Saturday, December 31, 2011

Fight, for God's sake, Fight!

Hello everyone .. and welcome to the Vortex .. where lies and falsehoods are trapped and exposed .. I’m Michael Voris.
Wrapping up the theme we have dealt with in this week’s Vortex episodes .. which has
been the virtually unchallenged assault of the homosexual movement against the Church
from INSIDE the Church and the pathetic response to it from Church leaders.
Just as the evils of abortion as well as contraception have been allowed to fester among Catholics in the pews because of lack of a bold and decisive all out offense against them .. so too now is the homosexual agenda.
It’s not that the Pope hasn’t spoken out about this issue. It’s not that a number of bishops around the western world haven’t written about it. It’s not a number of faithful speakers haven’t spoken about it.
But it IS that after words .. after the Pope has said what needs to be said .. none of it is paid attention to in any meaningful way. The Pope’s words and documents are just ignored and too many bishops have not stepped up and vigorously opposed this in every possible way. They allow conferences to be held .. speeches to be given .. their parish priests to coddle this in the name of charity. Too many say next to nothing .. if anything at all as colleges and universities in their diocese allow gay clubs .. campus ministries .. dissenting theologians to stand before young people and corrupt them. Since ALL of this falls under the category of spiritual war .. a quote from one of the more notable warriors in secular history seems apropos here. "If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without
blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not
too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to
fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance
of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to
fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to
perish than to live as slaves." -Winston Churchill
None of this is intended to slam the office of bishop .. regardless of what others
may want to imply. We have nothing but the highest of respect and regard for the
office of bishop .. it was established by Our Blessed Lord.
What we and many others do have a problem with is the glaring LACK of exercising the
AUTHORITY of the office by the men who occupy it for the good of the faithful.
They have the power and authority .. not to mention the divinely mandated duty to
forcefully and constantly condemn all evils that are threats to the faithful.
The crosier a bishop carries isn’t only an instrument to help being back a straying sheep’s also a weapon to whack the daylights out of an approaching wolf. To not use it is to allow the sheep to be devoured.
It takes a certain manfulness to step up and plunge into a pack of wolves and start beating the daylights out of them. Oh yes it does. So do it. Just do it. We .. along with many others are pleading with the bishops .. begging .. start protecting the sheep and stop assailing those sheep who are crying out for your protection.
Get rid of the dissenters. How much time and how many souls are you willing to grant
them before doing what your office demands you do.
Teach your people and priests clearly and precisely that the faith is for their salvation ..that heaven AND hell are real .. that all religions are NOT the same .. that this faith demands the cross be carried .. that the call for everyone of us to live and love as Saints NOT succumb to the latest fad of secular humanism.
And don’t do this all with just words. USE your authority .. whatever the cost to you
personally. Walk the walk as well as talk the talk. Get rid of the wolves in your
chanceries .. seminaries .. parishes. If the diocese must step itself down to poverty to become purer .. so be it. If abuse after abuse is heaped upon your head by the enemies of Christ .. rejoice in the knowledge that you have aroused the anger of Satan. The old saying goes that you can tell a man by his friends. But it’s even more true that you can tell THE man by his enemies.
We would like to close the particular discussion by quoting from an author for whom we have a great deal of respect – if not always total agreement. Dr. Jeff Mirus over at the website Catholic culture dot org has written an article we have linked to here on our page.It’s well worth the short read.
Here are two quotes worth highlighting.
“The first and most important thing to say is that the crisis [in Catholic theology] is of the bishops’ own making. I do not claim that the profound secularization of culture which has eroded Catholic theology on every side is primarily the fault of the bishops, but it is certainly their fault ..”
And secondly .. “That is why it is necessary to exclude those who are no longer Catholic from theological positions within the Church. But exclusion requires more than teaching and sanctifying. Exclusion requires that bishops learn once again how to rule. By their failure to rule, the bishops have participated in the creation of this radical divide.”We’ve also included a link to an article that is soon to be published giving a splendid explanation of the Church’s teaching on homosexuality. It’s well worth the read.
GOD Love you .. and pray for the bishops.
I’m Michael Voris
Catholic Culture article

Divine Mercy Prayers

"Today bring to Me the Souls of Priests and Religious,

and immerse them in My unfathomable mercy. It was they who gave me strength to endure My bitter Passion. Through them as through channels My mercy flows out upon mankind."

Most Merciful Jesus, from whom comes all that is good, increase Your grace in men and women consecrated to Your service,* that they may perform worthy works of mercy; and that all who see them may glorify the Father of Mercy who is in heaven.

Eternal Father, turn Your merciful gaze upon the company of chosen ones in Your vineyard -- upon the souls of priests and religious; and endow them with the strength of Your blessing. For the love of the Heart of Your Son in which they are enfolded, impart to them Your power and light, that they may be able to guide others in the way of salvation and with one voice sing praise to Your boundless mercy for ages without end. Amen.

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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Church vs. State (Read this slowly "Itchy Watch")

Hello everyone and welcome to the Vortex where lies and falsehoods are trapped and
exposed. I’m Michael Voris.
Can anyone be surprised .. really surprised .. that the Catholic Church in America as well as other parts of the western world .. seems destined for a showdown with the
government. World leaders are heading away from God. That much is clear. They have legislated and enacted law upon law which disregards moral truth and elevates that which is evil to legally protected.
In country after country .. the same slate of evil now enjoys the protection of law ..abortion .. contraception .. homosexual unions .. embryonic stem cell research ..euthanasia .. to name just a few.
For much of this .. many people in the Church sat by quietly .. afraid to rock the boat and confront the evil directly. Better to work in private .. avoid confrontation etc was the strategy.
Whether it was motivated by cowardice or cooperation or naivety is a question for
historians and for God. What matter at the present is that is hasn’t worked. And as the full force and consequences of these laws not settle in .. the Church is now clearly in the cross hairs of various governments .. not the least of which is the Obama White House. You see .. it can never be the case that homosexual marriage just sits quietly along side traditional marriage like the radical homosexualists and their political allies have preached for all these years. Live and let live doesn’t work with evil .. because evil and good are opposed to each other .. not uncomfortable companions.
Since homosexuality is now considered legal and protected from being justly
discriminated against .. the next threshold now appears. If it’s legal .. then its must be moral .. goes the reasoning .. reasoning by the way that is deeply flawed .. just ask the victims of the nazi death camps.
If it’s moral and ok .. then its also ok for homosexual couples to marry. If they can marry.. why not adopt. If its ok for all this .. then why isn’t it being told to young children in school and taught as part of the curriculum?
And on and on. At some point .. the Church has finally stepped out of the private
conferences and into the public square and said .. wait a minute .. this evil destroys the whole understanding of marriage .. re-defines it entirely .. destroys the whole natural truth surrounding marriage and by extension family.
These laws therefore cannot stand. And when it says that publically .. watch out for the incoming rounds.
This has already started in a number of states and countries outside the US .. Catholic adoption agencies have been forced to close up shop because they would not agree to adopt out children to homosexual couples. San Francisco .. Boston to name just two with another case pending right now in Illinois.
There will be more. This is just one example of the increasing threat to Catholic truth as step by step governments and leaders who care little for God and his truth push their wicked plans.
So what is a Catholic to do in the face of growing official opposition to the truths of the faith.
In 1890 .. Pope Leo XIII wrote an encyclical called Sapientiae Christianae .. Christian Wisdom .. talking about this very issue. We’ve attached a link to it on this page. Yesterday we shared some of the various quotes from Leo and if you haven’t seen it .. we encourage you view yesterday’s Vortex as well .. but for today .. here are some further quotes dealing with the issue of the state attacking the Church and the duty of Catholics to respond.
“The chief elements of this duty consist in professing openly and unflinchingly the
Catholic doctrine, and in propagating it to the utmost of our power.” #15
“No one, however, must entertain the notion that private individuals are prevented from taking some active part in this duty of teaching, especially those on whom God has bestowed gifts of mind with the strong wish of rendering themselves useful. These, so often as circumstances demand, may take upon themselves, not, indeed, the office of the pastor, but the task of communicating to others what they have themselves received, becoming, as it were, living echoes of their masters in the faith.” #16 Living echoes .. what a beautiful phrase, “ .. it should be borne earnestly in mind that in propagating Christian truth and warding
off errors the zeal of the laity should, as far as possible, be brought actively into play.” As a further encouragement .. Pope Leo declares .. “the Church cannot stand by, indifferent as to the import and significance of laws enacted by the State; not insofar, indeed, as they … trench upon the rights of the Church.” #30
And then is a brilliant stroke he directly addresses the issue of a weak and timid response in the face of evil ..“Some there are, indeed, who maintain that it is not opportune boldly to attack evil - doing in its might and when in the ascendant, lest, as they say, opposition should exasperate minds already hostile. These make it a matter of guesswork as to whether they are for the Church or against her, since on the one hand they give themselves out as professing the Catholic faith, and yet wish that the Church should allow certain opinions, at variance with her teaching, to be spread abroad with impunity. They moan over the loss of faith and the perversion of morals, yet trouble themselves not to bring any remedy;” #33
And there you have it. Please read it for yourselves. Do not lack the courage to fight nor the understanding to know that you should.
And when you encounter those who say .. wait .. don’t rock the boat .. hand them this
encyclical and then go about your work of manfully defending Holy Mother Church and
attacking the gates of Hell.
Tell ‘em to take up their wimpy concerns with Pope Leo.
GOD Love You.
I’m Michael Voris
Pope Leo XIII Encyclical:

Divine Mercy Prayers

Today bring to Me the Souls who especially venerate and glorify My Mercy*,

and immerse them in My mercy. These souls sorrowed most over my Passion and entered most deeply into My spirit. They are living images of My Compassionate Heart. These souls will shine with a special brightness in the next life. Not one of them will go into the fire of hell. I shall particularly defend each one of them at the hour of death.

