Saturday, May 15, 2010

What happened to their cry of " Separation of Church and State"?

Friday, May 14, 2010

Pope Nancy Wags Finger At American Bishops
Only a handful stand up to her

Here's some of a pathetically sad article from The California Catholic Daily;

Pelosi lectures bishops
House Speaker says Church should preach immigration reform from its pulpits

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the San Francisco Democrat and self-described Catholic who has repeatedly run afoul of American bishops for her pro-abortion, pro-stem cell research voting record, has counseled U.S. prelates they should preach immigration reform from the pulpit.

"The cardinals, the archbishops, the bishops that come to me... say, 'We want you to pass immigration reform,' and I said, 'I want you to speak about it from the pulpit,'" Pelosi told participants at a May 6 conference at the U.S. Capitol sponsored by the National Catholic Reporter and Trinity Washington University, her alma mater. "Some (who) oppose immigration reform are sitting in those pews, and you have to tell them that this is a manifestation of our living the Gospels."

“Within the last 24 hours, the archbishops of Denver, New York, Philadelphia and Washington D.C., along with Bishop William Lori have all publicly upbraided the Speaker of the House for her erroneous comments on the Church’s abortion teaching,” reported Catholic News Agency at the time.


A whopping five of our alleged 'leaders' have had the backbone to stand up to Pope Nancy. Keep in mind, there are over 300 members of the USCCB.

Could we be seeing the real 3d Message of Fatima being played out? Just a thought.
posted by Vir Speluncae Catholicus

(I guess when it suits their purpose, there is not separation of Church and State!)

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