Thursday, March 11, 2010

Is there anyone left to carry the Traditional Banner?

Thursday, March 11, 2010
Profiles In Cowardice

Here's some of the article from; (Comments mine)
Archbishops Dolan, Listecki reluctant to deny Communion to pro-abortion politicians

Archbishop Timothy Dolan of New York told an Albany television reporter on March 9 that he does not favor denying Holy Communion to Catholic politicians who support abortion and same-sex marriage.

“NEWS10's John McLoughlin asked Archbishop Dolan if he favored denying the Church's Sacraments to politicians, like Governor David Paterson, who are Roman Catholic but also pro-choice and pro-gay marriage,” WTEN-TV reported. “The prelate acknowledged that some of his fellow bishops might favor such a ban, but Dolan said he does not, preferring to follow the lead of Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI, who said it was better to try to persuade them than to impose sanctions.” (I don't know what Abp. Dolan's been smoking, but then Cdl. Ratzinger decreed in 2004 the following in reference to the reception of Holy Communion by pro-abortion politicians - "the minister of Holy Communion must refuse to distribute it".)

In Milwaukee, Archbishop Jerome Listecki said that he, too, would be averse to the idea of denying the Eucharist to a prominent abortion advocate, although he did exclude the possibility. The newly installed archbishop told an audience at the Milwaukee Press Club that his decision would take into account "the impact of whatever that person is doing." Before taking disciplinary action, he said, he would want to "help them come to an understanding of the teaching." (Your Excellency, these aren't stupid people. They already understand the teaching. They just simply don't give a damn. You've been issued a crozier... use it, or step aside for someone who will.)
posted by Vir Speluncae Catholicus

(Where do these Arch-Bishops get their information from? Do any of them listen to the Pope? I am guessing that SSPX is the only refuge left before the Caves!)

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