Most Merciful Jesus, whose Heart is Love Itself, receive into the abode of Your Most Compassionate Heart the souls of those who particularly extol and venerate the greatness of Your mercy. These souls are mighty with the very power of God Himself. In the midst of all afflictions and adversities they go forward, confident of Your mercy; and united to You, O Jesus, they carry all mankind on their shoulders. These souls will not be judged severely, but Your mercy will embrace them as they depart from this life.

Eternal Father, turn Your merciful gaze upon the souls who glorify and venerate Your greatest attribute, that of Your fathomless mercy, and who are enclosed in the Most Compassionate Heart of Jesus. These souls are a living Gospel; their hands are full of deeds of mercy, and their hearts, overflowing with joy, sing a canticle of mercy to You, O Most High! I beg You O God:

Show them Your mercy according to the hope and trust they have placed in You. Let there be accomplished in them the promise of Jesus, who said to them that during their life, but especially at the hour of death, the souls who will venerate this fathomless mercy of His, He, Himself, will defend as His glory. Amen.

*The text leads one to conclude that in the first prayer directed to Jesus, Who is the Redeemer, it is "victim" souls and contemplatives that are being prayed for; those persons, that is, that voluntarily offered themselves to God for the salvation of their neighbor (see Col 1:24; 2 Cor 4:12). This explains their close union with the Savior and the extraordinary efficacy that their invisible activity has for others. In the second prayer, directed to the Father from whom comes "every worthwhile gift and every genuine benefit,"we recommend the "active" souls, who promote devotion to The Divine Mercy and exercise with it all the other works that lend themselves to the spiritual and material uplifting of their brethren.

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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

"Know it all"

Hello everyone and welcome to the Vortex where lies and falsehoods are trapped and
exposed. I’m Michael Voris
When you go down the list of careers .. many of them require what’s called continuing
education where you learn about new laws of industry standards or anything else new that
affects the way you do business.
From accounting to law to medicine to teaching .. practically every industry understands that the world changes and with those changes come changes in how business must be conducted.
Now let’s shift over to the world of faith and religion and theology.
I was sitting with a fellow a few days ago who is extremely accomplished in his field ..financially successful .. well –respected .. considered a virtual expert by many of his peers. And this fellow has the creds to back up the high praise.
THEN the topic shifted to religion .. Catholicism in particular. All of a sudden .. it was like talking so someone with the knowledge base of a 3rd grader.
All of sudden .. things came into focus .. one of those brief episodes referred to as a Damascus moment .. when the lights suddenly go on and you GET something obvious
you had just over looked before.
Brilliant doctors and lawyers and bankers and corporate executives who could tell you
practically anything about their respective careers .. cant whistle a simple tune when it comes to the faith .. regardless of their PhD’s or millions of dollars in the bank.
See .. we have a tendency to see someone as smart and successful as being smart about
EVERYTHING. But that’s just not true.
They’re only smart about what they do each day by waking up and being exposed to it
each and every day. They are constantly talking with other people in their industry and hanging out with them and taking note of the latest news and information and the latest and greatest whatever.
They are the TOPS when it comes to their own business .. but when it comes to the
faith .. they haven’t heard or been exposed to anything new probably since they were 14 when Confirmation classes ended.
And if they’re under roughly 55 .. chances are whatever they learned was wrong or
incomplete anyway.
How many professionals would you trust whose knowledge base hasn’t advanced since
they were a teenager.
Yet .. this is how most people get the faith today .. from a catholic person who has no formal study whatsoever beyond junior high school .. and who forms practically every thought or insight they have based on nothing beyond their own opinion.
But what is their opinion based on? Certainly not knowledge because they don’t have
any to speak of .. certainly not any kind of mature knowledge.
What’s in their heads is what they heard and more importantly PROCESSED as a
teenager. So despite now being able to run a bank or manage law firms or whatever ..
they are nothing more than teenagers in their knowledge of the faith.
So .. let me ask you a question .. with no disrespect to teenagers .. how many children do you know that you can go to for sound and solid counsel when it comes to the matter of your eternal destiny?
Yet .. with practically no real working knowledge of the faith .. loads of people spout of about religion in general and Catholicism specifically like they ACTUALLY know what they are talking about .. and more surprisingly .. other people ACTUALLY listen to them like they know what they are talking about.
Having an opinion about the faith is a far cry from being able to actually answer a
question based on accurate information and knowledge.
No one would consult a doctor about how to fix leaky pipes in his basement. Likewise
no one would ask his accountant for advice about how to fix the carburetor in his ’68
Mustang. But anyone who opens his loud mouth with an uninformed yet passionate opinion about the catholic faith suddenly gets treated like some sort of expert. The uncle who thought an annulment was stupid or the mother in law who thinks the Church is out of step about women priests or birth control.
These types of people with their errant opinions.. and that’s all they are .. opinions .. are deferred to without the slightest thought of asking them for their credentials. They are "know it alls" .. without knowing anything.
Time for faithful Catholics to start educating themselves so as the inevitable
conversations start develop during the upcoming holiday season .. that you can give an INFORMED answer that shuts down your opinionated relative or friend and lets people know that’s there’s more to the Catholic faith than just opinion. There is in fact .. objective truth. And .. that no one likes a "Know it All",or someone that thinks they know it all, and yet know nothing.
GOD Love You.
I’m Michael Voris

Divine Mercy Prayers

Today bring to Me the Meek and Humble Souls and the Souls of Little Children,

and immerse them in My mercy. These souls most closely resemble My Heart. They strengthened Me during My bitter agony. I saw them as earthly Angels, who will keep vigil at My altars. I pour out upon them whole torrents of grace. I favor humble souls with My confidence.

Most Merciful Jesus, You yourself have said, "Learn from Me for I am meek and humble of heart." Receive into the abode of Your Most Compassionate Heart all meek and humble souls and the souls of little children. These souls send all heaven into ecstasy and they are the heavenly Father's favorites. They are a sweet-smelling bouquet before the throne of God; God Himself takes delight in their fragrance. These souls have a permanent abode in Your Most Compassionate Heart, O Jesus, and they unceasingly sing out a hymn of love and mercy.

Eternal Father, turn Your merciful gaze upon meek souls, upon humble souls, and upon little children who are enfolded in the abode which is the Most Compassionate Heart of Jesus. These souls bear the closest resemblance to Your Son. Their fragrance rises from the earth and reaches Your very throne. Father of mercy and of all goodness, I beg You by the love You bear these souls and by the delight You take in them: Bless the whole world, that all souls together may sing out the praises of Your mercy for endless ages. Amen.

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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

With my own eyes!

Hello everyone and welcome to the Vortex where lies and falsehoods are trapped and
exposed. I’m Michael Voris coming to you from Rome.
As 2011 draws to a close and 2012 appears on the horizon .. many will begin to reflect back on a hugely significant event that occurred here in Rome 50 years ago. The opening of the Second Vatican Council.
Yep. 50 years have passed since Blessed Pope John XXIII gave his introduction before
the Council Fathers. Which for me personally is kind of significant .. because I just recently turned 50 so I and many other Catholics can rightly be called .. literally the children of Vatican II. We were born when the Council began and now we have come to full bloom.
So I’d actually like to do some personal reflection as a Catholic who was born as the
Council began and grew up in the Catholic world which developed in its shadow.
I have no recollection .. no living memory of the Church before Vatican II. While I was an infant in my father’s arms at the traditional Latin Mass .. I spent most of my time AT it being carried out FROM it for wailing and fussing and crying .. at least that’s what my Mom and Dad tell me.
My brother however who was exactly 7 years older than me .. same birthday seven years
apart .. was an altar boy .. not an altar server .. but an altar BOY who never served
anything OTHER THAN the latin Mass. So in the 7 short years between us .. an enormous change occurred. By the time I came to serve as an altar boy .. the Mass looked almost NOTHING like what my brother had grown up with.
There were some holdover elements that hadn’t totally been gotten rid of....... yet,incense ..cassock and surplice .. reception of the Body and Blood of Our Blessed Lord on the tongue.
We altar boys who are now fifty remember that fact clearly because we had to hold the
patens under the people’s chins. And almost every genuflected going in and out of the
pews. And so did we every time .. and I mean EVERYTIME we crossed in front of the
tabernacle .. which by the way was in the center of the sanctuary.
But during my time as an altar boy .. the “change” was in full force. First .. Sr. Bernadette, a lovely and demanding nun .. who was in her habit .. began teaching us .. the altar boys about the sign of peace. This was when I was in 3rd grade.
We were told that when the time came for the sign of peace .. the priest would turn to us ..extend the sign to us individually .. then we were to go into the main aisle and pew by pew processing from front back .. very orderly .. extend the shake. Then that person would turn to the person next to them and pass it on and so forth. That way .. it was very clear that the “peace” originated from the sanctuary .. from Christ. Ah .. well it took about 6 months before that went out the window and the sign of peace had devolved into the near chaos that it is today where the peace comes not from the sanctuary .. but EACH OTHER .. not from God .. but from man.
And I know .. because I was there. I saw it with my own two eyes.
By the time us 50 year olds had matriculated from 3rd grade to high school, we saw the nuns’ habits go from near the floor to above the knees to out in the trash. Of course we also saw them leave in droves. I know. I was there. I saw it with my own two eyes.
Then there were the stories that were being whispered about Fr. Jim and Fr. Walsh
running off and getting married to some women after just not showing up one day for
morning Mass. I know. I was there. I saw it with my own two eyes.
This Vortex is not about listing a series of woes that occurred after Vatican II. It’s about showing how what happened after Vatican II began paving the way for the deeply wounded Church we see today.
These first small changes were nothing more than pre-cursors of a huge storm that had
already begun to break upon the Church. Within a few short years of that sign of peace stuff .. our cassocks and surplices had been switched out one Sunday for those droll unceremonious white bedsheets with hoods and a little rope around the middle.
We just stopped using incense one Sunday. Suddenly .. a few Sundays later .. half the
people were sticking their hands out to “get the bread” and our job with the patens
became virtually unnecessary. We were down-sized as altar boys before being downsized
was fashionable .. and this all happened before having reached puberty.
Of course .. what was happening to us altar boys was one symptom of the large darkness that was descending on the Church .. a darkness that robbed us of our heritage .. took it away from us as we were essentially babies.These modernists literally took the candy of the Catholic Faith out of the mouth of babies.
Before my time on the altar was over .. we had gone from singing Immaculate Mary and
Holy God we Praise Thy Name to .. hit numbers from GodSpell and Jesus Christ
Superstar and of course the Protestant National Anthem .. Amazing Grace. If it was
Catholic it was out the door and anything else was welcome, Protestant .. secular ..
whatever .. just not Catholic. Talk about Irish need not apply!
All the while .. our heads were spinning. Organs were out .. guitars and tambourines
were in. I know. I was there. I saw it with my own two eyes. I like everyone else who
is 50 .. were actual witnesses to this in the sense that we grew up with them .. right along beside them. People older than fifty .. saw the so-called Old Church. People under 50 have no understanding of those former days for the most part .. and that includes converts .. GOD Bless ‘em .. but we “roughly 50 years olds” are the actual witnesses to it .. the first children of Vatican II .. the eldest sons and daughters of the Second Vatican Council.
And we have some things to say.We will be saying them all this week from Rome ..
where the eve of the 50th anniversary of Vatican II is about to descend.
GOD Love You.
I’m Michael Voris

