Obama has established himself as one of the most “don’t-give-damn” liars of all time in that office
B. Hussein Obama Grade for First Year in Office: F minus; Abject Failure
By Jerry McConnell Sunday, January 3, 2010
We have just passed through the time of year which we have for many years called the ‘Season of Joy’ in this overwhelmingly Christian nation. However, there wasn’t much joy in this year of 2009 due to the unwelcome presence of a foreigner who has usurped the highest elected office of our country: the U. S. Presidency and ignores Christ.
I have to call the occupant a usurping foreigner because he adamantly refuses to allow his ORIGINAL birth certificate to be seen by anybody. Some of his totally blinded and easily duped supporters defend this action by issuing discordant invectives as abuses naming those who call attention to it, the out of order term “birthers.” A term that is more comical of the issuer than the issuee.
If Obama is a true American citizen, like the rest of us, he should be proud to show his true colors. But methinks a huge can of ugly worms would be opened to the devouring public should the real truth ever be seen. A veritable Portrait of Dorian Gray.
This calculated lapse of common decency and respect for what he calls his “fellow Americans” is probably the most singly responsible element in Obama’s slide to new popularity depths with the public. It, along with numerous incidents of breaking his word to the people who put him in the White House, are paramount to his failing grades as he ends his first year in office.
The number and description of his broken promises are so voluminous as to be physically impossible to totally repeat in a column of this size, so I will try to cover some of the principal promises that have not been kept.
And before you ask; yes, I wlll list the very scant few promises to the voters and general public that he has kept. In fact, that they are so few, I will list them first. Although you will note that four kept promises (with one pending) do not have great impact or assistance to the greater majority of American citizens. They are more targeted on low income people and many of probable questionable legal citizenship.
The basic information shown for each one of the next four excerpts of “promises kept” (and one pending) was furnished in an online column by Adam Serwer at TheRoot.com
Credit Card Reform
In 2004, 84 percent of African Americans and 75 percent of Latinos were carrying a credit card balance, compared to 51 percent of whites, making them especially vulnerable to random interest rate increases, etc. The credit card reform bill Obama signed last May prohibits unscrupulous practices and hidden fees.
Reforming the Civil Rights Division
Adam Serwer claims the Civil Rights Division of Justice under the Bush Administration “faltered in its responsibility to enforce anti-discrimination laws and protect the voting rights of minorities” theoretically because Bush appointees were “ideologically opposed to the historical mission of the division. Since being confirmed, the Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights Thomas Perez has declared the Civil Rights Division ‘back in business.’ The Division has prosecuted the largest number of hate crimes since the last time a Democrat was in office.”
Signing the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act
Lilly Ledbetter was a supervisor at Goodyear Tire and Rubber’s plant in Gadsden, Alabama, for nearly twenty years before she discovered that her male counterparts, often with less experience or seniority, were making far more money than her. Nine days after being inaugurated, President Obama signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act—the first bill of his presidency—into law, which extends the statute of limitations to 180 days after the last discriminatory paycheck, rather than when the discriminatory wage was first set. The potential implications in a country where African-American men and women earn 72 cents and 64 cents respectively for every dollar that white men earn are obvious.
Reforming Mandatory Minimum Sentencing
It happened without much fanfare or notice, but an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act the President signed in November 2009 directs the U.S. Sentencing Commission to review all the mandatory minimum sentencing guidelines, the first time it has been directed to do so since 1991.
Although this next item is not yet signed into law by the president, it has two versions passed through the two houses of Congress; to be resolved and merged into one satisfactory to the president.
The Health Care Bill
The Senate recently passed its version of the bill which will now go to conference between the Senate and the House for final presentation to the president. I have not shown any of the provisions of either bill, suffice to say that there is no way anyone can predict what will be in the final version.
An ever-increasing majority of American citizens are opposed to this form of a health care reform bill and pressure on legislators while home on the holiday leave break could even cause a wholesale dismantling of the two bills and a renewed effort to present a bill that would be more acceptable to the general citizenry.
As I noted above, all four of Obama’s “promises kept” apply only to select groups of Americans and not the majority of our citizens.
Also as I noted above, the volume of “promises not kept” makes a complete list impossible; particularly with comment regarding each individual one. Things like his promise to “keep lobbyists out of his Administration” could take several pages just identifying the individual lobbyists that he has already hired to work in his Administration. There are so many of them that Michelle Malkin has written an entire book titled “Culture of Corruption” that is bloated with such events. So we should probably list that one as one of the most egregious and go on to the others as is possible.
An online site titled, Infowars.com almost a year ago listed some of the campaign promises that Obama had already broken. This is the site and the information in it:
February 17, 2009
Make Government Open and Transparent
Make it “Impossible” for Congressmen to slip in Pork Barrel Projects
Meetings where laws are written will be more open to the public
No more secrecy
Public will have 5 days to look at a Bill
We will put every pork barrel project online
As you can see, just reading that short list that Infowars.com has furnished, every one of which has been totally ignored, Obama has established himself as one of the most “don’t-give-damn” liars of all time in that office. Trouble is, he also keeps repeating, for compliant press coverage promises that he has already broken with absolutely no intention of EVER keeping them.
In just about every appropriations bill that comes before him he has just previously promised not to sign the bill if any earmarks (pork) is in it. I just read the other day that so far during his short term as president there have been about 9,000 earmarks total in the bills he has signed.
Probably the most ludicrous and downright laughable promise that he has also made on several occasions, both before and after being elected is the assertion that he will provide the most “transparent” administration of any of all time. Then his very next procedure is to take evasive actions and steps calculated to turn transparency into the dark of night to hide any possible actions that could cause controversy or questions.
Number 3 above is a total joke. All the major bills written to create a new law are done, again in the dark of night, and by professionals who are not even elected and then in many cases, they are voted on in Congress when the time is most propitious for secrecy while voting. These actions also impinge on Number 4 in the list also.
Of all the major bills so far during the course of this legislative year does anyone recall when the public got FIVE days to examine a bill before a vote took place? This was a promise Obama made that needed cooperation from the Congress but has never been achieved.
Also never achieved is the promise made to publish all pork barrel projects online. The next one will be the first one.
One of the reasons why I believe Obama makes and then doesn’t keep his promises is that when he makes a promise in a public setting or news conference gathering he is posturing and trying to look presidential. But then later when confronted by those to whom he is obeisant and who tell him to back off, he just conveniently forgets it; sort of like Al Gore’s convenient lies that have made him so much money
Sunday, January 3, 2010
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