a cause you were told it was going to in the first place.
Hey Social Justice crowd at the CCHD .. here’s a big shout to you all .. isn’t justice about giving to each according to his due. Catholics gave money for a specific purpose and it was spent on something they had no idea was going on. Get their money back for them. But what response do you get from the CCHD .. ah pish posh .. you mean ‘ol traditional minded Catholics .. stop being so uncharitable. In the meantime .. they take your money .. give it to pro-death groups .. deny it .. lie about it .. get caught .. THEN defund the groups .. and make no move to get the money back that they have every legal right to.
Do you REALLY want to give the CCHD another dime of your money. Watch this episode of CIA: Social Injustice .. and make up your own mind.
GOD Love You. I’m Michael Voris
(Watch Michael Voris Live by going to up its free)
Hello everyone and welcome to the Vortex where lies and falsehoods are trapped and
exposed. I’m Michael Voris
So we’ve been talking this week and exposing the embarrassment that is the Catholic
Campaign for Human Development .. also known as the CCHD.
In a couple of weeks time .. generally the Sunday before Thanksgiving .. your gonna hear,
or read some syrupy warm and fuzzy appeal for your money to be used to fight poverty.
What you will not hear is that some of that money fuels groups directly opposed to
Catholic Church teaching that are heavily involved in promoting the Culture of Death.
Groups like .. Michigan Organizing Project or MOP. This group was given
$40,000 by the CCHD. Unfortunately the group also openly advocates for
homosexual rights and same sex marriage. Isn’t it nice to know that your r giving
money to help this group.
And as another example .. United Workers Association of Maryland … or
UWA. They were given $50,000 by the CCHD. Unfortunately … they are also
listed on Equality Maryland’s website as opposing any ban on same-sex
marriage. Another group any faithful Catholic would be ecstatic to support.
Now .. a heads up .. you will hear quite a number of voices telling you this information is
wrong .. or lies .. or uncharitable or whatever.
Watch our latest CIA episode – Catholic Investigative Agency: Social Injustice and make
up your own mind. The link is right on this page. Read the review of CCHD grantees by
a moral theologian Dr. William Marshner of Christendom College who quite flatly states
that this is formal cooperation with moral evil. That link is also here.
For whatever reason .. pride .. incompetence .. extreme incredible ignorance .. whatever ..
the lay staff at CCHD refuses to acknowledge these truths or even actually ADDRESS
them on their own merits.
These charges have been present for decades and every time they surface .. the CCHD
does nothing but just deny them and then hurl accusations at the messengers. Typical.
But it doesn’t change the fact that the charges are true and if you put money in the plate
when this comes collection comes around .. some of your money is going to groups that
DIRECTLY engage in evil.
Ah but wait .. there’s more ..(there’s always more).
In response to the investigations and research by others than their own staff .. the CCHD
was forced to stop giving money to a very small number of outfits.
According to the CCHD’s updated grants list for 2010-2011, Centro Campesino and
Latino Farmers Cooperative of Louisiana both received half of the original grant because
the second half of the grant was cancelled.
The New York City AIDS Housing Network, which was recently declared ineligible for
future funding due to its participation in a condom distribution program, still received the FULL grant.
Fair enough. ONCE a moral problem was discovered .. future funding was cut off ..
The CCHD’s grant agreement says on page 5 under the section titled “Termination”..
“In the event of termination of this CCHD grant, USCCB shall provide Grantee written
notice of such termination and of the cancellation of any portions of the grant that remain to be paid.(That has been done.) USCCB may, in its discretion, require Grantee to refund to USCCB the full amount of the CCHD grant and to transfer title to
USCCB of any property purchased by the Grantee with CCHD grant funds.(emphasis added)
The CCHD has the right recall all granted money, even to the point of confiscating
property purchased with the CCHD grant. However, as of last week, there is no
indication that CCHD intends to demand Catholic money be restored.
How much are we talking about? All together .. these three groups got 60 thousand
dollars. Sure would be nice to demand that money back like the agreement THEY signed
says you can. 60K may not seem like a lot in relation to the millions that have been groups like this ..but you know what .. I can think of at least .. oh a hundred or so Crisis Pregnancy Centers that could use 60 thousand dollars and put it to good moral use.So .. by their own admission .. the CCHD has defunded groups because of moral violations .. has the right to demand the money back .. even the right to confiscate property worth an equal value .. but hasn’t lifted a finger as far as anyone can tell to get back YOUR MONEY and direct it toward a cause you were told it was going to in the first place.
Hey Social Justice crowd at the CCHD .. here’s a big shout to you all .. isn’t justice about giving to each according to his due. Catholics gave money for a specific purpose and it was spent on something they had no idea was going on. Get their money back for them. But what response do you get from the CCHD .. ah pish posh .. you mean ‘ol traditional minded Catholics .. stop being so uncharitable. In the meantime .. they take your money .. give it to pro-death groups .. deny it .. lie about it .. get caught .. THEN defund the groups .. and make no move to get the money back that they have every legal right to.
Do you REALLY want to give the CCHD another dime of your money. Watch this episode of CIA: Social Injustice .. and make up your own mind.
GOD Love You. I’m Michael Voris
(Watch Michael Voris Live by going to up its free)
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Modernism Inherited, since 2008(Lisante age)
Next year .. which is almost here .. marks the 50th anniversary of the opening of Vatican
II. And right now .. in this year we are barely a breath beyond the 100 year anniversary of
St. Pope Pius X’s dire warnings about Modernism.
Lots of Catholics .. heck nearly all of them .. haven’t even heard the word Modernism
much less know what the Holy Father was talking about. But in short .. it was and is a movement which .. as he said .. synthesizes .. pulls together all heresies and creates one massively united enemy of the Church.
And the problem is this .. Modernism is the enemy which lies WITHIN the Church. This
is what Pius warned against so ardently .. that he demanded that Catholic clergy and
instructors actually take an oath against it. You heard right. A put up your right hand and sing the paper actual oath. That started in 1910 and was ended about 50 years later ..right around the time of Vatican II.
As said earlier this week .. I’m 50 and like many other 50 year olds in the Church .. we have been first hand eye-witnesses to the destruction of much that followed in the wake of Vatican II by the very interests that St. Pius X warned against. We 50 year olds grew up in the Church that was in many ways giving way to Modernism. Now back in the day .. it was cool and in vogue to be “with it”. That was the expression ..“with it”. But no one ever said what exactly IT was. Well it’s pretty darn clear now that IT was modernism. If you don’t believe it .. look around.
Heresy .. some of it bold and affronting .. some of it subtle and coy has gripped the
Church in practically every aspect of Her life. This truth needs to be told and it needs to be told loudly.
You see the loud mouth Modernists in seminaries and chanceries and social movements
in the Church .. who needed to raise a ruckus so they could overthrow the established
order back in the day .. the 1960’s and 1970’s .. when we 50 year olds were snotty kids ..they have now settled in to every corner of the Church.
They don’t need to be loudmouths anymore. They control the levers of power. What is
for them to shout about? They have their will of things. And they have reproduced ..
hiring and promoting and ordaining like-minded friends and allies into chanceries and
seminaries and parish staffs and universities and every other imaginable aspect of
Catholic life. THIS generation of Modernists doesn’t look anything like their hippie .. habit discarding forefathers did when we 50 year olds were kids. Those “with it” types had long hair ..
wore peace signs around their neck on dangly chains .. figured out every way they could to incorporate tie dye patterns into vestments and on and on. They made statements ..loud and clear. They needed to. You can’t storm the palace looking like the palace guard. Just ask the occupy crowd. You need youth and big mouths and they had them in ample supply.Today .. with their ideas firmly entrenched at practically every level of the establishment Church .. they have thrown away their hippie outfits for more polyester comfort. And they don’t rail against the establishment .. they ARE the establishment .. established modernism.
But they WILL rail against those who seek to point them out. Lift a finger or raise a
voice to reveal their true identities and suddenly all the vim and vigor of their halcyon days returns as though they were 30 again .. when they were lying to and deceiving us ..the children who grew up in the aftermath of the Second Vatican Council. This is exactly what Blessed John Paul II encountered as he realized that the Church needed purifying. He said in 2002 in reference to the homosexual clergy sex abuse scandal ..“So much pain, so much sorrow must lead to a holier priesthood, a holier episcopate, and a holier Church.”
The show forth of the Modernist heresy running wild in the Church since the close of the Second Vatican Council has been rabid sexual immorality on the part of laity and clergy and all that it has spawned including the deceitful cover up and silence on the part of not a small number of bishops.
The refusal to teach the truth forcefully and without apology has led to this current crisis and the Modernists do everything they can to prevent the truth from being announced completely.
John Paul recognized this which is why he set about to produce a new Catechism ..
introduce an updated Code of Canon Law .. re-awaken a great love of Our Blessed
Mother .. preach about the theology of the body in a sex-saturated world and hammer
down liberation theology. All he did was resisted every step of the way.
He prepared the way for Benedict to advance the purification of the Church. And very
aware of the viper’s den he was stepping into at the beginning of his reign as Pope .. he sadly sermonized at his first Mass as Pope ..“Pray for me, that I may not flee for fear of the wolves.”
Benedict .. in his role as head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith for nearly 25 years was very well aware of how far Modernism had infected the Church .. was well aware of the ravenous wolves all around him. And now he was Pope. And just when like John Paul was Pope .. their office had been protected by the Holy Spirit from preaching the Modernist heresy.
The first group of Modernists shoved and pushed their way to the front of the line and flat out lied to the children in their charge. As they moved on in years .. they made certain that they kept their agenda moving along. But as we grew up .. we just believed what was told to us .. as well as what was not told to us.
Now many Catholics have no point of reference on what it is to BE catholic. And why
would they? Where exactly would they have ever heard it? From the homosexual priest
who quietly dismisses the Church’s moral teaching so he can live his own lifestyle? Or how abut the ex-nun angry at any real man she encounters because she disdains her
own biology? Or what about the bishop who is so much more concerned about finances than he is the faith that the motto on his Coat of Arms should read – don’t rock the boat? And of course there is always the parish religious ed director or her counterpart downtown at Church headquarters who believe being Catholic is little else than being nice – although much of the time – THEY aren’t.
See the first children who grew up in the wake of Vatican II.For us, this is the only
Church we’ve ever really known .. the Church infected with the Modernism that Pope
Pius .. SAINT Pope Pius warned about. The Church that has found itself unable to
confront the evil of Modern time because the wolves inside the Church have done all they can to ally the Church WITH it.