Divine Mercy Prayers

"Today bring to Me the Souls of those who have separated themselves from My Church*,

and immerse them in the ocean of My mercy. During My bitter Passion they tore at My Body and Heart, that is, My Church. As they return to unity with the Church My wounds heal and in this way they alleviate My Passion."

Most Merciful Jesus, Goodness Itself, You do not refuse light to those who seek it of You. Receive into the abode of Your Most Compassionate Heart the souls of those who have separated themselves from Your Church. Draw them by Your light into the unity of the Church, and do not let them escape from the abode of Your Most Compassionate Heart; but bring it about that they, too, come to glorify the generosity of Your mercy.

Eternal Father, turn Your merciful gaze upon the souls of those who have separated themselves from Your Son's Church, who have squandered Your blessings and misused Your graces by obstinately persisting in their errors. Do not look upon their errors, but upon the love of Your own Son and upon His bitter Passion, which He underwent for their sake, since they, too, are enclosed in His Most Compassionate Heart. Bring it about that they also may glorify Your great mercy for endless ages. Amen.

*Our Lord's original words here were "heretics and schismatics,"

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Divine Mercy Prayers

"Today bring to Me the Souls of those who have separated themselves from My Church*,

and immerse them in the ocean of My mercy. During My bitter Passion they tore at My Body and Heart, that is, My Church. As they return to unity with the Church My wounds heal and in this way they alleviate My Passion."

Most Merciful Jesus, Goodness Itself, You do not refuse light to those who seek it of You. Receive into the abode of Your Most Compassionate Heart the souls of those who have separated themselves from Your Church. Draw them by Your light into the unity of the Church, and do not let them escape from the abode of Your Most Compassionate Heart; but bring it about that they, too, come to glorify the generosity of Your mercy.

Eternal Father, turn Your merciful gaze upon the souls of those who have separated themselves from Your Son's Church, who have squandered Your blessings and misused Your graces by obstinately persisting in their errors. Do not look upon their errors, but upon the love of Your own Son and upon His bitter Passion, which He underwent for their sake, since they, too, are enclosed in His Most Compassionate Heart. Bring it about that they also may glorify Your great mercy for endless ages. Amen.

*Our Lord's original words here were "heretics and schismatics,"

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Monday, December 26, 2011

Divine Mercy Prayers

"Today bring to Me those who do not believe in God and those who do not know Me,

I was thinking also of them during My bitter Passion, and their future zeal comforted My Heart. Immerse them in the ocean of My mercy."

Most compassionate Jesus, You are the Light of the whole world. Receive into the abode of Your Most Compassionate Heart the souls of those who do not believe in God and of those who as yet do not know You. Let the rays of Your grace enlighten them that they, too, together with us, may extol Your wonderful mercy; and do not let them escape from the abode which is Your Most Compassionate Heart.

Eternal Father, turn Your merciful gaze upon the souls of those who do not believe in You, and of those who as yet do not know You, but who are enclosed in the Most Compassionate Heart of Jesus. Draw them to the light of the Gospel. These souls do not know what great happiness it is to love You. Grant that they, too, may extol the generosity of Your mercy for endless ages. Amen.

*Our Lord's original words here were "the pagans."

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Saturday, December 24, 2011

Law of Life

Law of Life
Hello everyone and welcome to the Vortex where lies and falsehoods are trapped and
exposed. I’m Michael Voris
A few weeks ago in one of our Vortex episodes .. we quoted a line that caused a number of people to sit up and ask for some more information.
The line was this .. "Catholicism is the law of life, the life of the intelligence, the solution of all problems. Catholicism is the truth, and everything that departs from it one iota, is disorder, deception, and error."
That phrase was penned by a 19th century Spaniard whose name was Juan Donoso
Cortes .. a brilliant Catholic mind .. emphasis on brilliant and more emphasis on
He began his academic life extremely early having completed studies for law before he
was 16. He lived in the few decades immediately following the French Revolution
whose political and social philosophical errors began spreading to his native Spain.
At first he was caught up in the excitement of the NEW .. like so many people are .. but this man had the humility of soul to realize that beneath all the excitement was a the everpresent danger of man-centeredness replacing God-centeredness.
So he began to write and much of what he wrote is oddly enough very much applaicable
to our own day.
He wrote a collection of works called ESSAYS ON CATHOLICISM, LIBERALISM, AND
SOCIALISM and it is from this collection that the above quote comes.
Listen to it again .. "Catholicism is the law of life, the life of the intelligence, the solution of all problems. Catholicism is the truth, and everything that departs from it one iota, is disorder, deception, and error."
That statement is so bold and direct as to make modernists’ and progressives skin crawl.
But it is exactly what needs to be said as a direct challenge to the prevailing philosophies of the modern mind.
Why? Well .. for people who are opposed to all the craziness of the contemporary
world .. who feel like they and their values are in massive retreat and unrelenting attack from the philosophies of the French Revolution .. it makes clear that idea of liberalism and socialism .. the anti-Traditionalist forces .. and the ensuing opposition to Tradition is nothing recent, but has been ongoing for a few hundred years. What becomes clear is this .. there are what we can term revolutionaries and counter-revolutionaries.
The revolutionaries are those forces which overthrew the prevailing
order of the Christian world beginning with Martin Luther and excelling after the French Revolution. These revolutionaries are very much active today. Opposing them are the counter-revolutionary forces which seek a return to the world of civility with God at the center of social political and cultural life.
Another clarion call that comes forward as a result of the truthful and bold assertion that Catholicism is the law of life is this – and it is aimed squarely at anti-Catholics. Catholicism was and continues to be the sole coherent serious and viable force opposed to the all the evils of the modern world – of the revolution. Anti-Catholics need to ask themselves if they are really willing to reject the world that defined Europe, a world created by foundational documents of the likes of Augustine, Aquinas, or Dante, not to mention art, architecture, chivalry and so much else.
Lastly; For neo-Catholics, or what might be properly termed liberal Catholics ..
enthrall to the “spirit of Vatican II”, they need to decide if they are still in continuity with the Holy Church. Since the legitimacy and authority of the Catholic Church derives only from its adherence to Tradition, these neo-Catholics have to demonstrate they are still Catholic.
The phrase sums up perfectly the condition of the contemporary world in which we find
various forces at work .. specifically The Holy Church whose faithful adherents are
counter-revolutionaries versus a number of groups.
First of all .. the revolutionaries who seek the total abolition of everything that proceeded from the Catholic world.
Then the anti-Catholics who agree with some of what the Church teaches in the moral
order but draw the line there .. blasting Catholic theology without realizing that the crown jewel of Catholicism IS her divinely protected teachings from which her morality flows.
Then the last group opposed to the Church of the Ages are those within the Holy Church Herself .. the neo-Catholics who suffer under a false sense of reality that anything “new” in the Church should enjoy an certain exaltedness while all that comes before 1965 is somehow suspect.
These three forces battle against the Church and the Church must remain resolute against them .. fighting the three front war until Her savior at last comes to rescue Her. And no retreat .. not one step .. can ever be sanctioned. After all ..
"Catholicism is the law of life, the life of the intelligence, the solution of all problems. Catholicism is the truth, and everything that departs from it one iota, is disorder, deception, and error."
GOD Love You.
I’m Michael Voris

Friday, December 23, 2011

Divine Mercy Prayers

"Today bring to Me the Souls who have become Lukewarm,

and immerse them in the abyss of My mercy. These souls wound My Heart most painfully. My soul suffered the most dreadful loathing in the Garden of Olives because of lukewarm souls. They were the reason I cried out: 'Father, take this cup away from Me, if it be Your will.' For them, the last hope of salvation is to run to My mercy."

Most compassionate Jesus, You are Compassion Itself. I bring lukewarm souls into the abode of Your Most Compassionate Heart. In this fire of Your pure love, let these tepid souls who, like corpses, filled You with such deep loathing, be once again set aflame. O Most Compassionate Jesus, exercise the omnipotence of Your mercy and draw them into the very ardor of Your love, and bestow upon them the gift of holy love, for nothing is beyond Your power.

Eternal Father, turn Your merciful gaze upon lukewarm souls who are nonetheless enfolded in the Most Compassionate Heart of Jesus. Father of Mercy, I beg You by the bitter Passion of Your Son and by His three-hour agony on the Cross: Let them, too, glorify the abyss of Your mercy. Amen.

