Obama beer summit, Eric Holder, Black Panthers, Journolist
Our “Post-Racial” or “Most-Racist” President?
By Jayme Evans Sunday, July 25, 2010
For years now, Barack Obama’s media lapdogs have been repeating the lie that Obama was America’s first, “post-racial president”, whatever that means. Well, it didn’t take long for America’s first Beer Summit to shatter that myth.
Although his supporters in the media believed that he would somehow unite the civilized world under the banner of racial harmony, their attacks and his continued silence -considering the racially-charged actions of his Justice Department- show the direction that race relations have taken in the age of Obama. Remember, these attacks didn’t begin with the Shirley Sherrod controversy, they began during the Obama campaign.
Remember when John Murtha disparaged an entire Pennsylvania demographic as too old and mired in ignorance to vote for a black person? Remember when Obama himself stereotyped Pennsylvanians as clinging to their bibles and guns out of fear?
Remember back in February 2009, when America was lambasted by America’s first black Attorney General, Eric holder, as a nation of cowards on matters of race?
Obama-sponsored, face-saving, Beer Summit?
Remember Obama’s next racial gaffe, when he took to the podium in July of 2009, wading chest-deep into a local law-enforcement issue he knew nothing about and chastising the Cambridge Police for “Acting stupidly” before he knew all the facts? Remember the Obama-sponsored, face-saving, Beer Summit?
Remember the ineffective attacks on the Tea Party during the August, 2009 congressional recess and the heated town hall meetings, which was the birth of that movement?
Remember the spectacle that accompanied the signing of ObamaCare and the scripted attempt by Nancy Pelosi, along with members of the Congressional Black Caucus to gin up visions of the 1963 Civil Rights march on Washington DC, equating health care with the generational struggle to overcome bigotry?
Now we have Eric Holder’s Justice Department thumbing their noses at the Constitution and practicing the most inflammatory kind of racial politics imaginable at Obama’s behest, suing Arizona for upholding federal immigration law while turning a blind eye to San Francisco and other self-declared “sanctuary cities” that openly refuse to enforce those very same federal laws.
Holder also refuses to prosecute the Black Panthers and their two thugs who stood outside of a Philadelphia polling station in 2008 brandishing batons. He threw out charges against one Panther and the organization and reduced the injunctive relief imposed on another after a default judgment had already been rendered. Holder has also allegedly refused to prosecute any black-on-white civil rights complaints his agency may uncover, a gross violation of his oath of office and ample grounds for his resignation.
Finally, we have the Daily Caller’s expose on the so-called “Journolist”, a loose amalgamation of liberal-minded, mixed-nuts in the media who spew hatred, manufacture racism where none exists, and bury stories critical of Obama and his associations while putting forth lies about those who oppose him in an effort to bolster Obama and discredit the opposition.
Hate spewed by the NAACP’s aptly-named Ben Jealous towards the Tea Party
Throw in the hate spewed by the NAACP’s aptly-named Ben Jealous towards the Tea Party while he ignores Reverend Wright and black-on-white racism, add the Shirley Sherrod controversy, and it’s hard to argue that Barack Obama has done anything but harm US race-relations. In fact, his eagerness to get out in front of the Sherrod story actually damaged his credibility on race immensely when it backfired.
Obama’s occupation of the White House would not be possible without the support of white, middle-class voters. Yet, with only one exception I’m aware of, he has stood there mute every time those same white voters who trusted him to represent all Americans are ostracized as racist lynch mobs due to their vehement opposition to his socialist ideology.
These tactics will not diminish, they will only escalate, the product of a strategy born years ago, necessitated by the birth of the Tea Party and their refusal to go along quietly with a complete national transformation. While these attacks are not necessarily orchestrated by Barack Obama or his underlings, the Journolist proves that they don’t necessarily need to be. Obama’s failure to condemn them does show his approval.
Although I initially found Eric Holder’s comments about us being a nation of cowards on matters of race quite offensive, perhaps he was right. Perhaps it is time for a national dialogue on race. But leadership and national dialogue both begin at the top. If, in his unique position as the nation’s first half-black, half-white Chief Executive, Barack Obama lacks the leadership to get the discussion started, then perhaps it is up to ordinary Americans. If so, then the first question I would ask is:
Based on what I’ve outlined above, do you think Barack Obama is, as the media suggests, the “post-racial”, or “most-racist” president?
Monday, July 26, 2010
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