The modernists in the Church who emerged from underground immediately after Vatican
II to seize control had this exact vision of the world in mind. An immoral place .. devoid in every possible way of God .. where human intellect .. such as it is .. reigns supreme and we are no longer beholding to those antiquated medieval thoughts like objective morality .. especially in the areas of sexual license.
So .. they grabbed control of the one institution on the face of earth that was capable of battling the evil and neutered it. If the Catholic Church does not lead the way in battling evil .. then she LOSES her way and so does the world. This is why abortion is not going away .. why homosexual marriage is advancing like a brush fire and so forth. Modernism is a prevailing current in the Church .. for now. Understand it. Face it. Admit it. And then do something about it.
And if you are one of the eldest children of Vatican II .. the 50 year olds .. come to terms with the reality that we were lied to, and we were robbed and even to this day, our inheritance has still not been returned to us.
The Modernists .. the ones who lied to us when we were altar boys and in grade school ..their offspring who now run things are refusing to give us back what is ours by right .. THE AUTHENTIC CATHOLIC FAITH. They want us to be content with false ecumenism and Protestantized Masses and handing money over for “social justice” and bringing in converts who have only been taught SOME of the faith. They pay lip service to the Pope but fight him continually.
They want us to accept a Church in retreat while at the same time they insist that it is not in retreat. And when we don’t .. they smear us with terms like angry .. uncharitable ..mean-spirited. Wrong. We were the ones lied to and robbed. And we want back what has been taken from us.
And just like THEY did when we were children .. if we can’t have what we want .. what
is ACTUALLY ours .. then we are gonna take it .. but our weapons will be truth .. the
ultimate antidote to the poison of sin .. and knowledge. And without the tie-dye shirts and head bands and peace chains. We used to quietly snicker at how stupid they all looked anyway.
GOD Love You.
I’m Michael Voris
(MY NOTE: I had tears in my heart as I posted this and read it again, as it is saying all that the Conservative Catholics have been yearning to say, and having said it, our words and feelings had fallen on deaf ears, ears that under the guise
of progressivism, and modernism, have ignored the call to return to the REAL CATHOLIC TEACHINGS, PRIOR TO 1962. Please go to and hear what is happening, and being done by Conservative Catholics. The backlash of VTII, and the Tsunami that is coming to wash our Catholic Church clean of the false teachings and interpretations of VTII. GOD bless Michael Voris and the Real Catholic TV group)
Next year .. which is almost here .. marks the 50th anniversary of the opening of Vatican
II. And right now .. in this year we are barely a breath beyond the 100 year anniversary of
St. Pope Pius X’s dire warnings about Modernism.
Lots of Catholics .. heck nearly all of them .. haven’t even heard the word Modernism
much less know what the Holy Father was talking about. But in short .. it was and is a movement which .. as he said .. synthesizes .. pulls together all heresies and creates one massively united enemy of the Church.
And the problem is this .. Modernism is the enemy which lies WITHIN the Church. This
is what Pius warned against so ardently .. that he demanded that Catholic clergy and
instructors actually take an oath against it. You heard right. A put up your right hand and sing the paper actual oath. That started in 1910 and was ended about 50 years later ..right around the time of Vatican II.
As said earlier this week .. I’m 50 and like many other 50 year olds in the Church .. we have been first hand eye-witnesses to the destruction of much that followed in the wake of Vatican II by the very interests that St. Pius X warned against. We 50 year olds grew up in the Church that was in many ways giving way to Modernism. Now back in the day .. it was cool and in vogue to be “with it”. That was the expression ..“with it”. But no one ever said what exactly IT was. Well it’s pretty darn clear now that IT was modernism. If you don’t believe it .. look around.
Heresy .. some of it bold and affronting .. some of it subtle and coy has gripped the
Church in practically every aspect of Her life. This truth needs to be told and it needs to be told loudly.
You see the loud mouth Modernists in seminaries and chanceries and social movements
in the Church .. who needed to raise a ruckus so they could overthrow the established
order back in the day .. the 1960’s and 1970’s .. when we 50 year olds were snotty kids ..they have now settled in to every corner of the Church.
They don’t need to be loudmouths anymore. They control the levers of power. What is
for them to shout about? They have their will of things. And they have reproduced ..
hiring and promoting and ordaining like-minded friends and allies into chanceries and
seminaries and parish staffs and universities and every other imaginable aspect of
Catholic life. THIS generation of Modernists doesn’t look anything like their hippie .. habit discarding forefathers did when we 50 year olds were kids. Those “with it” types had long hair ..
wore peace signs around their neck on dangly chains .. figured out every way they could to incorporate tie dye patterns into vestments and on and on. They made statements ..loud and clear. They needed to. You can’t storm the palace looking like the palace guard. Just ask the occupy crowd. You need youth and big mouths and they had them in ample supply.Today .. with their ideas firmly entrenched at practically every level of the establishment Church .. they have thrown away their hippie outfits for more polyester comfort. And they don’t rail against the establishment .. they ARE the establishment .. established modernism.
But they WILL rail against those who seek to point them out. Lift a finger or raise a
voice to reveal their true identities and suddenly all the vim and vigor of their halcyon days returns as though they were 30 again .. when they were lying to and deceiving us ..the children who grew up in the aftermath of the Second Vatican Council. This is exactly what Blessed John Paul II encountered as he realized that the Church needed purifying. He said in 2002 in reference to the homosexual clergy sex abuse scandal ..“So much pain, so much sorrow must lead to a holier priesthood, a holier episcopate, and a holier Church.”
The show forth of the Modernist heresy running wild in the Church since the close of the Second Vatican Council has been rabid sexual immorality on the part of laity and clergy and all that it has spawned including the deceitful cover up and silence on the part of not a small number of bishops.
The refusal to teach the truth forcefully and without apology has led to this current crisis and the Modernists do everything they can to prevent the truth from being announced completely.
John Paul recognized this which is why he set about to produce a new Catechism ..
introduce an updated Code of Canon Law .. re-awaken a great love of Our Blessed
Mother .. preach about the theology of the body in a sex-saturated world and hammer
down liberation theology. All he did was resisted every step of the way.
He prepared the way for Benedict to advance the purification of the Church. And very
aware of the viper’s den he was stepping into at the beginning of his reign as Pope .. he sadly sermonized at his first Mass as Pope ..“Pray for me, that I may not flee for fear of the wolves.”
Benedict .. in his role as head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith for nearly 25 years was very well aware of how far Modernism had infected the Church .. was well aware of the ravenous wolves all around him. And now he was Pope. And just when like John Paul was Pope .. their office had been protected by the Holy Spirit from preaching the Modernist heresy.
The first group of Modernists shoved and pushed their way to the front of the line and flat out lied to the children in their charge. As they moved on in years .. they made certain that they kept their agenda moving along. But as we grew up .. we just believed what was told to us .. as well as what was not told to us.
Now many Catholics have no point of reference on what it is to BE catholic. And why
would they? Where exactly would they have ever heard it? From the homosexual priest
who quietly dismisses the Church’s moral teaching so he can live his own lifestyle? Or how abut the ex-nun angry at any real man she encounters because she disdains her
own biology? Or what about the bishop who is so much more concerned about finances than he is the faith that the motto on his Coat of Arms should read – don’t rock the boat? And of course there is always the parish religious ed director or her counterpart downtown at Church headquarters who believe being Catholic is little else than being nice – although much of the time – THEY aren’t.
See the first children who grew up in the wake of Vatican II.For us, this is the only
Church we’ve ever really known .. the Church infected with the Modernism that Pope
Pius .. SAINT Pope Pius warned about. The Church that has found itself unable to
confront the evil of Modern time because the wolves inside the Church have done all they can to ally the Church WITH it.
The modernists in the Church who emerged from underground immediately after Vatican
II to seize control had this exact vision of the world in mind. An immoral place .. devoid in every possible way of God .. where human intellect .. such as it is .. reigns supreme and we are no longer beholding to those antiquated medieval thoughts like objective morality .. especially in the areas of sexual license.
So .. they grabbed control of the one institution on the face of earth that was capable of battling the evil and neutered it. If the Catholic Church does not lead the way in battling evil .. then she LOSES her way and so does the world. This is why abortion is not going away .. why homosexual marriage is advancing like a brush fire and so forth. Modernism is a prevailing current in the Church .. for now. Understand it. Face it. Admit it. And then do something about it.
And if you are one of the eldest children of Vatican II .. the 50 year olds .. come to terms with the reality that we were lied to, and we were robbed and even to this day, our inheritance has still not been returned to us.
The Modernists .. the ones who lied to us when we were altar boys and in grade school ..their offspring who now run things are refusing to give us back what is ours by right .. THE AUTHENTIC CATHOLIC FAITH. They want us to be content with false ecumenism and Protestantized Masses and handing money over for “social justice” and bringing in converts who have only been taught SOME of the faith. They pay lip service to the Pope but fight him continually.
They want us to accept a Church in retreat while at the same time they insist that it is not in retreat. And when we don’t .. they smear us with terms like angry .. uncharitable ..mean-spirited. Wrong. We were the ones lied to and robbed. And we want back what has been taken from us.
And just like THEY did when we were children .. if we can’t have what we want .. what
is ACTUALLY ours .. then we are gonna take it .. but our weapons will be truth .. the
ultimate antidote to the poison of sin .. and knowledge. And without the tie-dye shirts and head bands and peace chains. We used to quietly snicker at how stupid they all looked anyway.
GOD Love You.
I’m Michael Voris
(MY NOTE: I had tears in my heart as I posted this and read it again, as it is saying all that the Conservative Catholics have been yearning to say, and having said it, our words and feelings had fallen on deaf ears, ears that under the guise
of progressivism, and modernism, have ignored the call to return to the REAL CATHOLIC TEACHINGS, PRIOR TO 1962. Please go to and hear what is happening, and being done by Conservative Catholics. The backlash of VTII, and the Tsunami that is coming to wash our Catholic Church clean of the false teachings and interpretations of VTII. GOD bless Michael Voris and the Real Catholic TV group)
Divine Mercy Prayers
My prayers and hopes that those who believe will be led to saying these prayers for all sinners, and all humans are sinners.
Today bring to Me the Souls who especially venerate and glorify My Mercy*,
and immerse them in My mercy. These souls sorrowed most over my Passion and entered most deeply into My spirit. They are living images of My Compassionate Heart. These souls will shine with a special brightness in the next life. Not one of them will go into the fire of hell. I shall particularly defend each one of them at the hour of death.