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Modernism Inherited

Hello everyone and welcome to the Vortex where lies and falsehoods are trapped and
exposed. I’m Michael Voris coming to you from Rome.
Next year .. which is almost here .. marks the 50th anniversary of the opening of Vatican II. And right now .. in this year we are barely a breath beyond the 100 year anniversary of St. Pope Pius X’s dire warnings about Modernism.
Lots of Catholics .. heck nearly all of them .. haven’t even heard the word Modernism
much less know what the Holy Father was talking about. But in short, it was and is a
movement which .. as he said .. synthesizes .. pulls together al heresies and creates one massively united enemy of the Church.
And the problem is this .. Modernism is the enemy which lies WITHIN the Church. This
is what Pius warned against so ardently .. that he demanded that Catholic clergy and
instructors actually take an oath against it. You heard right. A put up your right hand and sing the paper actual oath. That started in 1910 and was ended about 50 years later ..right around the time of Vatican II.
As said earlier this week, I’m 50 and like many other 50 year olds in the Church we
have been first hand eye-witnesses to the destruction of much that followed in the wake of Vatican II by the very interests that St. Pius X warned against. We 50 year olds grew up in the Church that was in many ways giving way to Modernism.
Now back in the day .. it was cool and in vogue to be “with it”. That was the
expression .. “with it”. But no one ever said what exactly IT was. Well it’s pretty darn clear now that IT was modernism. If you don’t believe it .. look around.
Heresy .. some of it bold and affronting .. some of it subtle and coy has gripped the
Church in practically every aspect of Her life. This truth needs to be told and it needs to be told loudly.
You see the loud mouth Modernists in seminaries and chanceries and social movements
in the Church .. who needed to raise a ruckus so they could overthrow the established
order back in the day, the 1960’s and 1970’s, when we 50 year olds were snotty kids..
they have now settled in to every corner of the Church.
They don’t need to be loudmouths anymore. They control the levers of power. What is
for them to shout about? They have their will of things. And they have reproduced ..
hiring and promoting and ordaining like-minded friends and allies into chanceries and
seminaries and parish staffs and universities and every other imaginable aspect of
Catholic life. THIS generation of Modernists doesn’t look anything like their hippie .. habit discarding forefathers did when we 50 year olds were kids. Those “with it” types had long hair ..wore peace signs around their neck on dangly chains .. figured out every way they could to incorporate tie dye patterns into vestments and on and on. They made statements ..loud and clear. They needed to. You can’t storm the palace looking like the palace guard.
Just ask the occupy crowd. You need youth and big mouths and they had them in ample
supply. Today .. with their ideas firmly entrenched at practically every level of the establishment Church .. they have thrown away their hippy outfits for more polyester comfort. And they don’t rail against the establishment .. they ARE the establishment .. established modernism.
But they WILL rail against those who seek to point them out. Lift a finger or raise a
voice to reveal their true identities and suddenly all the vim and vigor of their halcyon days returns as though they were 30 again .. when they were lying to and deceiving us,the children who grew up in the aftermath of the Second Vatican Council.
This is exactly what Blessed John Paul II encountered as he realized that the Church
needed purifying. He said in 2002 in reference to the homosexual clergy sex abuse
scandal .. “So much pain, so much sorrow must lead to a holier priesthood, a holier
episcopate, and a holier Church.”
The show forth of the Modernist heresy running wild in the Church since the close of the Second Vatican Council has been rabid sexual immorality on the part of laity and clergy and all that it has spawned including the deceitful cover up and silence on the part of not a small number of bishops.
The refusal to teach the truth forcefully and without apology has led to this current crisis and the Modernists do everything they can to prevent the truth from being announced completely.
John Paul recognized this which is why he set about to produce a new Catechism ..
introduce an updated Code of Canon Law .. re-awaken a great love of Our Blessed
Mother .. preach about the theology of the body in a sex-saturated world and hammer
down liberation theology. All he did was resisted every step of the way.
He prepared the way for Benedict to advance the purification of the Church. And very
aware of the viper’s den he was stepping into at the beginning of his reign as Pope .. he sadly sermonized at his first Mass as Pope .. “Pray for me, that I may not flee for fear of the wolves.”
Benedict .. in his role as head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith for nearly 25 years was very well aware of how far Modernism had infected the Church .. was well aware of the ravenous wolves all around him. And now he was Pope. And just when like John Paul was Pope .. their office had been protected by the Holy Spirit from preaching the Modernist heresy.
The first group of Modernists shoved and pushed their way to the front of the line and flat out lied to the children in their charge. As they moved on in years .. they made certain that they kept their agenda moving along. But as we grew up .. we just believed what was told to us .. as well as what was not told to us.
Now many Catholics have no point of reference on what it is to BE catholic. And why
would they? Where exactly would they have ever heard it? From the homosexual priest
who quietly dismisses the Church’s moral teaching so he can live his own lifestyle? Or how abut the ex-nun .. angry at any real man she encounters because she disdains her own biology?
Or what about the bishop who is so much more concerned about finances than he is the
faith that the motto on his Coat of Arms should read – don’t rock the boat? And of course there is always the parish religious ed director or her counterpart downtown at Church headquarters who believe being Catholic is little else than being nice – although much of the time – THEY aren’t.
See .. the first children who grew up in the wake of Vatican II .. for us .. this is the only Church we’ve ever really known .. the Church infected with the Modernism that Pope Pius .. SAINT Pope Pius warned about. The Church that has found itself unable to confront the evil of Modern time because the wolves inside the Church have done all they can to ally the Church WITH it.
The modernists in the Church who emerged from underground immediately after Vatican
II to seize control had this exact vision of the world in mind. An immoral place .. devoid in every possible way of God .. where human intellect .. such as it is ..reigns supreme
and we are no longer beholding to those antiquated medieval thoughts like objective
morality .. especially in the areas of sexual license.
So .. they grabbed control of the one institution on the face of earth that was capable of battling the evil and neutered it. If the Catholic Church does not lead the way in battling evil .. then she LOSES her way and so does the world. This is why abortion is not going away .. why homosexual marriage is advancing like a brush fire and so forth. Modernism is a prevailing current in the Church .. for now. Understand it. Face it. Admit it. And then do something about it.
And if you are one of the eldest children of Vatican II .. the 50 year olds .. come to terms with the reality that we were lied to and we were robbed and even to this day our inheritance has still not been returned to us. The Modernists .. the ones who lied to us when we were altar boys and in grade school ..
their offspring who now run things are refusing to give us back what is ours by right .. the authentic Catholic Faith. They want us to be content with false ecumenism and Protestantized Masses and handing money over for “social justice” and bringing in converts who have only been taught SOME of the faith. They pay lip service to the Pope but fight him continually.
They want us to accept a Church in retreat while at the same time they insist that it is not in retreat. And when we don’t .. they smear us with terms like angry .. uncharitable ..mean-spirited. Uh. Wrong. We were the ones lied to and robbed. And we want backwhat has been taken from us.
And just like THEY did when we were children .. if we can’t have what we want .. what
is ACTUALLY ours .. then we are gonna take it .. but our weapons will be truth .. the
ultimate antidote to the poison of sin .. and knowledge. And without the tie-dye shirts and head bands and peace chains. We used to quietly snicker at how stupid they all looked anyway.
GOD Love You.
I’m Michael Voris


Hello everyone and welcome to the Vortex where lies and falsehoods are trapped and
exposed. I’m Michael Voris.
Christmas time is a splendid time .. a time where the center of the life of God .. who He is at His core is abundantly evident.
And who God is .. not WHAT .. but WHO He is .. is Mercy .. the fullness of the
manifestation of the love God has for His sinful creatures.
And all we need to do is simply respond favorably .. really .. that’s all we need to do. God became Man. It’s really unfathomable when you start to dwell on it.
Incomprehensible actually. That the Eternal God would stoop from Heaven .. fly from
Heaven into the womb of a humble virgin so he could have flesh that would be brutalized and die on a cross.
And all so we could experience His forgiveness for having so treated Him. This could
only makes sense in the mind and heart of a God crazy in love with His creatures.
And about that forgiveness thing .. have you ever stopped to consider what ACTUALLY
is going on there. The dead are being raised, literally .. not in the body .. not just YET anyway .. that comes later .. but right now .. years and years of accumulated sins and animosity toward God .. resistance to His loving care .. rejection of His beauty .. decades of that in many
cases .. simply blotted out as the soul rejuvenates .. like Ezekiel’s valley of dry bones being rehydrated and reassembled.
What response could such a person give other than to cast themselves totally and
completely on God .. the source of their life? Seriously?
Such a person .. you or me .. forgiven so much .. and I mean here, the sinner dead for YEARS .. trapped in death dealing sin .. who has been forgiven all .. a sum of debt against God to great to count .. this person has no other ability other than to love God beyond measure.
Afterall .. who loves MORE .. the one forgiven little or the one forgiven MUCH?
We love God in the proportion of he degree of sins which have been forgiven. Here .. the image of St. Paul should be coming to mind .. or Augustine as well as many others. Insights and inspirations are then given to such people because they have flung themselves headlong into the Divine Life .. the source of all inspiration.
It’s like a child who early in life is terrified of the water .. who grows up to be an Olympic Gold Medalist in swimming.
Not only does he conquer his fear .. but he conquers is with such an abandon that he far excels all his peers.
But have you considered this .. the exhilaration of that feeling of being set free .. the EXPERIENCE of the God’s mercy .. is something God Himself will never know. Never having been ensnared by sin .. He cannot know the experience of having been set free from it.
Even the resurrection itself is a freeing from the EFFECT of sin [death] .. but Our
Blessed Lord never knew the experience of being RESTORED to the Father .. never
knew it because He was never separated from the Father because of sin.
God is so abundantly and overflowingly merciful and loving that he has accorded us
humans the grace to experience a supernatural thrill beyond measure .. flowing out from within the very life of the Trinity .. a thrill that He Himself does cannot know and experience as we do.
This is what happens to the hard hearted sinner who has delayed the sacrament of
confession for years on end. He does not care that you have sinned as much as He cares that you return. Being somewhat unapproachable in His Divine Majesty .. he hides it beneath the flesh of a child wrapped in swaddling clothes laying in a feeding trough. This is the story of forgiveness .. the epic of mercy .. written in ever so small lettering on that first lonely Christmas two millennia ago. The gift that Our Lord wants to give this Christmas is the one that He always wants to give .. and you might call it .. the gift that keeps on giving.
GOD Love you .. I’m Michael Voris.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

What Happened to the Angels?

