Sunday, July 24, 2011

An example of the poor young children who are crying out or help

These rantings are posted on the three blogs debating the occurrences at Our Lady of Lourdes Massapequa Park NY. No substance to his/her posts, at one point when challenged replied " I will not debate with you any longer". The indication of a young child looking to rant and I believe has "Oppositional Defiant Disorder". I have not replied to this child, as there is nothing to debate, or discuss with him/her. I just pray for him, and others that are in a dark place and do not realize it, and hope some day they will realize the truth through Jesus Christ, Our Lord.

Itchy Watch
Matawan, NJ
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12 hrs ago Judged:

And yet another identity from the confused and failing mind of Itchy.

Get some help. And post this crap somewhere else. It doesn't belong in this forum.

Itchy Watch
Matawan, NJ(actually Itchy Watch Wantagh, NY)

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Thursday Jul 21 Judged:

Bruser wrote:(quote)
The poor people that will not believe that the Devil exists, and yet blame GOD, whom they do not believe in, for all of he works of the Devil.
Why? Because they want to live without constraints, or rules, that restrict their "having fun", which leads to unwanted pregnancies, liver problems, addiction.....etc. we people of Earth,
behave worse than he animals on earth. The animals on earth do what they do to survive, we do animistic things out of want to satisfy the Devil, not GOD. "Puffin Lady" asked, "where is GOD, why didn't he save Caylee?" Why did this happen? Because of unwanted pregnancy, and restrictions by her mother, which hampered her ability to go out and "party", which is why she had the child in the first place. GOD gives us free will, and we have free will to choose what we do. If we pray and honor Almighty God, and his Son Jesus, then we will be gifted with a conscience, that tells us what is the right things to do. As observed, Casey,does not have any conscience to please, only the desires of the flesh. Her pathological lies show that she is following the desires of the Flesh. She will keep doing "her own will", until the concupiscence of flesh will eventually destroy her. What hope has she? Prayers to Almighty God, through his son Jesus Christ. You that follow your own desires and will, have no one to blame but yourselves, not GOD. In the end, you will have to answer to his Son, Jesus Christ. There is a Book called "Purgatory", in which the Saints show what they had seen of Purgatory, and Hell.
Read it, it may "scare the Hell out of you".(unquote)

(Itchy Watch reply)[quote]
You need serious help, Itchy. Your rantings are delusional.
You can't keep track of your own identities from day to day and you spend all of your time posting prayers. There's a lot wrong with that.

Once more, Itchy, this crap doesn't belong on this forum. Save it for your pathetic blogs.[unquote]

Itchy Watch
Matawan, NJ (actually Itchy Watch Wantagh, NY)

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Wednesday Jul 20 Judged:[quote]

Busy day, today, Itchy? You haven't been on this site in close to a month. We were hoping you had gone away.

You've really lost what little mind you have left. Please, please, get some help. You need it desperately. [unquote]

Itchy Watch
Matawan, NJ (actually Itchy Watch Wantagh, NY)

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Tuesday Jul 19 Judged:[quote]

Blah, blah, blah. Save it for your pathetic blogs, Itchy. It doesn't belong here[unquote]

Itchy Watch
Matawan, NJ (actually Itchy Watch Wantagh, NY)

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12 hrs ago Judged:[quote]

Yet more bullshit from Itchy. You need serious help.[unquote]

The latest post is an indication of the frustration of a child, unable to get a response from me, as I do not feel those posts are worthy of a reply, and he/she had already indicated that "it" will not debate with me. Truly a child in need of your prayers.

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