Most Merciful Jesus, whose Heart is Love Itself, receive into the abode of Your Most Compassionate Heart the souls of those who particularly extol and venerate the greatness of Your mercy. These souls are mighty with the very power of God Himself. In the midst of all afflictions and adversities they go forward, confident of Your mercy; and united to You, O Jesus, they carry all mankind on their shoulders. These souls will not be judged severely, but Your mercy will embrace them as they depart from this life.
Eternal Father, turn Your merciful gaze upon the souls who glorify and venerate Your greatest attribute, that of Your fathomless mercy, and who are enclosed in the Most Compassionate Heart of Jesus. These souls are a living Gospel; their hands are full of deeds of mercy, and their hearts, overflowing with joy, sing a canticle of mercy to You, O Most High! I beg You O God:
Show them Your mercy according to the hope and trust they have placed in You. Let there be accomplished in them the promise of Jesus, who said to them that during their life, but especially at the hour of death, the souls who will venerate this fathomless mercy of His, He, Himself, will defend as His glory. Amen.
*The text leads one to conclude that in the first prayer directed to Jesus, Who is the Redeemer, it is "victim" souls and contemplatives that are being prayed for; those persons, that is, that voluntarily offered themselves to God for the salvation of their neighbor (see Col 1:24; 2 Cor 4:12). This explains their close union with the Savior and the extraordinary efficacy that their invisible activity has for others. In the second prayer, directed to the Father from whom comes "every worthwhile gift and every genuine benefit,"we recommend the "active" souls, who promote devotion to The Divine Mercy and exercise with it all the other works that lend themselves to the spiritual and material uplifting of their brethren.
Read more:
Today bring to Me the Souls who especially venerate and glorify My Mercy*,
and immerse them in My mercy. These souls sorrowed most over my Passion and entered most deeply into My spirit. They are living images of My Compassionate Heart. These souls will shine with a special brightness in the next life. Not one of them will go into the fire of hell. I shall particularly defend each one of them at the hour of death.
Most Merciful Jesus, whose Heart is Love Itself, receive into the abode of Your Most Compassionate Heart the souls of those who particularly extol and venerate the greatness of Your mercy. These souls are mighty with the very power of God Himself. In the midst of all afflictions and adversities they go forward, confident of Your mercy; and united to You, O Jesus, they carry all mankind on their shoulders. These souls will not be judged severely, but Your mercy will embrace them as they depart from this life.
Eternal Father, turn Your merciful gaze upon the souls who glorify and venerate Your greatest attribute, that of Your fathomless mercy, and who are enclosed in the Most Compassionate Heart of Jesus. These souls are a living Gospel; their hands are full of deeds of mercy, and their hearts, overflowing with joy, sing a canticle of mercy to You, O Most High! I beg You O God:
Show them Your mercy according to the hope and trust they have placed in You. Let there be accomplished in them the promise of Jesus, who said to them that during their life, but especially at the hour of death, the souls who will venerate this fathomless mercy of His, He, Himself, will defend as His glory. Amen.
*The text leads one to conclude that in the first prayer directed to Jesus, Who is the Redeemer, it is "victim" souls and contemplatives that are being prayed for; those persons, that is, that voluntarily offered themselves to God for the salvation of their neighbor (see Col 1:24; 2 Cor 4:12). This explains their close union with the Savior and the extraordinary efficacy that their invisible activity has for others. In the second prayer, directed to the Father from whom comes "every worthwhile gift and every genuine benefit,"we recommend the "active" souls, who promote devotion to The Divine Mercy and exercise with it all the other works that lend themselves to the spiritual and material uplifting of their brethren.
Read more:
Wednesday, November 16, 2011 . A wonderful catholic site.
The Law of Life
Hello everyone and welcome to the Vortex where lies and falsehoods are trapped and
exposed. I’m Michael Voris
A few weeks ago in one of our Vortex episodes .. we quoted a line that caused a number
of people to sit up and ask for some more information.
The line was this .. "Catholicism is the law of life, the life of the intelligence, the solution
of all problems. Catholicism is the truth, and everything that departs from it one iota, is
disorder, deception, and error."
That phrase was penned by a 19th century Spaniard whose name was Juan Donoso
Cortes .. a brilliant Catholic mind .. emphasis on brilliant and more emphasis on
He began his academic life extremely early having completed studies for law before he
was 16. He lived in the few decades immediately following the French Revolution
whose political and social philosophical errors began spreading to his native Spain.
At first he was caught up in the excitement of the NEW .. like so many people are .. but
this man had the humility of soul to realize that beneath all the excitement was a the everpresent
danger of man-centeredness replacing God-centeredness.
So he began to write and much of what he wrote is oddly enough very much applaicable
to our own day.
He wrote a collection of works called ESSAYS ON CATHOLICISM, LIBERALISM, AND
SOCIALISM and it is from this collection that the above quote comes.
Listen to it again .. "Catholicism is the law of life, the life of the intelligence, the solution
of all problems. Catholicism is the truth, and everything that departs from it one iota, is
disorder, deception, and error."
That statement is so bold and direct as to make modernists’ and progressives skin crawl.
But it is exactly what needs to be said as a direct challenge to the prevailing philosophies
of the modern mind.
Why? Well .. for people who are opposed to all the craziness of the contemporary
world .. who feel like they and their values are in massive retreat and unrelenting attack
from the philosophies of the French Revolution .. it makes clear that idea of liberalism
and socialism .. the anti-Traditionalist forces .. and the ensuing opposition to Tradition is nothing recent, but has been ongoing for a few hundred years.
What becomes clear is this .. there are what we can term revolutionaries and counter-revolutionaries. The revolutionaries are those forces which overthrew the prevailing order of the Christian world beginning with Martin Luther and excelling after the French Revolution. These revolutionaries are very much active today. Opposing them are the counter-revolutionary forces which seek a return to the world of civility with God at the center of social political and cultural life.
Another clarion call that comes forward as a result of the truthful and bold assertion that Catholicism is the law of life is this – and it is aimed squarely at anti-Catholics.Catholicism was and continues to be the sole coherent serious and viable force opposed to the all the evils of the modern world – of the revolution. Anti-Catholics need to ask themselves if they are really willing to reject the world that defined Europe, a world created by foundational documents of the likes of Augustine, Aquinas, or Dante, not to mention art, architecture, chivalry and so much else. Lastly .. For neo-Catholics .. or what might be properly termed .. liberal Catholics .. enthrall to the “spirit of Vatican II”, they need to decide if they are still in continuity with the Holy Church. Since the legitimacy and authority of the Catholic Church derives only from its adherence to Tradition, these neo-Catholics have to demonstrate they are still Catholic.
The phrase sums up perfectly the condition of the contemporary world in which we find
various forces at work .. specifically The Holy Church whose faithful adherents are
counter-revolutionaries versus a number of groups.
First of all .. the revolutionaries who seek the total abolition of everything that proceeded from the Catholic world.
Then the anti-Catholics who agree with some of what the Church teaches in the moral
order but draw the line there .. blasting Catholic theology without realizing that the crown jewel of Catholicism IS her divinely protected teachings from which her morality flows. Then the last group opposed to the Church of the Ages are those within the Holy Church Herself .. the neo-Catholics who suffer under a false sense of reality that anything “new” in the Church should enjoy an certain exaltedness while all that comes before 1965 is somehow suspect.
These three forces battle against the Church and the Church must remain resolute against them .. fighting the three front war until Her savior at last comes to rescue Her. And no retreat .. not one step .. can ever be sanctioned. After all ..
"Catholicism is the law of life, the life of the intelligence, the solution of all problems.
Catholicism is the truth, and everything that departs from it one iota, is disorder,
deception, and error."
GOD Love You.
I’m Michael Voris
God Bless you Michael, and the messages of truth you are getting out to the world.
The Law of Life
Hello everyone and welcome to the Vortex where lies and falsehoods are trapped and
exposed. I’m Michael Voris
A few weeks ago in one of our Vortex episodes .. we quoted a line that caused a number
of people to sit up and ask for some more information.
The line was this .. "Catholicism is the law of life, the life of the intelligence, the solution
of all problems. Catholicism is the truth, and everything that departs from it one iota, is
disorder, deception, and error."
That phrase was penned by a 19th century Spaniard whose name was Juan Donoso
Cortes .. a brilliant Catholic mind .. emphasis on brilliant and more emphasis on
He began his academic life extremely early having completed studies for law before he
was 16. He lived in the few decades immediately following the French Revolution
whose political and social philosophical errors began spreading to his native Spain.
At first he was caught up in the excitement of the NEW .. like so many people are .. but
this man had the humility of soul to realize that beneath all the excitement was a the everpresent
danger of man-centeredness replacing God-centeredness.
So he began to write and much of what he wrote is oddly enough very much applaicable
to our own day.
He wrote a collection of works called ESSAYS ON CATHOLICISM, LIBERALISM, AND
SOCIALISM and it is from this collection that the above quote comes.
Listen to it again .. "Catholicism is the law of life, the life of the intelligence, the solution
of all problems. Catholicism is the truth, and everything that departs from it one iota, is
disorder, deception, and error."
That statement is so bold and direct as to make modernists’ and progressives skin crawl.
But it is exactly what needs to be said as a direct challenge to the prevailing philosophies
of the modern mind.
Why? Well .. for people who are opposed to all the craziness of the contemporary
world .. who feel like they and their values are in massive retreat and unrelenting attack
from the philosophies of the French Revolution .. it makes clear that idea of liberalism
and socialism .. the anti-Traditionalist forces .. and the ensuing opposition to Tradition is nothing recent, but has been ongoing for a few hundred years.
What becomes clear is this .. there are what we can term revolutionaries and counter-revolutionaries. The revolutionaries are those forces which overthrew the prevailing order of the Christian world beginning with Martin Luther and excelling after the French Revolution. These revolutionaries are very much active today. Opposing them are the counter-revolutionary forces which seek a return to the world of civility with God at the center of social political and cultural life.
Another clarion call that comes forward as a result of the truthful and bold assertion that Catholicism is the law of life is this – and it is aimed squarely at anti-Catholics.Catholicism was and continues to be the sole coherent serious and viable force opposed to the all the evils of the modern world – of the revolution. Anti-Catholics need to ask themselves if they are really willing to reject the world that defined Europe, a world created by foundational documents of the likes of Augustine, Aquinas, or Dante, not to mention art, architecture, chivalry and so much else. Lastly .. For neo-Catholics .. or what might be properly termed .. liberal Catholics .. enthrall to the “spirit of Vatican II”, they need to decide if they are still in continuity with the Holy Church. Since the legitimacy and authority of the Catholic Church derives only from its adherence to Tradition, these neo-Catholics have to demonstrate they are still Catholic.