Hello everyone and welcome to the Vortex where lies and falsehoods are trapped and
exposed. I’m Michael Voris.
We’re almost into high gear now for Christmas season .. almost .. and as we look around everywhere .. from malls .. to churches .. and our homes .. we see angels everywhere. It’s kind of their annual time since they are so closely associated with the events of Christmas. But there is something very disturbing going on with the portrayal of them. For the past number of years .. you will notice that they are being portrayed more and more as effeminate wispy little things that look like they just left a hair appointment at the salon as opposed to the mighty warriors that they actually are. Angelic beings are terrifying to behold. We know this certainty from Sacred Scripture. Every single time without fail .. when a being from the celestial realm makes their presence known to a human .. the human practically faints from fright .. fright at just their mere presence.
The angel needs to reassure whoever is beholding him to Fear Not .. or Do Not be Afraid. This is true EVERY single time an angel reveals himself visibly in Sacred Scripture. Why are people terrified when they behold an angel. Because the angels are fearsome soldiers .. warriors who battle the demonic .. which by the way is also terrifying in appearance.
We know that the angelic presence is fearsome to behold and armed for battle not only
form the reaction of the humans who encounter them .. but also from the lips of Our
Blessed Lord Himself. In the garden of Gethsemane .. Our Lord told the Apostles to stand fast in the face of the armed mob which had come to seize Him ..“Thinkest thou that I cannot ask my Father, and he will give me presently more than twelve legions of angels?”
Here the word there ..“LEGIONS”? Angels are ferocious warriors. They are blinding to
sinful men because they are mirrors of the Divine Glory and exist on the boundaries of the Holy Trinity and are ablaze from the Divine fire.
But the uninitiated would NEVER glean this truth from the contemporary portrayal of the angelic beings.
Seriously .. who would be afraid of a being that looked like this? Heck .. you’d be more inclined to ask ‘em on date or what’s their favorite perfume then drop at their feet and tremble in fear.

But HOW and WHY did this emasculation of the angelic realm come about? In short ..
it’s owing to the massive feminization of the Faith that has gone on for decades now .. a deliberate overthrowing of the masculine for the ultimate sake of denying the truth of God.
The Catholic faith .. on a local level .. down in the trenches .. has been turned into a cult of femininity .. where noting offensive can ever be said .. and anything truthful and difficult is labeled as offensive.
We are going to be focusing on this topic a lot in coming weeks .. but we thought a
discussion on how angels have been robbed of their masculinity might be worth
mentioning during this Christmas season.
And before anyone says angels aren’t masculine or feminine .. they are spirits who have no gender .. rest assured .. we are not talking about gender. Correct .. angels are not male or female .. but they are most definitely masculine .. because GOD is masculine. Our Blessed Lord .. the second Person of the Blessed Trinity .. whose appearance among us we are about to celebrate .. descended from the realm of divinity and took on the flesh of a man .. and He taught His followers to pray to the First Person of the Holy Trinity as “Father”.
But this is only the opening point in a much larger discussion we will be having early in the New Year. For the moment .. while reflecting on the angelic beings this
Christmastide .. remember when you hear the reading at Mass of the angel appearing to
the shepherds .. the part that says .. And behold an angel of the Lord stood by them
and the brightness of God shone round about them: and they feared with a great
fear. And the angel said to them: Fear not,”
The shepherds didn’t react that way because they saw a CoverGirl Model .. but because
they saw the power and strength and might of a visitor from the heavenly realm .. armed for battle.
GOD Love you .. I’m Michael Voris.

Divine Mercy Prayers

Today bring to Me the Souls who especially venerate and glorify My Mercy*,

and immerse them in My mercy. These souls sorrowed most over my Passion and entered most deeply into My spirit. They are living images of My Compassionate Heart. These souls will shine with a special brightness in the next life. Not one of them will go into the fire of hell. I shall particularly defend each one of them at the hour of death.

Most Merciful Jesus, whose Heart is Love Itself, receive into the abode of Your Most Compassionate Heart the souls of those who particularly extol and venerate the greatness of Your mercy. These souls are mighty with the very power of God Himself. In the midst of all afflictions and adversities they go forward, confident of Your mercy; and united to You, O Jesus, they carry all mankind on their shoulders. These souls will not be judged severely, but Your mercy will embrace them as they depart from this life.

Eternal Father, turn Your merciful gaze upon the souls who glorify and venerate Your greatest attribute, that of Your fathomless mercy, and who are enclosed in the Most Compassionate Heart of Jesus. These souls are a living Gospel; their hands are full of deeds of mercy, and their hearts, overflowing with joy, sing a canticle of mercy to You, O Most High! I beg You O God:

Show them Your mercy according to the hope and trust they have placed in You. Let there be accomplished in them the promise of Jesus, who said to them that during their life, but especially at the hour of death, the souls who will venerate this fathomless mercy of His, He, Himself, will defend as His glory. Amen.

*The text leads one to conclude that in the first prayer directed to Jesus, Who is the Redeemer, it is "victim" souls and contemplatives that are being prayed for; those persons, that is, that voluntarily offered themselves to God for the salvation of their neighbor (see Col 1:24; 2 Cor 4:12). This explains their close union with the Savior and the extraordinary efficacy that their invisible activity has for others. In the second prayer, directed to the Father from whom comes "every worthwhile gift and every genuine benefit,"we recommend the "active" souls, who promote devotion to The Divine Mercy and exercise with it all the other works that lend themselves to the spiritual and material uplifting of their brethren.

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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Divine Mercy Prayers

Today bring to Me the Meek and Humble Souls and the Souls of Little Children,

and immerse them in My mercy. These souls most closely resemble My Heart. They strengthened Me during My bitter agony. I saw them as earthly Angels, who will keep vigil at My altars. I pour out upon them whole torrents of grace. I favor humble souls with My confidence.

Most Merciful Jesus, You yourself have said, "Learn from Me for I am meek and humble of heart." Receive into the abode of Your Most Compassionate Heart all meek and humble souls and the souls of little children. These souls send all heaven into ecstasy and they are the heavenly Father's favorites. They are a sweet-smelling bouquet before the throne of God; God Himself takes delight in their fragrance. These souls have a permanent abode in Your Most Compassionate Heart, O Jesus, and they unceasingly sing out a hymn of love and mercy.

Eternal Father, turn Your merciful gaze upon meek souls, upon humble souls, and upon little children who are enfolded in the abode which is the Most Compassionate Heart of Jesus. These souls bear the closest resemblance to Your Son. Their fragrance rises from the earth and reaches Your very throne. Father of mercy and of all goodness, I beg You by the love You bear these souls and by the delight You take in them: Bless the whole world, that all souls together may sing out the praises of Your mercy for endless ages. Amen.

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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Divine Mercy Prayers

"Today bring to Me the Souls of those who have separated themselves from My Church*,

and immerse them in the ocean of My mercy. During My bitter Passion they tore at My Body and Heart, that is, My Church. As they return to unity with the Church My wounds heal and in this way they alleviate My Passion."

Most Merciful Jesus, Goodness Itself, You do not refuse light to those who seek it of You. Receive into the abode of Your Most Compassionate Heart the souls of those who have separated themselves from Your Church. Draw them by Your light into the unity of the Church, and do not let them escape from the abode of Your Most Compassionate Heart; but bring it about that they, too, come to glorify the generosity of Your mercy.

Eternal Father, turn Your merciful gaze upon the souls of those who have separated themselves from Your Son's Church, who have squandered Your blessings and misused Your graces by obstinately persisting in their errors. Do not look upon their errors, but upon the love of Your own Son and upon His bitter Passion, which He underwent for their sake, since they, too, are enclosed in His Most Compassionate Heart. Bring it about that they also may glorify Your great mercy for endless ages. Amen.

*Our Lord's original words here were "heretics and schismatics,"

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Monday, December 19, 2011

34, thousand billion watts

34 Thousand Billion Watts
Hello everyone and welcome to the Vortex where lies and falsehoods are trapped and
exposed. I’m Michael Voris.
The famous Shroud of Turin is back in the news .. again. For those who don’t know .. the
shroud is widely held to be the burial shroud of Our Blessed Lord in the tomb.
Without getting into all the detail and history .. suffice it so say that the belief about the
shroud aroused the curiosity of science and the cloth has been subjected to a battery of
tests of every technology known to man to try and determine its authenticity.
But the lingering question .. for which the greatest scientific minds in the world have not
been able to arrive at an answer is this .. how did the image of a crucified man get on the
shroud .. it is the question on questions.
According to Vatican Insider Magazine .. ENEA, the National Agency for New
Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development, has published a
report on five years of experiments conducted on the shroud.
ENEA says .. quote .“Simply put: we tried to understand how the Shroud of
Turin was imprinted by an image so special that it constitutes its charm,
and poses a great and very radical challenge, "to identify the physical and
chemical processes capable of generating a color similar to that of the
image on the Shroud. "
So .. what’s the conclusion of the report. That it would have taken .. get this .. 34
Thousand Billion Watts of VUV radiations to make that image on the shroud.
34 thousand billion watts .. 34 thousand billion!
So .. why don’t scientists just get a similar cloth and blast it with 34 thousand billion
watts of radiation? Because modern science can’t count that high. According to the report
.. quote “This level of power cannot be produced by any VUV light source built to date
(the most powerful available on the market come to several billion watts )”.
So .. here’s a question for all our atheist friends? How does a corpse suddenly blast forth
34 thousand billion watts of VUV radiation in the twinkling of an eye?
We Catholics have an answer. What’s yours?
And just imagine. Personal faith .. Piety and Devotion tells us that the same body that
radiated that energy in a burial cloth in a cave is the same one we will soon celebrate as
being wrapped in a swaddling cloth and placed in a manger in a cave.
34 thousand billion watts. Imagine what heaven will be like!
GOD Love you .. I’m Michael Voris.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Divine Mercy prayers, not just for a Novena, but for every day

"Today bring to Me all Devout and Faithful Souls,

and immerse them in the ocean of My mercy. These souls brought me consolation on the Way of the Cross. They were a drop of consolation in the midst of an ocean of bitterness."

