Thursday, December 3, 2009

The great American Congress at work?

Boxer wants climate e-mail hacking probed

WASHINGTON, Dec. 2 (UPI)-- The leaking of e-mails purporting to undermine climate change theories should be criminally investigated, Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., said Wednesday.

The e-mails, written by British scientists at the University of East Anglia, were obtained by hackers and show the director of the university's Climate Research Unit talking about ways to strengthen the proofs for global warming, The Hill newspaper reported.

Critics of climate change point to the e-mails as evidence of deceit in global warming theories.

"You call it 'Climategate'; I call it 'E-mail-theft-gate,'" Boxer, the top Democrat on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, said during a committee meeting. "The main issue is,'Are we facing global warming or are we not?' I'm looking at these e-mails, that even though they were stolen, are now out in the public."(what about the email stolen from Sarah Palin? Not one word about that, and since when is it the job of the Congress to investigate a crime that had happened outside of the United States?)

The committee's top Republican, Sen. James Inhofe, has asked that the e-mails be the subject of a committee hearing. The Hill reported Boxer may grant his request, but said that criminal investigations would be part of any hearings.

WHAT? Are we going to investigate every crime that happens outside of the USA? ARE YOU FRIGHTENED
THAT AL GORE WILL BE FOUND OUT TO BE ANOTHER Mahoff? He is an American Citizen(though you would never know that from his actions), investigate him,find out how much money(besides the Nobel Prize money) he has postured himself to make over the whole world on a "Climate Frenzy", and he is the one who lit the match! Oh I forgot he is a Democrat, not a Republican. Great Visibility Mr

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