The phrase sums up perfectly the condition of the contemporary world in which we find
various forces at work .. specifically The Holy Church whose faithful adherents are
counter-revolutionaries versus a number of groups.
First of all .. the revolutionaries who seek the total abolition of everything that proceeded from the Catholic world.
Then the anti-Catholics who agree with some of what the Church teaches in the moral
order but draw the line there .. blasting Catholic theology without realizing that the crown jewel of Catholicism IS her divinely protected teachings from which her morality flows. Then the last group opposed to the Church of the Ages are those within the Holy Church Herself .. the neo-Catholics who suffer under a false sense of reality that anything “new” in the Church should enjoy an certain exaltedness while all that comes before 1965 is somehow suspect.
These three forces battle against the Church and the Church must remain resolute against them .. fighting the three front war until Her savior at last comes to rescue Her. And no retreat .. not one step .. can ever be sanctioned. After all ..
"Catholicism is the law of life, the life of the intelligence, the solution of all problems.
Catholicism is the truth, and everything that departs from it one iota, is disorder,
deception, and error."
GOD Love You.
I’m Michael Voris
God Bless you Michael, and the messages of truth you are getting out to the world.
Divine Mercy prayers, not just for a Novena, but for every day
Today bring to Me the Meek and Humble Souls and the Souls of Little Children,
and immerse them in My mercy. These souls most closely resemble My Heart. They strengthened Me during My bitter agony. I saw them as earthly Angels, who will keep vigil at My altars. I pour out upon them whole torrents of grace. I favor humble souls with My confidence.
Most Merciful Jesus, You yourself have said, "Learn from Me for I am meek and humble of heart." Receive into the abode of Your Most Compassionate Heart all meek and humble souls and the souls of little children. These souls send all heaven into ecstasy and they are the heavenly Father's favorites. They are a sweet-smelling bouquet before the throne of God; God Himself takes delight in their fragrance. These souls have a permanent abode in Your Most Compassionate Heart, O Jesus, and they unceasingly sing out a hymn of love and mercy.
Eternal Father, turn Your merciful gaze upon meek souls, upon humble souls, and upon little children who are enfolded in the abode which is the Most Compassionate Heart of Jesus. These souls bear the closest resemblance to Your Son. Their fragrance rises from the earth and reaches Your very throne. Father of mercy and of all goodness, I beg You by the love You bear these souls and by the delight You take in them: Bless the whole world, that all souls together may sing out the praises of Your mercy for endless ages. Amen.
Read more:
and immerse them in My mercy. These souls most closely resemble My Heart. They strengthened Me during My bitter agony. I saw them as earthly Angels, who will keep vigil at My altars. I pour out upon them whole torrents of grace. I favor humble souls with My confidence.
Most Merciful Jesus, You yourself have said, "Learn from Me for I am meek and humble of heart." Receive into the abode of Your Most Compassionate Heart all meek and humble souls and the souls of little children. These souls send all heaven into ecstasy and they are the heavenly Father's favorites. They are a sweet-smelling bouquet before the throne of God; God Himself takes delight in their fragrance. These souls have a permanent abode in Your Most Compassionate Heart, O Jesus, and they unceasingly sing out a hymn of love and mercy.
Eternal Father, turn Your merciful gaze upon meek souls, upon humble souls, and upon little children who are enfolded in the abode which is the Most Compassionate Heart of Jesus. These souls bear the closest resemblance to Your Son. Their fragrance rises from the earth and reaches Your very throne. Father of mercy and of all goodness, I beg You by the love You bear these souls and by the delight You take in them: Bless the whole world, that all souls together may sing out the praises of Your mercy for endless ages. Amen.
Read more:
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Divine Mercy prayers, not just for a Novena, but for every day
Today bring to Me the Souls of those who have separated themselves from My Church*,
and immerse them in the ocean of My mercy. During My bitter Passion they tore at My Body and Heart, that is, My Church. As they return to unity with the Church My wounds heal and in this way they alleviate My Passion."
Most Merciful Jesus, Goodness Itself, You do not refuse light to those who seek it of You. Receive into the abode of Your Most Compassionate Heart the souls of those who have separated themselves from Your Church. Draw them by Your light into the unity of the Church, and do not let them escape from the abode of Your Most Compassionate Heart; but bring it about that they, too, come to glorify the generosity of Your mercy.
Eternal Father, turn Your merciful gaze upon the souls of those who have separated themselves from Your Son's Church, who have squandered Your blessings and misused Your graces by obstinately persisting in their errors. Do not look upon their errors, but upon the love of Your own Son and upon His bitter Passion, which He underwent for their sake, since they, too, are enclosed in His Most Compassionate Heart. Bring it about that they also may glorify Your great mercy for endless ages. Amen.
*Our Lord's original words here were "heretics and schismatics,"
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and immerse them in the ocean of My mercy. During My bitter Passion they tore at My Body and Heart, that is, My Church. As they return to unity with the Church My wounds heal and in this way they alleviate My Passion."
Most Merciful Jesus, Goodness Itself, You do not refuse light to those who seek it of You. Receive into the abode of Your Most Compassionate Heart the souls of those who have separated themselves from Your Church. Draw them by Your light into the unity of the Church, and do not let them escape from the abode of Your Most Compassionate Heart; but bring it about that they, too, come to glorify the generosity of Your mercy.
Eternal Father, turn Your merciful gaze upon the souls of those who have separated themselves from Your Son's Church, who have squandered Your blessings and misused Your graces by obstinately persisting in their errors. Do not look upon their errors, but upon the love of Your own Son and upon His bitter Passion, which He underwent for their sake, since they, too, are enclosed in His Most Compassionate Heart. Bring it about that they also may glorify Your great mercy for endless ages. Amen.
*Our Lord's original words here were "heretics and schismatics,"
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Monday, November 14, 2011
President Jeffersons letter
In his letter to Peter Carr::(His nephew)
"Read the Bible as you would Livy or Tacitus. For example, in the book of Joshua we are told the sun stood still for several hours. Were we to read that fact in Livy or Tacitus we should class it with their showers of blood, speaking of their statues, beasts, etc. But it is said that the writer of that book was inspired. Examine, therefore, candidly, what evidence there is of his having been inspired. The pretension is entitled to your inquiry, because millions believe it. On the other hand, you are astronomer enough to know how contrary it is to the law of nature" (Works, Vol. ii., p. 217).
I refer you to an article written in the "Evening World 10-10-69, of Spencer Indiana.
Harold Hill, president of Curtis Engine Company in Baltimore MD, and a consultant in the space program related the following development:
"I think one of the most amazing things that GOD has for us Today, happened recently to our astronauts and space scientist at Green Belt MD. They were checking the position of the Sun ,Moon,and planets out in space where they would be 100 years, and 1000 years from now. We have to know this so we don't send a satellite up and have it bump into something later on in its orbits. We have to lay out the orgin in terms of the life of he satellite, and where the planets will be so that the while thing will not bog down. They ran the computer measurement back and forth over the centuries and it came to a halt.
The computer stopped and it put up a red signal, which meant, that there was something wrong either in the info fed into it, or with the results as compared to the standards. they called in the service department to check it out and they said "Its perfect". The IBM head of operations said, "Whats wrong?" The scientists said "Well we have found there is a day missing in space in the elapsed time". They scratched their heads, and pulled their hairs.
"There was no answer".
One religious fellow on the team said "You know, one time I was in Sunday School, and they talked about the Sun standing still". They didn't believe him, but they didn't have any other answer, so they said " Show us." So he got a Bible and went back to the 10th chapter of Joshua where they found a pretty ridiculous statement for anybody who has common sense. There they found the Lord saying to Joshua, "Fear them not: I have delivered them into thy hand: There shall not a man of them stand before thee." Joshua was concerned because he was surrounded by the enemy, and if darkness fell, they would overpower them. So Joshua asked the Lord to make the Sun stand still. That's right "The Sun stood still, and the Moon stayed.....and hastened not to go down about a whole day."
l The spacemen said, "There is the missing day". Well, they checked the computers going back into the time it was written, and found it was close, but not close enough. The time
time that was missing back in Joshua's time was 23 hours, and 20 minutes, not a whole day. The bible said "About a whole day". They were missing 40 minutes. They were still in trouble. The religious man remembered that in one place also in the Bible, it said " the Sun went BACKWARDS!". The scientists said "You are out of your mind!." But they took out the Bible once again, and read in II Kings 20, that king Hezekiah on his deathbed, that he was visited by the prophet Isaiah, who said he was not going to die. Hezekiah wanted proof from Isaiah. Isaiah said "do you want the sun to go ahead 10 degrees?". "Hezekiah said to go ahead is nothing, but let the shadows return backward 10 degrees". Isaiah spoke to the Lord, and the Lord brought the shadows back 10 degrees, which amounted to 40 minutes.
When the space schientists entered this in, the computers ran perfect, with no alarms at all. The full missing day was found in the Bible.
The verbatim article was submitted by George M Gilles who's testimony appeared in the Evening World newspaper 10-10-1969.
Many "Free Thinkers" followed John Remsberg ideas (Remsberg was called a Perfect Atheist). Jefferson's letter to his nephew reminded me of this article I had read many years ago, and once again, those without faith, bring out the truth in the Bible as attested to by this article of 10-10-69 in the Indiana Newspaper, as attested to by George M Gilles, a Member of the Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship. Scientific proof of the truth in the Bible. AMEN
"Read the Bible as you would Livy or Tacitus. For example, in the book of Joshua we are told the sun stood still for several hours. Were we to read that fact in Livy or Tacitus we should class it with their showers of blood, speaking of their statues, beasts, etc. But it is said that the writer of that book was inspired. Examine, therefore, candidly, what evidence there is of his having been inspired. The pretension is entitled to your inquiry, because millions believe it. On the other hand, you are astronomer enough to know how contrary it is to the law of nature" (Works, Vol. ii., p. 217).
I refer you to an article written in the "Evening World 10-10-69, of Spencer Indiana.
Harold Hill, president of Curtis Engine Company in Baltimore MD, and a consultant in the space program related the following development:
"I think one of the most amazing things that GOD has for us Today, happened recently to our astronauts and space scientist at Green Belt MD. They were checking the position of the Sun ,Moon,and planets out in space where they would be 100 years, and 1000 years from now. We have to know this so we don't send a satellite up and have it bump into something later on in its orbits. We have to lay out the orgin in terms of the life of he satellite, and where the planets will be so that the while thing will not bog down. They ran the computer measurement back and forth over the centuries and it came to a halt.