Most Merciful Jesus, from the treasury of Your mercy, You impart Your graces in great abundance to each and all. Receive us into the abode of Your Most Compassionate Heart and never let us escape from It. We beg this grace of You by that most wondrous love for the heavenly Father with which Your Heart burns so fiercely.

Eternal Father, turn Your merciful gaze upon faithful souls, as upon the inheritance of Your Son. For the sake of His sorrowful Passion, grant them Your blessing and surround them with Your constant protection. Thus may they never fail in love or lose the treasure of the holy faith, but rather, with all the hosts of Angels and Saints, may they glorify Your boundless mercy for endless ages. Amen.

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Saturday, December 17, 2011


This article from "The Housetops" by Thomas Augustin, on the subject of belief in the Real Presence and the need for reverence and respect for OUR LORD IN THE BLESSED SACRAMENT.

"As far as I know there was never an apparition of Our Lord asking for less reverence and more familiarity with Him. Did he ever say, "There is no need to genuflect when you come into My presence? When you come into My house, don't mind Me, but greet your neighbor instead; there is no need for silence and prayer. Don't worry about what you have on, let's not be formal. When did He say, "There is no need to0 kneel when you receive Me"? How may sacrileges come from not immediately consuming the Sacred Host?" How many more could be prevented by receiving on the tongue"? Can we picture Our Lord saying, "Now that you have pitched out all those distracting statues from the sanctuary, it's time to put Me out too; off to a side altar-or a little box in the wall will do."
"Some liturgical experts have imagined hat the Traditional Latin Liturgy was offensive to God because the priest turned his back to the people, made too many genuflections, and repetitive signs of the cross. They called for a reform in the Liturgy devoid of 'servile ' worship and undue reference to sacrifice.
"The truth is that Our Lord has put Himself in our care.. He has given us no other signs by which to recognize Him than the Transubstantiation of bread and wine.
It is up to us to demonstrate that we truly believe that God is present. When we genuflect we show adoration. When we kneel, we show that we are less then He. When
we are silent, we show reverence. Formal attire conveys respect. Modest dress shows shows docility to his commandments. By what signs do we give God His just due"?

(Too long have we gotten away from the signs that we respect Him, that we adore Him,
that we believe he is present, Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity. These were the teachings of years ago by our leaders, It is not so today, as the Mass has turned in to an action that we do out of repetition, that we feel good about doing when we feel like it. How many of you would go for weeks without taking a shower, or washing your hands and face to get the minute by minute dirt we acquire in our actions, and yet a year can go by, without cleansing the sins off our souls. Is it because we do not see the filth, and dirt collected on our souls. Do we feel that because we did not steal, killed, injured someone, that we have not sinned in our minds?
Wake up Catholics, you have been taught and lead wrongly. Those that know better have felt that because everyone else doesn't go to confession regularly, that you do not need to do it either. When we stand to be judged, will it be with thousands of others, or by ourselves? This is not a condemnation article that had been written, but an awakening article that you should take to heart. I am fortunate in that I go to mass where the truth is exposed, and the road to heaven is shown.
When we pass away from this present life, there is nothing we can do to change what has happened to make right the wrongs we have done.
Those of you that read these posts, please listen to these learned people, that only wish to lead you to the Narrow road that leads to Heaven, not the wide road, which many take that is easy, and leads to the fires of Hell.
Dominus Vobiscum )

Divine Mercy Prayers

"Today bring to Me the Souls who have become Lukewarm,

and immerse them in the abyss of My mercy. These souls wound My Heart most painfully. My soul suffered the most dreadful loathing in the Garden of Olives because of lukewarm souls. They were the reason I cried out: 'Father, take this cup away from Me, if it be Your will.' For them, the last hope of salvation is to run to My mercy."

Most compassionate Jesus, You are Compassion Itself. I bring lukewarm souls into the abode of Your Most Compassionate Heart. In this fire of Your pure love, let these tepid souls who, like corpses, filled You with such deep loathing, be once again set aflame. O Most Compassionate Jesus, exercise the omnipotence of Your mercy and draw them into the very ardor of Your love, and bestow upon them the gift of holy love, for nothing is beyond Your power.

Eternal Father, turn Your merciful gaze upon lukewarm souls who are nonetheless enfolded in the Most Compassionate Heart of Jesus. Father of Mercy, I beg You by the bitter Passion of Your Son and by His three-hour agony on the Cross: Let them, too, glorify the abyss of Your mercy. Amen.

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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Divine Mercy Prayers

Today bring to Me the Souls who especially venerate and glorify My Mercy*,

and immerse them in My mercy. These souls sorrowed most over my Passion and entered most deeply into My spirit. They are living images of My Compassionate Heart. These souls will shine with a special brightness in the next life. Not one of them will go into the fire of hell. I shall particularly defend each one of them at the hour of death.

Most Merciful Jesus, whose Heart is Love Itself, receive into the abode of Your Most Compassionate Heart the souls of those who particularly extol and venerate the greatness of Your mercy. These souls are mighty with the very power of God Himself. In the midst of all afflictions and adversities they go forward, confident of Your mercy; and united to You, O Jesus, they carry all mankind on their shoulders. These souls will not be judged severely, but Your mercy will embrace them as they depart from this life.

Eternal Father, turn Your merciful gaze upon the souls who glorify and venerate Your greatest attribute, that of Your fathomless mercy, and who are enclosed in the Most Compassionate Heart of Jesus. These souls are a living Gospel; their hands are full of deeds of mercy, and their hearts, overflowing with joy, sing a canticle of mercy to You, O Most High! I beg You O God:

Show them Your mercy according to the hope and trust they have placed in You. Let there be accomplished in them the promise of Jesus, who said to them that during their life, but especially at the hour of death, the souls who will venerate this fathomless mercy of His, He, Himself, will defend as His glory. Amen.

*The text leads one to conclude that in the first prayer directed to Jesus, Who is the Redeemer, it is "victim" souls and contemplatives that are being prayed for; those persons, that is, that voluntarily offered themselves to God for the salvation of their neighbor (see Col 1:24; 2 Cor 4:12). This explains their close union with the Savior and the extraordinary efficacy that their invisible activity has for others. In the second prayer, directed to the Father from whom comes "every worthwhile gift and every genuine benefit,"we recommend the "active" souls, who promote devotion to The Divine Mercy and exercise with it all the other works that lend themselves to the spiritual and material uplifting of their brethren.

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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

"Joan of Arc, was a Lesbian?"

Homosexual Hate Speech
Hello everyone and welcome to the Vortex where lies and falsehoods are trapped and
exposed. I’m Michael Voris.
Every now and then .. we come across some of the stupidest claims you can imagine.
And they would be totally laughable and dismissible if it weren’t for the fact that they gain traction because “scholars” and “experts” bandy them about and write books and articles pushing them in highly visible media outlets.
One such occasion is a recent posting .. actually a series of posting and articles on the intellectually-challenged website .. the Huffington Post .. nick named Huff Po among its legions of devoted liberal non-thinkers.
A recent series of articles has been published claiming that various saints of the Catholic Church were/are QUEER.
The first of the articles is called Joan of Arc and nine other Queer saints. The point of the series is .. according to the article .. “.. a way to celebrate and honor those who did not live "straight" lives and to discover role models and trail blazers who may have been obscured, forgotten, or stripped of their queerness.”
Are you flipping kidding me?! Seriously. As absolutely dumb as this sounds .. it has a world of sound scholarship behind .. according to the radically feminine homosexual
activist movement .. who, of course, have a dog in this fight .. likely a chihuahua.
The article goes on to quote the work of Susan Stryker and Stephen Whittle who have
published their propaganda . er .I mean “findings” in a work entitled The Transgender
Studies Reader. And here’s a shock .. Susan Stryker is a lesbian and Stephen Little is actually a woman who underwent surgery to change his outward sexual appearance to that of a man .. also mistakenly referred to as being transgendered – mistaken because there is no such thing ..but hey .. we digress.
So these two put together a publication and quote other people who agree with them ..
and their “findings” spread because the lesbian Stryker carries with her the cache of
having been a post doctoral Fellow at Stanford University.
So after that set up .. what’s their reasoning that Joan of Arc was an out and proud
lesbian? Hold on now .. WAIT FOR IT .. WAIT FOR IT …. because she wore men’s clothes and was burned at the stake for refusing to put on women’s clothes.
Yep that’s their claim. A young teenage maiden who led French forces into the fog of
war on horseback at the prompting of Divine voices and saved France was burned at the
stake for being a “queer” [their word, not ours] lesbian transvestite.
Is there no end to what hate-filled spittle-producing homosexuals will say to slam the
Catholic Church. Not to mention .. is there no end to the absolutely ridiculously stupid
comments they will make to support their desire to be seen as normal for wanting to have
sex with each other.
Heads up Gay Nation. It ain’t normal. Never was. Never will be. And stop trying to coopt
Catholicism into your hellish agenda. PLEASE. Joan of Arc was a lesbian because
she wore men’s clothes?
She wore men’s battle gear because she was in battle. She was in battle because she
heard Divine voices that told her to go into battle. What do you think a 19 year old girl
SHOULD wear on horseback as she’s wielding a sword on a battlefield .. GUCCI?
The clothing became an issue because it was attached to the issue of her in battle and the
issue of her being in battle became an issue because it went to the issue of her claiming to
hear voices that she said were Divine .. for which she was burned at the stake for heresy.
In order to enlighten these vociferous spite-filled homosexuals bent on saying anyone
famous in history was gay so it makes them LOOK normal .. we say .. look at the final
transcripts of her trial .. her judgment and her execution that we have provided over here.
Allow me to quote one line .. one very pertinent line from the transcript itself as she is
being tied to the stake ..
your errors have been destroyed in a public preaching, We declare that you must be
abandoned and that We do abandon thee to the secular authority, as a member of Satan,
separate from the Church, infected with the leprosy of heresy, in order that you may not
corrupt also the other members of Christ;”.
That is not a statement executing her for her deplorable taste in fashion .. but for her
HERESY in claiming to hear voices.
But this is standard fare for the homosexual movement .. make their twisted and perverse
understanding of sexual morality seem normal by making up stuff about historical figures
or combing thru the pages of history books looking for ANYTHING that even remotely
could be twisted into “PROOF” that Leonardo da Vinci or Joan of Arc was gay.
And the overall point they completely miss is this .. even if .. and they weren’t .. but even
if these historical figures WERE attracted to the same sex .. that doesn’t mean they were
having sexual relations with them .. or thought it was good and holy.
IF they are in heaven .. and in the case of St. Joan of Arc .. she is .. it isn’t BECAUSE she was a transvestite or lesbian or whatever .. but IN SPITE of it. One would think that there probably are citizens of the Heavenly Kingdom who while on earth had to overcome same-sex attraction .. but they are in Heaven PRECISELY because they DID overcome it .. not because the celebrated it and marched in parades and performed lewd acts in public and tossed condoms off floats .. or in the case of Joan of Arc .. refused to give up her Wranglers and cowboy boots.
Stop defaming our saints in your cause to make evil good and what is good evil.
St. Joan of Arc .. pray for us.
God love you,
I'm Michael Voris

