Sunday, October 4, 2009

Religion vs Peoples bodily desires!

On the webist, they have an article that the young people of the catholic faith in the Czech republic where our Pope Benedic XVI had just visited, were bemoaning that he is being too restrictive of his berating the act of Homosexuality. I guess I had to speak out with my take on that, you can go to that website and see what their reporting was, here is the response I posted:

Since when does the religion have to pander to the wills of those that are supposedly following that religion? The Pope is 100% correct in this idea, that homosexuality, and lesbianism, are aberrations of Gods intent of Sex. Had Moses pandered to the Jews, finding them sacrificing to the Golden Calf, with the 10 commandments in his hands,then the whole Jewish people would have probably been destroyed, by God turning his back on them. Those that engage in the unnatural appeal of sex with the same gender, have brought down judgement on themselves, and are looking to have more and more people accept them, not caring what the consequences for those that follow them are.
Not being satisfied that the Aides infection was contained amonst themselves, they spread the disease by having sex with heterosexual
partners, just to have the disease spread to them, and whatever heterosexuals they have sex with. Then say, "See, it is not just us that have it". That was the roll that the ACLU took when the prisons noted the disease, and wanted to quarantine those that had the disease, the ACLU fought that idea, liberalism at its best. That is what the Modernists want for the Catholic faith Then let them join themselves to the Protestant faith, the Catholic faith is the faith that was handed down by Jesus through Peter, and those doctrines should not be changed, no matter what the world is about.
The world eventually will destroy itself, and not by destroying the forests, but by giving them the liberties their bodies yearn for.
In over 2000 years, mankind has not learned one single thing, and keep following the mistakes of the past. A look at proverbs will depict the nature of man, then, and now. We had been warned of the deeds of the flesh, immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, anger, drunkeness, are just as prevalent today as they were over 2000 years ago. That is what the people are yearning for, and for the Pope to give in to them, will not lead to salvation, but destruction, and not just of the body, but of the imortal soul.
JMHO, Itzik

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