The computer stopped and it put up a red signal, which meant, that there was something wrong either in the info fed into it, or with the results as compared to the standards. they called in the service department to check it out and they said "Its perfect". The IBM head of operations said, "Whats wrong?" The scientists said "Well we have found there is a day missing in space in the elapsed time". They scratched their heads, and pulled their hairs.
"There was no answer".
One religious fellow on the team said "You know, one time I was in Sunday School, and they talked about the Sun standing still". They didn't believe him, but they didn't have any other answer, so they said " Show us." So he got a Bible and went back to the 10th chapter of Joshua where they found a pretty ridiculous statement for anybody who has common sense. There they found the Lord saying to Joshua, "Fear them not: I have delivered them into thy hand: There shall not a man of them stand before thee." Joshua was concerned because he was surrounded by the enemy, and if darkness fell, they would overpower them. So Joshua asked the Lord to make the Sun stand still. That's right "The Sun stood still, and the Moon stayed.....and hastened not to go down about a whole day."
l The spacemen said, "There is the missing day". Well, they checked the computers going back into the time it was written, and found it was close, but not close enough. The time
time that was missing back in Joshua's time was 23 hours, and 20 minutes, not a whole day. The bible said "About a whole day". They were missing 40 minutes. They were still in trouble. The religious man remembered that in one place also in the Bible, it said " the Sun went BACKWARDS!". The scientists said "You are out of your mind!." But they took out the Bible once again, and read in II Kings 20, that king Hezekiah on his deathbed, that he was visited by the prophet Isaiah, who said he was not going to die. Hezekiah wanted proof from Isaiah. Isaiah said "do you want the sun to go ahead 10 degrees?". "Hezekiah said to go ahead is nothing, but let the shadows return backward 10 degrees". Isaiah spoke to the Lord, and the Lord brought the shadows back 10 degrees, which amounted to 40 minutes.
When the space schientists entered this in, the computers ran perfect, with no alarms at all. The full missing day was found in the Bible.
The verbatim article was submitted by George M Gilles who's testimony appeared in the Evening World newspaper 10-10-1969.
Many "Free Thinkers" followed John Remsberg ideas (Remsberg was called a Perfect Atheist). Jefferson's letter to his nephew reminded me of this article I had read many years ago, and once again, those without faith, bring out the truth in the Bible as attested to by this article of 10-10-69 in the Indiana Newspaper, as attested to by George M Gilles, a Member of the Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship. Scientific proof of the truth in the Bible. AMEN
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Questions raised by FR X(anonymous) re: Blockley situations
ijanowitz said...
Fr. X raises some important questions about Fr. Blockley's illicit activities while in the DRVC.
A priest of the Rockville Centre diocese has agreed to write a second post on the situation at Our Lady of Lourdes. As I have mentioned before, this good priest is willing to publish his name, but I have decided to keep his identity in confidence for his own protection.
Financial/Moral Implications of the Lisante/Blockley Affair
Let us turn to the Catholic Church's position on the public Masses Fr. Blockley celebrated while serving as Msgr. Lisante's assistant. Since Fr. Blockley was with Msgr. Lisante eight years, we are talking about hundreds of such Masses.
The Church regards all of these Masses as gravely wrong both for Fr. Blockley in saying them and for Msgr. Lisante in allowing them. Why? A suspended priest is forbidden to celebrate Mass unless the Bishop grants permission. Bishop Murphy did not give permission.
What about the money that Msgr. Lisante's paishes gave to Fr. Blockley for the past eight years? How much was it? Was it more than Msgr. Lisante gave to priests in good standing? Apparently, only Msgr. Lisante knows. There is no mention of Fr. Blockley in any of Msgr. Lisante's financial reports to the bishop.
Knowing that Bishop Murphy would not approve of Fr. Blockley's presence, Msgr. Lisante successfully hid Fr. Blockley from the Bishop for many years. If Bishop Murphy had not found out, Fr. Blockley would still be with Msgr. Lisante.
Why does Msgr. Lisante violate Church law for Fr. Blockley while treating Fr. Mason with contempt? Unlike Fr. Blockley, Fr. Mason can hear confessions validly. Unlike Fr. Blockley, Fr. Mason can officiate at marriages validly. Unlike Fr. Blockley, Fr. Mason can celebrate public Masses licitly. Unlike Fr. Blockley, Fr. Mason's presence does not require Msgr. Lisante's to give him a salary.
Could the answer possibly lie in one other area where Fr. Mason and Fr. Blockley are not alike? Unlike Fr. Blockley, Fr. Mason is a strong defender of the Catholic Church's teaching on homosexuality.
In contrast, in past years, Msgr. Lisante has invited the pro-homosexual group Dignity to present its propaganda to impressionable Catholic teenagers. Msgr. Lisante has also attacked the moral teaching of the Catholic Church on homosexuality. Here are Msgr. Lisante's exact words on this subject:
"A whole lot of people are living what you would call false lives because that's what's demanded of them by the Church."
Fr. X has pointed out several areas of concern in Msgr. Lisante's pastoral practices. Of gravest concern is the employment of Fr. Matthew Blockley, a suspended priest without faculties and the matter of Msgr. Lisante's regular absences from the parishes he has managed.
A quick summary of the damage done by Fr. Blockley's illegitimate activities in the Diocese of Rockville Centre:
all the Masses Fr. Blockley celebrated while at St. Thomas the Apostle and Our Lady of Lourdes are illicit.
any confessions he heard are invalid
any marriages at which he officiated are invalid
Fr. Blockley's salary was off the books as there is no mention of his employment in Msgr. Lisante's financial records.
In light of these points and the questions Fr. X has raised, it would appear that a full financial investigation of Msgr. Lisante is in order to determine how Fr. Blockley was being paid while he was employed for eight years at St. Thomas the Apostle Church and while he was at Our Lady of Lourdes.
In addition, there should be an accounting of the stipends given to Fr. Blockley for the illicit and invalid Masses and sacraments he performed during his time here in the Diocese of Rockville Centre. Msgr. Lisante should have to pay that money back to St. Thomas the Apostle parish, as well as the salary which Fr. Blockley was paid for his services there.
There should also be an investigation to see if Fr. Blockley was paid the same or more than the other priests of the parish. If Fr. Blockley was paid "off the books," as Fr. X has reported, than it should be determined if Msgr. Lisante filed false and fraudulent tax forms with the Internal Revenue Service during that time.
All the evidence points to the need for an independent investigation/audit by the appropriate authorities to determine how much money, if any, has been improperly used in the parishes at which Msgr. Lisante has worked and to what degree false and fraudulent information has been filed with the government.
Clearly, there is enough reason to suspect possible unethical and immoral activities on the part of Jim Lisante. Only an investigation can answer these questions definitively and assure the people of Our Lady of Lourdes that their money is being used properly and responsibly.
Fri Nov 07, 08:32:00 AM 2008
Fr. X raises some important questions about Fr. Blockley's illicit activities while in the DRVC.
A priest of the Rockville Centre diocese has agreed to write a second post on the situation at Our Lady of Lourdes. As I have mentioned before, this good priest is willing to publish his name, but I have decided to keep his identity in confidence for his own protection.
Financial/Moral Implications of the Lisante/Blockley Affair
Let us turn to the Catholic Church's position on the public Masses Fr. Blockley celebrated while serving as Msgr. Lisante's assistant. Since Fr. Blockley was with Msgr. Lisante eight years, we are talking about hundreds of such Masses.
The Church regards all of these Masses as gravely wrong both for Fr. Blockley in saying them and for Msgr. Lisante in allowing them. Why? A suspended priest is forbidden to celebrate Mass unless the Bishop grants permission. Bishop Murphy did not give permission.
What about the money that Msgr. Lisante's paishes gave to Fr. Blockley for the past eight years? How much was it? Was it more than Msgr. Lisante gave to priests in good standing? Apparently, only Msgr. Lisante knows. There is no mention of Fr. Blockley in any of Msgr. Lisante's financial reports to the bishop.
Knowing that Bishop Murphy would not approve of Fr. Blockley's presence, Msgr. Lisante successfully hid Fr. Blockley from the Bishop for many years. If Bishop Murphy had not found out, Fr. Blockley would still be with Msgr. Lisante.
Why does Msgr. Lisante violate Church law for Fr. Blockley while treating Fr. Mason with contempt? Unlike Fr. Blockley, Fr. Mason can hear confessions validly. Unlike Fr. Blockley, Fr. Mason can officiate at marriages validly. Unlike Fr. Blockley, Fr. Mason can celebrate public Masses licitly. Unlike Fr. Blockley, Fr. Mason's presence does not require Msgr. Lisante's to give him a salary.
Could the answer possibly lie in one other area where Fr. Mason and Fr. Blockley are not alike? Unlike Fr. Blockley, Fr. Mason is a strong defender of the Catholic Church's teaching on homosexuality.
In contrast, in past years, Msgr. Lisante has invited the pro-homosexual group Dignity to present its propaganda to impressionable Catholic teenagers. Msgr. Lisante has also attacked the moral teaching of the Catholic Church on homosexuality. Here are Msgr. Lisante's exact words on this subject:
"A whole lot of people are living what you would call false lives because that's what's demanded of them by the Church."
Fr. X has pointed out several areas of concern in Msgr. Lisante's pastoral practices. Of gravest concern is the employment of Fr. Matthew Blockley, a suspended priest without faculties and the matter of Msgr. Lisante's regular absences from the parishes he has managed.
A quick summary of the damage done by Fr. Blockley's illegitimate activities in the Diocese of Rockville Centre:
all the Masses Fr. Blockley celebrated while at St. Thomas the Apostle and Our Lady of Lourdes are illicit.
any confessions he heard are invalid
any marriages at which he officiated are invalid
Fr. Blockley's salary was off the books as there is no mention of his employment in Msgr. Lisante's financial records.
In light of these points and the questions Fr. X has raised, it would appear that a full financial investigation of Msgr. Lisante is in order to determine how Fr. Blockley was being paid while he was employed for eight years at St. Thomas the Apostle Church and while he was at Our Lady of Lourdes.
In addition, there should be an accounting of the stipends given to Fr. Blockley for the illicit and invalid Masses and sacraments he performed during his time here in the Diocese of Rockville Centre. Msgr. Lisante should have to pay that money back to St. Thomas the Apostle parish, as well as the salary which Fr. Blockley was paid for his services there.