Coming to America?

Mentally Ill
Hello everyone and welcome to the Vortex where lies and falsehoods are trapped and
exposed. I’m Michael Voris.
So now comes the almost ridiculous situation of a government declaring that a person
who opposes homosexuality is deemed mentally ill.
Yea. You heard right. MENTALLY ILL. The legislation which is very near to passing in
Brazil .. outlaws so-called homophobia .. a term made up out of thin air by the
homosexualist movement to label anyone who objects to men having sex with men or
women with women as being mentally ill .. sick in the head .. in need of treatment.
Stop for a minute and think about this. The most populous Catholic country on earth
stands on the verge of passing a law declaring someone who holds a fundamental
Catholic belief to be mentally ill.
Don’t’ think for a minute if this does in fact become a law .. that it will stop there. The
world-wide .. well-networked homosexual movement will now have a springboard to
begin such moronic talk in other countries and agitate and propagate to get similar laws
passed in other nations.
In the United States for example .. the ground has already been tilled by the non-stop use
of the term “homophobia” by cultural elites and the media.
The notion that such a “disease” or “condition” exists has already been well-established
and accepted by the common man. So .. heck .. why not pass a law supporting?!
Inside the Catholic Church itself .. there are already reams of literature in regular parishes
and religious houses decrying so-called homophobia. Loads and loads of parishes have
LGBT “ministries” which are little else than gay pick up joints with a cross on the wall.
So even within some Church structures themselves .. a kind of preparation has been
ongoing to pave the way for this spiritual suicide.
You more you look at the reality on the ground .. the more you realize we are hurtling
toward some ugly ending here folks in terms of the culture and the Church.
But hey .. Crisis .. what Crisis .. I don’t see any Crisis .. what’s all the talk about a crisis?!
GOD Love you .. I’m Michael Voris.

I guess you can count "Itchy Watch" as being the fore-runner, as he has called me a Homophobic for years. So now governments want to control the thinking of people? Where does it end? Good luck to you real Catholics, we will follow this story, and I will post any information I acquire.

Divine Mercy Prayers

Today bring to Me the Meek and Humble Souls and the Souls of Little Children,

and immerse them in My mercy. These souls most closely resemble My Heart. They strengthened Me during My bitter agony. I saw them as earthly Angels, who will keep vigil at My altars. I pour out upon them whole torrents of grace. I favor humble souls with My confidence.

Most Merciful Jesus, You yourself have said, "Learn from Me for I am meek and humble of heart." Receive into the abode of Your Most Compassionate Heart all meek and humble souls and the souls of little children. These souls send all heaven into ecstasy and they are the heavenly Father's favorites. They are a sweet-smelling bouquet before the throne of God; God Himself takes delight in their fragrance. These souls have a permanent abode in Your Most Compassionate Heart, O Jesus, and they unceasingly sing out a hymn of love and mercy.

Eternal Father, turn Your merciful gaze upon meek souls, upon humble souls, and upon little children who are enfolded in the abode which is the Most Compassionate Heart of Jesus. These souls bear the closest resemblance to Your Son. Their fragrance rises from the earth and reaches Your very throne. Father of mercy and of all goodness, I beg You by the love You bear these souls and by the delight You take in them: Bless the whole world, that all souls together may sing out the praises of Your mercy for endless ages. Amen.

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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The sign of the Cross

The Sign of The Cross

Hello everyone and welcome to the Vortex where lies and falsehoods are trapped and
exposed. I’m Michael Voris.
It’s both amazing and wonderful how we humans can pack so much meaning into such
simple signs and symbols.
And for Catholics .. the symbolism is so rich .. it’s almost dizzying .. and yet so simple
that most of the time we simply overlook the depth of our signs.
For example .. take the sign of the cross. We even CALL it a s-i-g-n because we know it
points to a reality that the sign .. the symbol cannot contain in itself.
This simple gesture encapsulates ALL of salvation history. And yet we Catholics do this
with rarely giving a thought to the almost indescribable truth and reality behind it.
Consider this for a moment. When we both trace the sign of the sign of the cross on our
bodies and call on the Blessed Trinity .. we physically .. with body and speech sum up the
essential Eternal Truth .. that Almighty God is a relationship between three Divine
Persons .. Father Son and Spirit.
At the heart of God is a community and that we are called into HIS internal life .. his
internal Eternal life through the action of the Second Person on the cross.
When Our Blessed Lord says .. No one comes to the Father except through me .. He
ALSO means no one comes to Him except through the cross. Matthew’s gospel records
this explicit truth of Jesus ..“take up your cross and follow Me.”
Follow Him where? Well .. to Calvary and death certainly .. but after that .. INTO the
relationship of love .. of total self-giving and total outpouring that IS God. When John
tells us that God IS Love .. he is speaking of this relationship between Father Son and Spirit.
And it is from this relationship .. this Divine nuclear power plant .. that the Second
Person descends to us .. clothes Himself in our flesh .. our nature .. our humanity and then
return to the Father and Spirit with Humanity in tow. From all Eternity .. Father Son and Spirit always knew that this would be the case .. that
in the fullness of time God would descend into His creation .. associate Himself so
closely with the material world .. mingle the Divine with the created SO intimately .. to
such an overwhelming degree that there could never be a GREATER means of manifesting His love.
This is why the Eucharist .. the Blessed Sacrament .. is necessary. Yes NECESSARY.
Without it .. God’s physical love for his creatures would have been circumscribed ..
limited in time to the hills and dusty trails of Palestine 2000 years ago. The people of
that time and place had access to His Divine Presence manifest in His human body, and so do we.
It would have been unfair .. unjust for the infinitely loving God to withhold the fullness
of Himself AFTER his self-revelation from everyone who happened to be born AFTER
He walked the earth.
This is why in the sacrifice of the Mass .. we Catholics call this THE MYSTERY OF
FAITH .. and why AT mass we gin and end with the symbol .. the sign of the cross.
We know that there is a mysterious and deep relationship between the cross and the
Eucharist and the Holy Trinity. It is Christ’s body in the Eucharist and Christ’s body that
was on the cross .. wonderfully and inextricably intertwined with His Divinity which
brings in the Father and the Son in one Time-shattering saving and redemptive action ..
desired by the Holy Trinity from all Eternity.
And to think .. we Catholics not only get to be the recipients and participators in this act ..
but we wrap it all up in a sign so simple that it is accessible to a mere child.
Truly .. with no doubt in our minds .. to BE Catholic is to be signed .. in the name of the
Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Never let ANYONE .. EVER take anything .. not one iota of the faith from you .. either
through their lack of preaching and teaching or more frontal attacks and assaults.
GOD Love you .. I’m Michael Voris.

Divine Mercy Prayers

"Today bring to Me the Souls of those who have separated themselves from My Church*,

and immerse them in the ocean of My mercy. During My bitter Passion they tore at My Body and Heart, that is, My Church. As they return to unity with the Church My wounds heal and in this way they alleviate My Passion."

Most Merciful Jesus, Goodness Itself, You do not refuse light to those who seek it of You. Receive into the abode of Your Most Compassionate Heart the souls of those who have separated themselves from Your Church. Draw them by Your light into the unity of the Church, and do not let them escape from the abode of Your Most Compassionate Heart; but bring it about that they, too, come to glorify the generosity of Your mercy.

Eternal Father, turn Your merciful gaze upon the souls of those who have separated themselves from Your Son's Church, who have squandered Your blessings and misused Your graces by obstinately persisting in their errors. Do not look upon their errors, but upon the love of Your own Son and upon His bitter Passion, which He underwent for their sake, since they, too, are enclosed in His Most Compassionate Heart. Bring it about that they also may glorify Your great mercy for endless ages. Amen.

*Our Lord's original words here were "heretics and schismatics,"

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Monday, December 12, 2011

Do you read the "Catholic Family News?"