There should also be an investigation to see if Fr. Blockley was paid the same or more than the other priests of the parish. If Fr. Blockley was paid "off the books," as Fr. X has reported, than it should be determined if Msgr. Lisante filed false and fraudulent tax forms with the Internal Revenue Service during that time.
All the evidence points to the need for an independent investigation/audit by the appropriate authorities to determine how much money, if any, has been improperly used in the parishes at which Msgr. Lisante has worked and to what degree false and fraudulent information has been filed with the government.
Clearly, there is enough reason to suspect possible unethical and immoral activities on the part of Jim Lisante. Only an investigation can answer these questions definitively and assure the people of Our Lady of Lourdes that their money is being used properly and responsibly.
Fri Nov 07, 08:32:00 AM 2008
Contrary to what the Bishop says........
ijanowitz said...
No More School Confessions
Is Msgr. Jim too busy for children's confessions, but not for time hobnobbing with his pal Marissa?
A concerned OLL parishioner has written in an email that First Friday confessions for Our Lady of Lourdes school children have apparently been discontinued since the new school year began two months ago:
"I was talking to some of the women and moms from OLL school and the new school policy is quite interesting. Apparently since school began there has been no confession on the Thursday before first Friday Mass. They still (at this point) have Mass but have not had ANY priests come in to hear the children's confession."
For many years it was customary for the parish priests to come to the school every First Friday to hear confessions at different stations set up in the school auditorium. All the Catholic students in second through eighth grade would take turns class by class to go to confession. The whole school would then file across the parking lot to attend First Friday Mass which was always offered by Fr. Mason.
A large part of the radical Lisante Plan mentioned in the last post involves the gradual purging of confessions from the parish schedule. First Friday Confessions at the school are no longer available, and when the new Mass schedule takes effect, confessions will no longer be heard on Saturday nights or after the 8 AM Mass on weekdays.
At the end of this month, confession in the parish will be reduced to one hour/week on Saturday afternoons, despite Bishop Murphy's specific request in his Pastoral Letter on Penance and Reconciliation last February which encouraged the frequent reception of confession.
Bishop Murphy notes in his letter that, "Pius XII confessed daily. Most priests I know confess at least once a month. There is nothing wrong in weekly confession for confession even of venial sins will bring you the grace of the sacrament, a grace that will bind you ever more deeply into the bond of God's love."
The bishop thanks his priests for "the practice of having confessions available once a week usually for an hour before the first Vigil Mass on Saturday afternoon," but he makes this particular appeal to every pastor in the diocese: "By this letter I am asking every pastor, without exception, to establish at least one additional hour at a different time during the week when there will be a priest in the confessional to hear confessions."
The bishop acknowledges this additional hour "may take some adjustment in a priest's busy schedule" but he admonishes that he and his priests "all should be willing to "re-prioritize" our time even if it means we cannot be present at some other parish activity."
In a salutary passage, Bishop Murphy instructs his priests not to be discouraged if noone comes initially when the second hour of confessions is instituted and makes the novel suggestion that priests spend the time praying: "At first there may not be many who come. But be patient. Even if no one comes, it is not a "waste of the priest's time" to be in the confessional. With the Breviary, the rosary or spiritual reading, the priest can take advantage of the time when there are no penitents to pray for the people and be an example of devotion to the sacrament that will in time bring more and more persons to the sacrament."
I'm afraid we'll have to wait a long time for the day when Msgr. Lisante, that perpetually busy man, is found praying in an empty confessional humbly waiting for penitents as per his bishop's instructions.
The Bishop's letter is a beautiful, heartfelt exposition on the Sacrament of Penance and worth everyone's time to read. It's actually quite a scandal that Msgr. Lisante refuses to implement his own bishop's injunctions in this matter, and takes zero interest in the spiritual formation of the schoolchildren in his care.
In contrast with Msgr. Lisante's obvious disinterest for this sacrament, a recent visit to the newly built chapel at St. Anthony's High School comes to mind. Installed in the rear of the striking Romanesque structure are two large wooden confessionals with exquisitely carved details and flourishes. These beautiful antique confessionals were rescued from a church that was being demolished and are the pride and joy of the Franciscan Brothers who see to it that confession is always readily available for their students.
Perhaps our self-assured new pastor could take a lesson from the Brothers and begin to rediscover the meaning and purpose of this wonderful action of grace, the sacrament of confession, as Bishop Murphy describes it in one passage in his letter: "the sacrament that shows us God's love as mercy, the sacrament that gives us back a restored humanity, that sacrament that makes us one with God and one with all our brothers and sisters in this Body of Christ which is our true home and the one place we always can find God's life and love!"
Tue Nov 04, 08:25:00 AM 2008
No More School Confessions
Is Msgr. Jim too busy for children's confessions, but not for time hobnobbing with his pal Marissa?
A concerned OLL parishioner has written in an email that First Friday confessions for Our Lady of Lourdes school children have apparently been discontinued since the new school year began two months ago:
"I was talking to some of the women and moms from OLL school and the new school policy is quite interesting. Apparently since school began there has been no confession on the Thursday before first Friday Mass. They still (at this point) have Mass but have not had ANY priests come in to hear the children's confession."
For many years it was customary for the parish priests to come to the school every First Friday to hear confessions at different stations set up in the school auditorium. All the Catholic students in second through eighth grade would take turns class by class to go to confession. The whole school would then file across the parking lot to attend First Friday Mass which was always offered by Fr. Mason.
A large part of the radical Lisante Plan mentioned in the last post involves the gradual purging of confessions from the parish schedule. First Friday Confessions at the school are no longer available, and when the new Mass schedule takes effect, confessions will no longer be heard on Saturday nights or after the 8 AM Mass on weekdays.
At the end of this month, confession in the parish will be reduced to one hour/week on Saturday afternoons, despite Bishop Murphy's specific request in his Pastoral Letter on Penance and Reconciliation last February which encouraged the frequent reception of confession.
Bishop Murphy notes in his letter that, "Pius XII confessed daily. Most priests I know confess at least once a month. There is nothing wrong in weekly confession for confession even of venial sins will bring you the grace of the sacrament, a grace that will bind you ever more deeply into the bond of God's love."
The bishop thanks his priests for "the practice of having confessions available once a week usually for an hour before the first Vigil Mass on Saturday afternoon," but he makes this particular appeal to every pastor in the diocese: "By this letter I am asking every pastor, without exception, to establish at least one additional hour at a different time during the week when there will be a priest in the confessional to hear confessions."
The bishop acknowledges this additional hour "may take some adjustment in a priest's busy schedule" but he admonishes that he and his priests "all should be willing to "re-prioritize" our time even if it means we cannot be present at some other parish activity."
In a salutary passage, Bishop Murphy instructs his priests not to be discouraged if noone comes initially when the second hour of confessions is instituted and makes the novel suggestion that priests spend the time praying: "At first there may not be many who come. But be patient. Even if no one comes, it is not a "waste of the priest's time" to be in the confessional. With the Breviary, the rosary or spiritual reading, the priest can take advantage of the time when there are no penitents to pray for the people and be an example of devotion to the sacrament that will in time bring more and more persons to the sacrament."
I'm afraid we'll have to wait a long time for the day when Msgr. Lisante, that perpetually busy man, is found praying in an empty confessional humbly waiting for penitents as per his bishop's instructions.
The Bishop's letter is a beautiful, heartfelt exposition on the Sacrament of Penance and worth everyone's time to read. It's actually quite a scandal that Msgr. Lisante refuses to implement his own bishop's injunctions in this matter, and takes zero interest in the spiritual formation of the schoolchildren in his care.
In contrast with Msgr. Lisante's obvious disinterest for this sacrament, a recent visit to the newly built chapel at St. Anthony's High School comes to mind. Installed in the rear of the striking Romanesque structure are two large wooden confessionals with exquisitely carved details and flourishes. These beautiful antique confessionals were rescued from a church that was being demolished and are the pride and joy of the Franciscan Brothers who see to it that confession is always readily available for their students.
Perhaps our self-assured new pastor could take a lesson from the Brothers and begin to rediscover the meaning and purpose of this wonderful action of grace, the sacrament of confession, as Bishop Murphy describes it in one passage in his letter: "the sacrament that shows us God's love as mercy, the sacrament that gives us back a restored humanity, that sacrament that makes us one with God and one with all our brothers and sisters in this Body of Christ which is our true home and the one place we always can find God's life and love!"
Tue Nov 04, 08:25:00 AM 2008
The "Rapanaro" Fiasco Cover up
ijanowitz said...
Follow up on what is happening at OLL Rapanaro Investigation Ongoing, Diocese Says
I have learned from my sources at OLL that the discrepancies in the Rapanaro case continue, multiplying the question marks about the Lisante administration of the Massapequa Park parish.
A friend contacted Sean Dolan, the diocesan spokesman today, to seek some resolution on the controversy surrounding the hiring of Peter Rapanaro by Msgr. Lisante as co-music director at OLL. Parishioners were concerned about the hiring of Peter Rapanaro since it became known that he directed an off-Broadway production of "My Big Gay Italian Wedding," which contained numerous offensive references to pedophile priests, oral sex and the Catholic faith and portrays gay marriage in a highly favorable light.
An earlier statement by Dolan reported in The Wanderer, a national Catholic weekly, that Rapanaro was being investigated by the Rockville Centre Diocese for some "serious" accusations of an undisclosed nature. Today Dolan confirmed that the investigation of Rapanaro by the Diocese is still ongoing.
Several weeks ago a secretary at OLL told a caller that Peter Rapanaro was not being "investigated," and that this was "a poor choice of words," insisting instead that Rapanaro was being "reviewed" and that review had been concluded satisfactorily.
Sean Dolan was asked today to discuss the apparent difference between a "review" and an "investigation," and he explained that OLL conducted its own review of Rapanaro, which is standard for all diocesan employees. However, Sean Dolan added that the diocese is conducting its own separate investigation of Rapanaro which has not been concluded as of this date.
The affable diocesan spokesman was asked why he thought the OLL secretary had characterized his use of the word "investigation" as "a poor choice of words," and Dolan said he had "no idea."
In a further development, last week Msgr. Lisante mentioned to an OLL parishioner that if Rapanaro were let go from the parish, Rapanaro could hypothetically sue him for discrimination. Dolan was asked today about such a potential lawsuit, and he responded that if such a case were to occur, this is Lisante's matter and does not concern the diocese.
Directly afterwards, Dolan stated that Rapanaro was not employed by the diocese and has never worked for the Diocese of Rockville Centre. Surprised, my friend asked if it were true that Peter Rapanaro worked for Telecare (as has been mentioned in several places online and in the OLL bulletin itself.) Sean Dolan said it was his belief that Rapanaro never worked for the Diocese or for Telecare, but that he would double-check his facts, and my friend could call him tomorrow for confirmation/correction on this detail.
Just for the record, here are several places online which mention Peter Rapanaro's work for Telecare and the Diocese of Rockville Centre:
1) From the St. Thomas the Apostle bulletin announcement re: Rapanaro's induction to the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre:
"The honor is being bestowed on Mr. Rapanaro for his ceaseless lifelong dedication of service to the Diocese in which he has performed thousands of marriages, christenings and funerals, bringing both joy and solace with his God-given voice. His televised masses, locally on Channel 55 WLNY TV and Telicare (sic) Stations Channel 10 and nationally on EWTN stations, bring his vocal gifts to an even larger audience."
2) From his profile on
"[Rapanaro] recently received an award for his over 20 years of dedicated service to the Diocese of Rockville Centre and New York City, and as Cantor and can regularly be seen on TV 55’s Morning Mass and through the TeleCare stations."
3) Finally, from the Sept. 14 OLL bulletin when Msgr. Lisante introduced him to the parish:
"Peter has worked in Music Ministry in several parishes around Long Island, and can
often be seen leading song on the diocesan TV Mass taped at St. Agnes Cathedral."
I will, of course, let you know if Sean Dolan will correct or confirm his statement tomorrow. Meanwhile, as anyone can see, there is an ever-widening gap between the statements of Msgr. Lisante and the statements of the diocesan spokesman.
Follow up on what is happening at OLL Rapanaro Investigation Ongoing, Diocese Says
I have learned from my sources at OLL that the discrepancies in the Rapanaro case continue, multiplying the question marks about the Lisante administration of the Massapequa Park parish.
A friend contacted Sean Dolan, the diocesan spokesman today, to seek some resolution on the controversy surrounding the hiring of Peter Rapanaro by Msgr. Lisante as co-music director at OLL. Parishioners were concerned about the hiring of Peter Rapanaro since it became known that he directed an off-Broadway production of "My Big Gay Italian Wedding," which contained numerous offensive references to pedophile priests, oral sex and the Catholic faith and portrays gay marriage in a highly favorable light.
An earlier statement by Dolan reported in The Wanderer, a national Catholic weekly, that Rapanaro was being investigated by the Rockville Centre Diocese for some "serious" accusations of an undisclosed nature. Today Dolan confirmed that the investigation of Rapanaro by the Diocese is still ongoing.
Several weeks ago a secretary at OLL told a caller that Peter Rapanaro was not being "investigated," and that this was "a poor choice of words," insisting instead that Rapanaro was being "reviewed" and that review had been concluded satisfactorily.
Sean Dolan was asked today to discuss the apparent difference between a "review" and an "investigation," and he explained that OLL conducted its own review of Rapanaro, which is standard for all diocesan employees. However, Sean Dolan added that the diocese is conducting its own separate investigation of Rapanaro which has not been concluded as of this date.
The affable diocesan spokesman was asked why he thought the OLL secretary had characterized his use of the word "investigation" as "a poor choice of words," and Dolan said he had "no idea."
In a further development, last week Msgr. Lisante mentioned to an OLL parishioner that if Rapanaro were let go from the parish, Rapanaro could hypothetically sue him for discrimination. Dolan was asked today about such a potential lawsuit, and he responded that if such a case were to occur, this is Lisante's matter and does not concern the diocese.
Directly afterwards, Dolan stated that Rapanaro was not employed by the diocese and has never worked for the Diocese of Rockville Centre. Surprised, my friend asked if it were true that Peter Rapanaro worked for Telecare (as has been mentioned in several places online and in the OLL bulletin itself.) Sean Dolan said it was his belief that Rapanaro never worked for the Diocese or for Telecare, but that he would double-check his facts, and my friend could call him tomorrow for confirmation/correction on this detail.
Just for the record, here are several places online which mention Peter Rapanaro's work for Telecare and the Diocese of Rockville Centre:
1) From the St. Thomas the Apostle bulletin announcement re: Rapanaro's induction to the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre:
"The honor is being bestowed on Mr. Rapanaro for his ceaseless lifelong dedication of service to the Diocese in which he has performed thousands of marriages, christenings and funerals, bringing both joy and solace with his God-given voice. His televised masses, locally on Channel 55 WLNY TV and Telicare (sic) Stations Channel 10 and nationally on EWTN stations, bring his vocal gifts to an even larger audience."
2) From his profile on
"[Rapanaro] recently received an award for his over 20 years of dedicated service to the Diocese of Rockville Centre and New York City, and as Cantor and can regularly be seen on TV 55’s Morning Mass and through the TeleCare stations."
3) Finally, from the Sept. 14 OLL bulletin when Msgr. Lisante introduced him to the parish:
"Peter has worked in Music Ministry in several parishes around Long Island, and can
often be seen leading song on the diocesan TV Mass taped at St. Agnes Cathedral."
I will, of course, let you know if Sean Dolan will correct or confirm his statement tomorrow. Meanwhile, as anyone can see, there is an ever-widening gap between the statements of Msgr. Lisante and the statements of the diocesan spokesman.
Blockley time line revisited
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Bishop Murphy,& Lisante, you have met your superiors and they are at Our Lady of Lourdes
I received my copy of the Bishop's letter this afternoon and have perused it thoughtfully and carefully.
The focus of the letter, of course, was on l'affaire Blockley, the heart of the controversy which has rocked this parish. The Bishop states that,
When I sent Fr. Blockley back home he informed me he had never received any letter from his bishop. Unless an individual priest receives notification that his faculties have been removed, the suspension of his faculties has no effect on him or the sacraments he administers.
While Bishop Murphy was content to take the word of a priest who left his diocese without permission eight years ago, the parishioner who first discovered that Fr. Blockley's bishop was looking for him went directly to Fr. Blockley's home diocese for this information six months ago.
This email was was sent to the OLL parishioner by Fr. Charlie Borja, a priest in the Diocese of Chalan Kanoa, who was working as an assistant to Fr. Blockley's bishop, Bishop Tomas Camacho, at the time:
Dear ________,
Thank you for your information re Fr. Matthew. I talked with my Bishop and he confirmed it that he suspended the faculty of Fr. Matthew and no Bishop can give him a faculty without consulting first my Bishop.
With this, my Bishop suggests that you or the parish council to inform your Bishop as soon as possible regarding Fr. Matthew's presence and actions in your parish. And my Bishop will be waiting for your Bishop's call.
God bless.
Fr. Charlie
Bishop Tomas Camacho has stated in an interview he gave to the Saipan Tribune in August of this year that Fr. Blockley "left Saipan sometime in 2000 and never came back." The article goes on to report that "Camacho had suspended [Fr. Blockley] because he did not respond to an instruction that he should return to his home diocese."
At the time of this interview, Bishop Camacho reported that Fr. Blockley had still not returned to his home diocese, despite Bishop Murphy's declaration that he "sent Fr. Blockley back home." If the USCCB Alerts now in place on five different diocesan websites are any indication, Fr. Blockley has not returned yet to Chalan Kanoa.
A parishioner calling Bishop Camacho's office approximately a month ago was told by the Vice Chancellor of the diocese then that Fr. Blockley had not arrived.
At the end of the Saipan Tribune interview is this important note: "The Bishop said he wrote letters to Blockley but has never heard of his whereabouts since then."
Here's the time line as it appears to me:
2000- according to his own bishop, Fr. Blockley disappeared from his diocese without permission, leaving no forwarding address, and comes to Long Island, where, allegedly without Bishop Murphy's knowledge or permission, he ministers in Msgr. Lisante's parish in West Hempstead for the next eight years.
2004--Fr. Blockley was suspended by his bishop for his failure to return and notices were sent out for information on his whereabouts, including on the Archdiocese of Miami's website, a notice which was discovered by an OLL parishoner this summer. Letters were also sent by Bishop Camacho to Fr. Blockley in an attempt to notify him of his suspension.
2008---Fr. Blockley's suspension is discovered by an OLL parishioner from the Archdiocese of Miami bulletin and Bishop Camacho, when contacted by this parishioner, instructs him to notify Bishop Murphy who promptly expels Fr. Blockley from the diocese.
I'm no canonist, but it seems peculiar to me that, under the circumstances as outlined above, where we have a suspended priest who is AWOL from his own diocese and who has made no attempt to return or contact his bishop for eight years, that his suspension should be considered null and void based on the priest's claim that he was never notified by his bishop of his suspension.
So, if the Bishop is correct, then hypothetically a priest might commit any kind of misdeed (or run away from his diocese) and actually be suspended by his bishop, but, as long as he denies receiving any kind of notification of suspension, all sacraments he performs wherever he goes after his suspension are valid. Sounds more than a little suspect to me, but, hey, what do I know of such intricate ecclesiastical legalities?
Bishop Murphy complains in his letter of "anonymous letters sent to me," but the facts of the matter are that many OLL parishioners wrote letters to him about this matter with their names and addresses clearly visible on each letter. Furthermore, copies of many of these letters were also sent to the Papal Nuncio and Vatican officials.
The original parishioner who was directed by Bishop Camacho to inform Bishop Murphy of the situation, sent a lengthy letter thoroughly detailing the incident to Bishop Murphy on July 15 of this year. To this day, he has never received a response from the bishop on this matter. Neither have any of the numerous parishioners who have written letters and made phone calls concerning these and other matters at OLL.
Isn't it odd that six months later, the bishop condescends to address the Blockley affair in a scathing public epistle, accusing all those who complained and asked questions about Fr. Blockley's suspension and about the high pontifical honors bestowed upon Peter Rapanaro as "calumniators" and "liars" who are guilty of grave sin?
A simple explanation of the Blockley situation and the canonical implications addressed to the concerned individuals would have resolved this matter long ago.
Trad Dad, one of the OLL Rebels, offered this tough statement:
This letter is stunning to me for its total lack of regard for the facts. This bishop could have replied in July to the letters that were sent to him then regarding Blockley. Don't tell me that just because his canon law flunkeys came up with the ridiculous argument that since Blockley says he never received a letter from his bishop as he wandered all over the world, we're a bunch of nasty, scurrilous vigilantes for blowing the whistle on him.