My stomach fell when I read of what goes on during the Assissi III convention, when all types of religions come together, with our Pope sitting there, while Strange gods are invoked inside catholic Basilica of St. Mary of the Angels Rome.
All of these leaders from false religions on equal footing with our Pope. There were Islamics, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, sikhism, Baha'ism, Confucianism, Jainism, Zoroastrianism, Shintoism, Mandeism, and many traditional religions such as those found in Africa. The commingling of "christian representation runs counter to the true doctrine of the Catholic Church, as the one and only Church of Christ. It also defies the words of Pope Pius XI, who warned in his 1928 encyclical "Mortalium Animos" against Ecumenism that such pan-Christian activity "gives countenance to a false Christianity, quite alien to the one Church of Christ". This conference was started by John Paul II, and for any leader of the Catholic Church to sit there and listen to anyone invoke their false gods like those of The Hindu Acharya Shri Shrivatsa Goswami uttering pantheistic
prayers in a Catholic Basilica with the leader of our Catholic Church sitting there, means that the whole Catholic Church is in agreement with what is being said. Whatever JPII thought he was doing, is against our Catholic Doctrines, and should be ended immediately. I do not care what the intent was, political or otherwise it is wrong, and according to the article in the Catholic Family News, it should not be accepted. A great many of those of the religions represented at this conference, have not spoken out one bit of the killings going on in their countries, particularly those of the Islamic faith.
This is why it is up to us, to try to retain the original Catholic doctrines, as taught for over 2000 years. Now you can see why the Apostasy has taken hold of our Church, and the acceptance of Homosexuals is becoming widespread throughout our country and religion.
God have mercy, and save us!
Dominus Vobiscum

Divine Mercy Prayers

"Today bring to Me those who do not believe in God and those who do not know Me,

I was thinking also of them during My bitter Passion, and their future zeal comforted My Heart. Immerse them in the ocean of My mercy."

Most compassionate Jesus, You are the Light of the whole world. Receive into the abode of Your Most Compassionate Heart the souls of those who do not believe in God and of those who as yet do not know You. Let the rays of Your grace enlighten them that they, too, together with us, may extol Your wonderful mercy; and do not let them escape from the abode which is Your Most Compassionate Heart.

Eternal Father, turn Your merciful gaze upon the souls of those who do not believe in You, and of those who as yet do not know You, but who are enclosed in the Most Compassionate Heart of Jesus. Draw them to the light of the Gospel. These souls do not know what great happiness it is to love You. Grant that they, too, may extol the generosity of Your mercy for endless ages. Amen.

*Our Lord's original words here were "the pagans."

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Sunday, December 11, 2011

Assisi III Conference (catholic shame)

Do you read the "Catholic Family News?"
My stomach fell when I read of what goes on during the Assissi III convention, when all types of religions come together, with our Pope sitting there, while Strange gods are invoked inside catholic Basilica of St. Mary of the Angels Rome.
All of these leaders from false religions on equal footing with our Pope. There were Islamics, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, sikhism, Baha'ism, Confucianism, Jainism, Zoroastrianism, Shintoism, Mandeism, and many traditional religions such as those found in Africa. The commingling of "christian representation runs counter to the true doctrine of the Catholic Church, as the one and only Church of Christ. It also defies the words of Pope Pius XI, who warned in his 1928 encyclical "Mortalium Animos" against Ecumenism that such pan-Christian activity "gives countenance to a false Christianity, quite alien to the one Church of Christ". This conference was started by John Paul II, and for any leader of the Catholic Church to sit there and listen to anyone invoke their false gods like those of The Hindu Acharya Shri Shrivatsa Goswami uttering pantheistic
prayers in a Catholic Basilica with the leader of our Catholic Church sitting there, means that the whole Catholic Church is in agreement with what is being said. Whatever JPII thought he was doing, is against our Catholic Doctrines, and should be ended immediately. I do not care what the intent was, political or otherwise it is wrong, and according to the article in the Catholic Family News, it should not be accepted. A great many of those of the religions represented at this conference, have not spoken out one bit of the killings going on in their countries, particularly those of the Islamic faith.
This is why it is up to us, to try to retain the original Catholic doctrines, as taught for over 2000 years. Now you can see why the Apostasy has taken hold of our Church, and the acceptance of Homosexuals is becoming widespread throughout our country and religion.
God have mercy, and save us!
Dominus Vobiscum

Friday, December 9, 2011

Divine Mercy Prayers

"Today bring to Me the Souls who are in the prison of Purgatory,

and immerse them in the abyss of My mercy. Let the torrents of My Blood cool down their scorching flames. All these souls are greatly loved by Me. They are making retribution to My justice. It is in your power to bring them relief. Draw all the indulgences from the treasury of My Church and offer them on their behalf. Oh, if you only knew the torments they suffer, you would continually offer for them the alms of the spirit and pay off their debt to My justice."

Most Merciful Jesus, You Yourself have said that You desire mercy; so I bring into the abode of Your Most Compassionate Heart the souls in Purgatory, souls who are very dear to You, and yet, who must make retribution to Your justice. May the streams of Blood and Water which gushed forth from Your Heart put out the flames of Purgatory, that there, too, the power of Your mercy may be celebrated.

Eternal Father, turn Your merciful gaze upon the souls suffering in Purgatory, who are enfolded in the Most Compassionate Heart of Jesus. I beg You, by the sorrowful Passion of Jesus Your Son, and by all the bitterness with which His most sacred Soul was flooded: Manifest Your mercy to the souls who are under Your just scrutiny. Look upon them in no other way but only through the Wounds of Jesus, Your dearly beloved Son; for we firmly believe that there is no limit to Your goodness and compassion. Amen.

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Thursday, December 8, 2011

"Its a War"

It’s A War
Hello everyone and welcome to the Vortex where lies and falsehoods are trapped and
exposed. I’m Michael Voris.
"It is a war, a culture of secularization which is quite strong in our nation and the
Christian culture which has marked the life of the United States strongly during the first
200 years of its history."
Sound familiar? Like so many Vortex episodes before? Well .. not so fast my friends.
Those aren’t OUR words, although they sound like they could be.
They fell from the lips of Cardinal Raymond Burke at the Vatican.
He also said in a recent interview .. that it is .. quote - "critical at this time that Christians
stand up for the natural moral law. If Christians do not stand strong, give a strong witness
and insist on what is right and good for us both as and individuals and society this
secularization will in fact predominate and it will destroy us."
And the cardinal also thinks persecution may be looming for the U.S. Church.
"Yes, I think we’re well on the way to it." When asked if he could see Catholics in
America being arrested for their preaching .. he simply stated .. "I can see it happening,
Is anyone listening? Persecution. Destruction. War. This isn’t us talking like this. It’s
one of the most holy, respected and beloved Princes of the Church .. not to mention a
very smart one.
There is a crisis of truth in the world precisely and exactly because there is a crisis of
truth in the body of the Church. Not the Mystical Body of Christ aspect of the Church.
That aspect in pure and untouchable.
But in the members .. there is great confusion in proper understanding of the truth .. and
yes .. this absolutely includes clergy and religious including bishops.
The faithful are in a state of disarray because many members of the hierarchy have
themselves fallen into various traps of modernism .. just as St. Pope Pius X warned about
at the beginning of the past century.
Some of the bishops simply do not have the will to battle the legions of priests who are in
rebellion. They lack the will to battle the lay staff they have in their employ in their
The war against secularism in the culture that is threatening to destroy us cannot be
effectively fought until the war against secularism in the Church is won. There is simply
too much pandering and catering to philosophies .. ideologies .. theologies that pass
themselves off as Catholic.
And there is too much bowing to the altar of a misunderstood version of prudence. Those
in charge .. who have the authority to right the ship .. are too tentative to step up and do
what needs to be done.
They are hesitant because they give too great a consideration to trying to appease and
mollify practically anyone and they are allowing a mold to set in that will eventually
bring the whole structure down.
How can Catholics stand up for moral law, when they don’t even know what it is .. and
they don’t know what it is because those IN CHARGE of telling them what it is are
hesitant or afraid or tentative or nervous about saying what it is because others will be
This is no way to run a religion. Heck, it’s not even a way to run a candy store. It is even
less of a way to evangelize a world sorely in need of the truth.
Yes. If Catholics in America are soon one day arrested for preaching the truths of their
faith .. it will have come to such a pass because those in charge were too cowardly to say
what needed to be said when it SHOULD HAVE been said.
Cardinal Burke is not the only one who can envision the arrests of Catholics. When that
day comes .. stand fast Catholics. Pray for the grace to remain solid and not become an
And pray for the bishops of the United States.
GOD Love you .. I’m Michael Voris.

Divine Mercy Prayers

Today bring to Me the Souls who especially venerate and glorify My Mercy*,

and immerse them in My mercy. These souls sorrowed most over my Passion and entered most deeply into My spirit. They are living images of My Compassionate Heart. These souls will shine with a special brightness in the next life. Not one of them will go into the fire of hell. I shall particularly defend each one of them at the hour of death.

Most Merciful Jesus, whose Heart is Love Itself, receive into the abode of Your Most Compassionate Heart the souls of those who particularly extol and venerate the greatness of Your mercy. These souls are mighty with the very power of God Himself. In the midst of all afflictions and adversities they go forward, confident of Your mercy; and united to You, O Jesus, they carry all mankind on their shoulders. These souls will not be judged severely, but Your mercy will embrace them as they depart from this life.

Eternal Father, turn Your merciful gaze upon the souls who glorify and venerate Your greatest attribute, that of Your fathomless mercy, and who are enclosed in the Most Compassionate Heart of Jesus. These souls are a living Gospel; their hands are full of deeds of mercy, and their hearts, overflowing with joy, sing a canticle of mercy to You, O Most High! I beg You O God:

Show them Your mercy according to the hope and trust they have placed in You. Let there be accomplished in them the promise of Jesus, who said to them that during their life, but especially at the hour of death, the souls who will venerate this fathomless mercy of His, He, Himself, will defend as His glory. Amen.

*The text leads one to conclude that in the first prayer directed to Jesus, Who is the Redeemer, it is "victim" souls and contemplatives that are being prayed for; those persons, that is, that voluntarily offered themselves to God for the salvation of their neighbor (see Col 1:24; 2 Cor 4:12). This explains their close union with the Savior and the extraordinary efficacy that their invisible activity has for others. In the second prayer, directed to the Father from whom comes "every worthwhile gift and every genuine benefit,"we recommend the "active" souls, who promote devotion to The Divine Mercy and exercise with it all the other works that lend themselves to the spiritual and material uplifting of their brethren.

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