And don't insult us any further by giving us this baloney that a priest who is present in the parish 15% of the time is the best priest to take over Our Lady of Lourdes, or, that a priest who never hears confessions and who is on record as having a heretical interpretation of Humanae Vitae, is the perfect fit to care for the spiritual lives of parishioners.
One last thing, Bishop Murphy, don't you dare tell us black is white by accusing us of slandering Peter Rapanaro. We saw the pictures on his website of him advertising his blasphemous, disgusting play before the website vanished. For your part, bishop, you ignored our letters, phone calls and pleas for help for six months, and now you suddenly descend from your ivory tower to condemn us? Well, I'll tell you this, Your Excellency, we're not buying this bundle of episcopal revisionism. We did our homework, we have the documents, we consulted with our priests, to make sure we were accurate and fair, while you did nothing.
So, if you think just because you wear a miter you're going to tell us that we have no right to fight a priest who takes away our confessions, our Masses, and our statues, disfigures our altar, and is never around, and never returns our calls or letters, blowing into town in his Mercedes to be feted and crowned by the likes of Tom Suozzi, then we will tell you right now that you are every bit the problem here that you were in Boston.
However, dear reader, despite the defiant words and fighting spirit of my friend, here's where the rubber meets the road, to paraphrase an old Latin saying: "Episcopus Murphius locutus est, causa Blocklii finita est!" (Bishop Murphy has spoken; the Blockley matter is ended.") There is nothing more to be said. Bishop Murphy has all the power and holds all the cards in the DRVC, and apparently Rome will not intervene.
I joined the cause of the OLL rebels to act as their public advocate, because their legitimate concerns and questions were being systematically ignored by Church authorities. Now that those issues have been officially addressed by the powers that be, and now that Msgr. Lisante is officially installed as pastor, there is no more that I can say. I have decided that further discussion is pointless; my well-intentioned endeavors have now come to an end.
It is more than fitting that this contention, righteous as it is, cease as the holy season of Advent waxes on in earnest. I have no intention of allowing this controversy interrupt my spiritual preparation for Christmas any further than it already has.
I will always lament the passing of this unique parish, known at one time for its great devotion to Mary, its strong orthodox faith, and its dedicated pro-life activism. These are all aspects of the parish which are in the process of being eradicated, and very little remains now of the former OLL.
I'm also reluctant to leave the good friends I have made through this little adventure. I will always remember the "OLL Rebels"---the good, decent families and friends who took me into their confidence; it was an honor to convey on this blog their distress and frustration and their honest desire for pastoral understanding and kindness---something they never received at the hands of their bishop or the unfortunate pastor involved in this affair. I will always applaud them for their stout resistance in the face of corruption, their courage in the many long months of silence, and their unswerving faith in the wake of official contempt and scorn, and I wish them well in their new parishes.
Bishop Murphy,& Lisante, you have met your superiors and they are at Our Lady of Lourdes
I received my copy of the Bishop's letter this afternoon and have perused it thoughtfully and carefully.
The focus of the letter, of course, was on l'affaire Blockley, the heart of the controversy which has rocked this parish. The Bishop states that,
When I sent Fr. Blockley back home he informed me he had never received any letter from his bishop. Unless an individual priest receives notification that his faculties have been removed, the suspension of his faculties has no effect on him or the sacraments he administers.
While Bishop Murphy was content to take the word of a priest who left his diocese without permission eight years ago, the parishioner who first discovered that Fr. Blockley's bishop was looking for him went directly to Fr. Blockley's home diocese for this information six months ago.
This email was was sent to the OLL parishioner by Fr. Charlie Borja, a priest in the Diocese of Chalan Kanoa, who was working as an assistant to Fr. Blockley's bishop, Bishop Tomas Camacho, at the time:
Dear ________,
Thank you for your information re Fr. Matthew. I talked with my Bishop and he confirmed it that he suspended the faculty of Fr. Matthew and no Bishop can give him a faculty without consulting first my Bishop.
With this, my Bishop suggests that you or the parish council to inform your Bishop as soon as possible regarding Fr. Matthew's presence and actions in your parish. And my Bishop will be waiting for your Bishop's call.
God bless.
Fr. Charlie
Bishop Tomas Camacho has stated in an interview he gave to the Saipan Tribune in August of this year that Fr. Blockley "left Saipan sometime in 2000 and never came back." The article goes on to report that "Camacho had suspended [Fr. Blockley] because he did not respond to an instruction that he should return to his home diocese."
At the time of this interview, Bishop Camacho reported that Fr. Blockley had still not returned to his home diocese, despite Bishop Murphy's declaration that he "sent Fr. Blockley back home." If the USCCB Alerts now in place on five different diocesan websites are any indication, Fr. Blockley has not returned yet to Chalan Kanoa.
A parishioner calling Bishop Camacho's office approximately a month ago was told by the Vice Chancellor of the diocese then that Fr. Blockley had not arrived.
At the end of the Saipan Tribune interview is this important note: "The Bishop said he wrote letters to Blockley but has never heard of his whereabouts since then."
Here's the time line as it appears to me:
2000- according to his own bishop, Fr. Blockley disappeared from his diocese without permission, leaving no forwarding address, and comes to Long Island, where, allegedly without Bishop Murphy's knowledge or permission, he ministers in Msgr. Lisante's parish in West Hempstead for the next eight years.
2004--Fr. Blockley was suspended by his bishop for his failure to return and notices were sent out for information on his whereabouts, including on the Archdiocese of Miami's website, a notice which was discovered by an OLL parishoner this summer. Letters were also sent by Bishop Camacho to Fr. Blockley in an attempt to notify him of his suspension.
2008---Fr. Blockley's suspension is discovered by an OLL parishioner from the Archdiocese of Miami bulletin and Bishop Camacho, when contacted by this parishioner, instructs him to notify Bishop Murphy who promptly expels Fr. Blockley from the diocese.
I'm no canonist, but it seems peculiar to me that, under the circumstances as outlined above, where we have a suspended priest who is AWOL from his own diocese and who has made no attempt to return or contact his bishop for eight years, that his suspension should be considered null and void based on the priest's claim that he was never notified by his bishop of his suspension.
So, if the Bishop is correct, then hypothetically a priest might commit any kind of misdeed (or run away from his diocese) and actually be suspended by his bishop, but, as long as he denies receiving any kind of notification of suspension, all sacraments he performs wherever he goes after his suspension are valid. Sounds more than a little suspect to me, but, hey, what do I know of such intricate ecclesiastical legalities?
Bishop Murphy complains in his letter of "anonymous letters sent to me," but the facts of the matter are that many OLL parishioners wrote letters to him about this matter with their names and addresses clearly visible on each letter. Furthermore, copies of many of these letters were also sent to the Papal Nuncio and Vatican officials.
The original parishioner who was directed by Bishop Camacho to inform Bishop Murphy of the situation, sent a lengthy letter thoroughly detailing the incident to Bishop Murphy on July 15 of this year. To this day, he has never received a response from the bishop on this matter. Neither have any of the numerous parishioners who have written letters and made phone calls concerning these and other matters at OLL.
Isn't it odd that six months later, the bishop condescends to address the Blockley affair in a scathing public epistle, accusing all those who complained and asked questions about Fr. Blockley's suspension and about the high pontifical honors bestowed upon Peter Rapanaro as "calumniators" and "liars" who are guilty of grave sin?
A simple explanation of the Blockley situation and the canonical implications addressed to the concerned individuals would have resolved this matter long ago.
Trad Dad, one of the OLL Rebels, offered this tough statement:
This letter is stunning to me for its total lack of regard for the facts. This bishop could have replied in July to the letters that were sent to him then regarding Blockley. Don't tell me that just because his canon law flunkeys came up with the ridiculous argument that since Blockley says he never received a letter from his bishop as he wandered all over the world, we're a bunch of nasty, scurrilous vigilantes for blowing the whistle on him.
And don't insult us any further by giving us this baloney that a priest who is present in the parish 15% of the time is the best priest to take over Our Lady of Lourdes, or, that a priest who never hears confessions and who is on record as having a heretical interpretation of Humanae Vitae, is the perfect fit to care for the spiritual lives of parishioners.
One last thing, Bishop Murphy, don't you dare tell us black is white by accusing us of slandering Peter Rapanaro. We saw the pictures on his website of him advertising his blasphemous, disgusting play before the website vanished. For your part, bishop, you ignored our letters, phone calls and pleas for help for six months, and now you suddenly descend from your ivory tower to condemn us? Well, I'll tell you this, Your Excellency, we're not buying this bundle of episcopal revisionism. We did our homework, we have the documents, we consulted with our priests, to make sure we were accurate and fair, while you did nothing.
So, if you think just because you wear a miter you're going to tell us that we have no right to fight a priest who takes away our confessions, our Masses, and our statues, disfigures our altar, and is never around, and never returns our calls or letters, blowing into town in his Mercedes to be feted and crowned by the likes of Tom Suozzi, then we will tell you right now that you are every bit the problem here that you were in Boston.
However, dear reader, despite the defiant words and fighting spirit of my friend, here's where the rubber meets the road, to paraphrase an old Latin saying: "Episcopus Murphius locutus est, causa Blocklii finita est!" (Bishop Murphy has spoken; the Blockley matter is ended.") There is nothing more to be said. Bishop Murphy has all the power and holds all the cards in the DRVC, and apparently Rome will not intervene.
I joined the cause of the OLL rebels to act as their public advocate, because their legitimate concerns and questions were being systematically ignored by Church authorities. Now that those issues have been officially addressed by the powers that be, and now that Msgr. Lisante is officially installed as pastor, there is no more that I can say. I have decided that further discussion is pointless; my well-intentioned endeavors have now come to an end.
It is more than fitting that this contention, righteous as it is, cease as the holy season of Advent waxes on in earnest. I have no intention of allowing this controversy interrupt my spiritual preparation for Christmas any further than it already has.
I will always lament the passing of this unique parish, known at one time for its great devotion to Mary, its strong orthodox faith, and its dedicated pro-life activism. These are all aspects of the parish which are in the process of being eradicated, and very little remains now of the former OLL.
I'm also reluctant to leave the good friends I have made through this little adventure. I will always remember the "OLL Rebels"---the good, decent families and friends who took me into their confidence; it was an honor to convey on this blog their distress and frustration and their honest desire for pastoral understanding and kindness---something they never received at the hands of their bishop or the unfortunate pastor involved in this affair. I will always applaud them for their stout resistance in the face of corruption, their courage in the many long months of silence, and their unswerving faith in the wake of official contempt and scorn, and I wish them well in their new parishes.
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